
3rd Person

She was exhausted and aggravated, and some might even say frustrated. He denied her an orgasm and punished her for all of the antics today. Dixie loved being a submissive, but it did cause her physical discomfort at times. She was desperate for her release and would go to any length to get it. Her current predicament may be described as desperation at its finest. Noah was irritated, but not with Dixie. Alissa McLean, the woman who had devastated his life, was there.

Earlier that day....

Dixie loved shopping, and Noah loved spoiling her, so this was a win-win situation for both of them. She strode through the streets of Italy with the largest grin on her face. She was overflowing with gratitude. He offered her all the happiness and fulfillment she'd been seeking for a lifetime in the brief months she knew him. But while that was all good, it added to the feelings for him she shouldn't have in the first place.

Dixie had no idea Noah or Bryce owned any of the shops as they walked from one to the other. They made pit stops at apparel stores, flower shops, shoe stores, jewelers, and even sandwich eateries. For her, Italy was a dream come true. When they walked into "Belle's Boutique," everything drew Dixie's attention. From sensually tailored gowns to business casual suits and even the NSFW area, there's something for everyone. And with a single glimpse of that spectacle, a perilous thought germinated in her mind.

"Noah, can we stay in here longer?"

With a little enraged expression on his face, he stared at her. Her tone was oddly off and vulgar. He just shook his head and walked ahead, allowing her to continue walking.

"Could I have some assistance, please?" She asked loudly.

He could tell this wasn't her at all, so it had to be a sick game or a way for her to test boundaries. Submissives who refuse to listen are punished and humiliated, and it only took a few button clicks for Dixie to be ashamed.

"Can I have the guy? He's really hot," she whispered.

For a brief moment, she and the guy, Nissi, locked eyes and he chuckled. Dixie was in for a long day ahead of her. Noah was observing her every move and was irritated by it.

"Ciao belle, what are you looking for today?"

Dixie replied in the most seductive way possible, "Something sexy, lingerie or a dress, anything really," and Noah was angry. He couldn't decide whether he was more enraged by her ignoring his presence or by her flirting in front of his face, but he knew she was playing a game, and he wasn't going to let her win.

He chuckled and continued going around with her, saying, "These are the best and most spicy sets we have."

"Wow, I'd love to - ahh." Fuck.

Noah walked away from Dixie as he upped the vibrator's speed. He believed she had earned this suffering and therefore, you have to own the things you earn.

"Are you okay, ma'am?"

"Uh y-yes, just sudden back ache phew, I'll be back soon," she hesitating and embarrassedly said.

She felt humiliated and was on the edge of cumming. She couldn't keep up because the speed was so high. Noah had vanished without a trace. She was well aware that she had brought this on herself, but she couldn't do anything about it. The pressure between her legs stopped after 10 minutes of suffering, and she regained her breath. Her cheeks were red and flushed, and her eyes were welling up with tears, not tears of sadness but tears of overstimulation.

She rolled her eyes at him and headed to the stalls, saying, "You're such an ass." That was probably the worst idea she'd ever had. She'd have to pay a high price for it.

Noah was furious as he trailed her. How could she call him an asshole when she was the one who encouraged him and treated him with contempt? With his own team of workers?

"Ms. D'Amelio," he warned, his voice hoarse.

She yelled at him, "What the fuck do you want?"

Noah's hand caught her throat and pushed her against the wall. This happened so quickly that she didn't even have time to blink.

He smirked and ran his hand up her legs, saying, "Don't fucking piss me off anymore, I'm taking a track for everything bad you've done."

"You sound jealous."

He chuckled, "you're yet to see me but keep on provoking me with other men and you'll see how fucking jealous I can get." He hissed.

Her anxiety had rendered her speechless. Noah's lips trailed across her neck, leaving hard licks and kisses all over her upper body, while his hands trailed straight up her thighs to her clit. She whined and faulted with each stroke.

"S-sir, may I please?"

"No, you may not and you won't cum for the rest of the trip or until I say so, never do this stunt again," he warned, "and by the way I own this store."

She couldn't decide whether she was more confused or sad. He was the proprietor of this establishment. When he said he had enterprises, she assumed he meant in the United States, not abroad. She learns something new about Dr. Noah Beck every day.

"Lo el lissa fleur"

Due to the name being familiar, Noah hoped Dixie wouldn't want to enter that store. He made every attempt to pass that shop fast. Aside from the fact that Dixie didn't know who Lissa was, he wasn't in the mood to see her just now or even to see her again.

Dixie was agitated and enraged. She knew she was to blame for the orgasm denial, but she hadn't expected him to be so cruel, and she never considered using her safe word during his wrath. She was carrying a lot of goods and had to come to a stop when she came across a lovely flower shop. The business had a glass door with elegant calligraphy and flower samples lined up for sale. It was a floral dream— heaven.

