
3rd Person

Dixie had only begun her final year of college when the time flew by, and she was already taking mid-term exams. Day in and day out, she studied effortlessly and tirelessly. Classes were stopped to give students enough time to study for their midterms and scholarship interviews, both of which were approaching quickly. Noah limited his time with Dixie to allow her to focus only on her tests, but that didn't stop her from daydreaming about how much fun they'd have afterwards.

Wasn't it supposed to be forbidden love? and establishing limits? All of this was ignored.

During his "vacation", Noah worked at his apartment. That's all he did, and he fucked Dixie on occasion. His parents wanted to see him, but he was preoccupied with ignoring his scumbag brother. Amy phoned Noah every day, but he always declined her visits. He loved his parents but sometimes, space was the best thing for him.

Despite his best efforts to leave Dixie alone and give her space to study, he continued to call her every day and every night.

"How do I use this FaceTime thing?" Noah wondered as he fiddled with his phone. He isn't the most technologically aware individual.

"How are you a teacher but can't learn simple stuff like working an iPhone?" she laughed.

"I'm not a tech guy, yet you let me buy a phone for $2,000? It was fine with me if I didn't call or text anyone."

"So, sir, are you seeing my face?" she asked rhetorically.

He gushed, "Yes, a gorgeous face."

"Then you're using FaceTime. I'm going to study anyway."

He observed, "I see you're drinking coffee, again."

"I'm on my third cup of coffee, I have this enormous exam tomorrow, and the guy is such a prick," she dramatically said.

He smiled proudly and continued, "I'm sure he's the best guy ever, I mean, he teaches psychology."

"Maybe," she joked. "My English teacher is also nice. He-."

Noah rolled his eyes and remarked, "I don't want to hear about your English teacher."

"Someone seems to be to hurt, but were you the one who set the exam paper?"

"I'm not hurt, and yes, I did."

"That means it's hard. Give me a hint or something, so I don't fail," she pleaded.

"Remember what I told you; I see you're reading your textbook, but you don't need it."

"Just because we're fucking doesn't imply your intelligence is passed on to me," she declared emphatically.

"It doesn't matter if we're fucking or not; just study, get some rest, and pass the exam," he said.

"Fine," she said, and returned to her rummaging her books.

"Are you looking forward to our trip?"

She mocked, "I don't recall agreeing to go, sir." She was aware that he was tense and desirous of her, so she played along.

"Sir". He adored it when she addressed him as such. It boosted his ego as well as being soothing to his ears, especially when she was pleading with him to cum or get penetrated and used.

"How unfortunate, Ms. D'Amelio; who said you had a choice?"

He was confident and possessive, which she admired. Rather than being insecure or toxic, he's confident and possessive. He knew exactly what he wanted, and hell would break out before someone or something took it away from him. He organized a large trip for them to Italy, the city of possibilities. He just hoped the screams could be heard from miles away. She was going to have the best nights of her life.

Dixie began whining, which triggered Noah's attention because he understands what she's saying.

"No, you have to study," he urged.

"But Noa—I mean, sir, please let me touch myself," she begged.

He made it clear to her that all of her orgasms belonged to him. He wanted to let her go ahead and then stop her from cumming, but the last thing he needed was a grumpy brat in the middle of an exam.

He didn't have to say it twice: "Touch yourself."

She was having or about to have phone sex. Phone sex wasn't one of her wild activities, nor was it something she was interested in, but being with Noah opened up that side of potential.

Slowly massaging her clitoris, she brought her hand down to her genitalia. She moaned and whined with each circle, which was music to Noah's ears. His shaft began to rise, but this night was all about delivering her the release she craved.

With the passage of time, she quickened her speed, rubbing her hands together and converting those subtle moans into loud screams, and before she knew it, she was free.

Masturbation may be considered as an uncomfortable topic or a dirty deed by some, but for Dixie, a girl who enjoyed being a submissive, it was the least embarrassing thing she could do. She believed it was a healthy habit, but she preferred to have sex.

Is there anything better than being hit, used, and hurt by a dominant?

Noah hung up the phone, giving her time to clean up and resume her studies. They talked on the phone for hours, fondly reminiscing. The bond and affection between them became stronger, but none of them wanted to admit it.

Dixie went to bed feeling relieved and confident that she would pass her exam the following day.


Midterm week had come and gone like a flash, and it was set to conclude even faster. Dixie appeared to be having little trouble studying for her exams, but she'd never be too sure or count her eggs before they hatched. Dixie was eating and sleeping normally, and her interactions with others were unaffected. She hadn't seen Dr. Beck in a week and hoped to see him again soon. After all, they're about to embark on a trip to the middle of nowhere.

She couldn't decide whether she should be grateful that he thought of her in that way or scared of what he had planned. He was extremely unpredictable, and she had no idea what he was up to. All of this increased her "feelings" for him, but she had to remind herself of what he kept saying, "it's just sex," even if she wanted more from him.

They'd already violated and crossed most limits, so there's no point in stopping now, because they're poisonous to each other. One night turned into so much more than they had anticipated, and Noah was to blame. He could've easily cut it off or told her to stop as the dominant, but he didn't want to, and he couldn't. His overachieving student had a mysteriously amazing quality to him.

Dixie desired to be touched; she wanted for him to demonstrate the full depth of her sadomasochistic cravings. She desired to be bound, have her airways restricted, or maybe be caned. It was extreme, and it was not for the faint of heart or mind.

She had gotten up early that morning to review her psych notes. Dixie researched human deviancy and its relationship to the BDSM and the psychiatry, as well as the hundreds of crucial terms Dr. Beck presented in class. She was prepared for the exam as well as the man.

She thought to herself, "Oh you whore shut up."

She went about her morning ritual and was soon strolling through the school gates with the most self-assurance she'd ever experienced. She looked everywhere for Kate and Larray but couldn't find them. Kate was acting strangely towards Dixie, which Dixie observed. She would bombard Dixie with questions or attempt to insinuate things about her personal life, but Dixie wasn't the unpleasant or aggressive kind, so she ignored it. Kate, on the other hand, had a point to make, which she didn't realize.

She received a text from who would turn out to be Dr. Beck as she made her way to the exam room.

Noah: Let me take you to dinner after your exam?

Dixie: uh okay?

He was the most odd and impulsive guy she'd ever encountered, but consenting to this meant she'd have to get dressed and put on makeup, something she didn't have time to do. She didn't have time to be concerned about it just now.

Dixie walked into her exam room and noticed Kate and Larray in the front row.

"You may begin," the invigilator said, and Dixie immediately began penning her heart out.

She had a lot of fun with the free response section and went over the multiple choice section very carefully. It was also noticed that the majority of the questions were BDSM-related, making a perfect score more likely for her.

The exam lasted 2 hours and 10 minutes, and Dixie was through by the 2 hour mark.

Today was her last exam, and it was possible that she did the best on it. She pondered if she put in so much effort because she was trying to seduce the teacher or if she was genuinely brilliant, but that was a topic for another day.

"Pens and pencils down; the exam is over."

A sense of fulfillment rushed over her. She'd finally be on vacation, and she'd be able to spend more time with her professor. She was supposed to spend the two-week vacation with her family, but she had other ideas. Lying to her family was the thing she dreaded the most, but it was only one lie, and they'd forget about it in no time.

Dixie exited the exam room and stood outside the door, waiting for Kate and Larray. They walked to the café down the corner for lunch and conversation because it was still early, and Dixie needed to go clothes shopping for the date.

Larray was the most inquisitive person she'd ever met, and he wanted to know everything about everything.

"So, who are y'all dating?" Larray asked. Everyone's gaze was drawn to her.

It's not that she isn't dating someone; it's just not labeled and she prefers to keep it that way. Dixie wasn't convinced Noah even liked her that much. To her, he's just in it for the sex and free orgasms.

"Guys, I'm not dating anyone right now, so why all the stares?"

"Tell that to your next hickeys," she continues, "or to the after-sex glow you get before psych classes."

If only those marks were from hickeys and him choking her.

What the hell is going on here? She was aware that the markings were obvious, but what about the after-sex glow? And why did Kate express it the way she did? Was she trying to provoke the bear or did she know something?

The topic shifted because it was becoming strange and unpleasant.

What does Kate know? or think she knows? Dixie questioned herself, obviously in her head, but Kate had been acting strangely, and why did she feel the need to bring out that it was before her psych classes? Dixie was angry , but she knew how to hide her feelings.

The day went on, and time passed. Kate and her assumptions were the least of Dixie's problem.

Dixie's thoughts couldn't stop wandering to this "date." This date would either make or ruin whatever relationship they were forming, and they both hoped it would make their relationship stronger. She was possibly thinking on it too hard, but no matter how sturdy she was, she's still a woman. Still filled with feelings. Still overanalyzes everything.

No matter how hard Noah tried, he couldn't get her out of his brain. He would regularly work out or even try to fuck other women, but just thinking about Dixie made him forget about everything.

Dixie, on the other hand, was developing some strong feelings for him, but her morals, or what was left of it, would prevent her from acting on them. She had always had high self-morals, and she prayed that some of them remained intact even though she was banging her teacher.

But here the both of them are going to dinner this evening. So much for turning things off before they get out of hand.