"Noah, lets go in here please,"she begged.


"Lo el lissa fleur." Her pronunciation was terrible but he realized what she was trying to say, and fear took him over. This couldn't be happening.

Noah's luck had run out. He knew Lissa was never out of the shop, so the likelihood of not seeing her was slim. She sat in the front row with a derisive snort on her face. Just thinking about her, brought severe chills to his body. Bad chills.

Noah wanted to tell Dixie no, but he couldn't say no to her happiness, especially after he had already punished her. A dominant never feels bad about punishing a submissive, but Noah noticed that everything he did with Dixie was a lot calmer than it had been previously. But that was most likely due to the fact that he was keeping it until the perfect occasion.

The night she'll be hung on his wall like a work of art and used as his own canvas and fucktoy.

He was nervous, but he went into the store anyhow. She wasn't there, much to his astonishment. He put his glasses on and went for a walk with Dixie. She came upon the rose and sunflower sections, which reeked of sweetness and freshness. She desired them all, but she realized she wouldn't be able to get them all. Noah had probably purchased her thirty bouquets, not counting the ones he'd get her today, and she lives in a small apartment, so filling it with flowers wouldn't be the best idea.

"Which ones do you like?"

"I like them all," she whispered, "but I can't get them all so I'll pick two."

"You can get everything you want love," he said. She smiled and her heart burst into a million pieces. Being called love, made her shiver. Made her happy. Made her feel completely wanted.

Though he didn't know what she was doing with more flowers, he still said yes. "That's okay. I already have some flowers so I just want a bouquet of roses and four sunflowers," she said.

Their relationship was labeled as less and well timeless, but exclusivity and a tie stronger than love were at the heart of it. Trust.

Noah snatched the flowers from Dixie and walked to the check-out counter. He paid for the things using cash rather than a credit card. He didn't want to leave any trace that he was near the store. He even wrote her name on the flowers. Noah couldn't risk seeing Alissa and having to relive the past since he knew it would crush Dixie's heart, something he didn't want to do.

Alissa wasn't just any ex-girlfriend, and the truth doesn't stay concealed for long. He knew that. He just didn't know he'd be with Dixie this long.

As they leave the store with the flowers, a lovely woman appeared at the entrance. It was Lissa who made Noah's heart stop. If only her beauty matched the greatness of her personality. He prayed she didn't notice him or Dixie.

"Can we leave please?"

She was exhausted and aggravated, and some might even say frustrated. He denied her an orgasm and punished her for all of the antics today. Dixie loved being a submissive, but it did cause her physical discomfort at times. She was desperate for her release and would go to any length to get it. Her current predicament may be described as desperation at its finest. Noah was irritated, but not with Dixie. Alissa McLean, the woman who had devastated his life, was there.

Around 4 p.m., they finished shopping and packed all of their bags into the car. She was fatigued and all she wanted to do was leave, and he granted her wish.

Noah would let her rest at home because he had an exciting night planned for her. It was the right time and the right place.


The drive home was quiet, but not in a pleasant way. The stillness was tense. Dixie had been visibly irritated and flustered before, and Noah had been pushed by his near-miss with Lissa. He could only picture the harm he and his relationship with Dixie would suffer as a result. He intended to call Bryce as soon as he came home for advice on how to deal with the situation. Bryce's answer could be predicted, but he wanted to hear it for himself.

They stopped at a diner on the way back to get food. He figured she was probably hungry and he knew he was hungry. As the car was slowly stopping at the shop, Dixie broke the silence.

"Wait, why are we stopping sir?"

Wow, she gained back her manners... he noted.

"As it relates to food, you haven't eaten much today and you've been shopping and touring Italy for hours." Her heart smiled and she felt cared for. No matter how rough and ruthless he could be, there's always a part of him that cares for her.

She smiled. Nothing could ever replace or take away this feeling but mhm, never say never.

It was a vintage diner with antique furniture. The building was clean and finely carved, and the entire restaurant appeared to be constructed entirely of natural materials. The fragrance of the wood was tempting as well. Pastas, scampi, pizzas, and sandwiches were available at this Italian eatery. They were in the heart of Italy, eating authentic Italian cuisine.

"Good evening, do you want to dine or is it take out?" A waitress walked up to them and spoke. Dixie loved the politeness and acknowledged it.

"We're dining on the outside and thank you so much,"Dixie answered, grabbed the menus and walked away with Noah. He admired her fierceness stemmed from her being upset. It was hella attractive to him.

"Do you own this restaurant too?" She asked," which earned a chuckle from him.

"No but my colleague does. Mastito Francinni. The best Italian-American chef in this region. We met back in Japan at a forum and became business partners ever since."

She was astounded at the number of people he knew and how high-caliber they were. She felt like a mafia wife you'd see in movies but in reality, she was actually a student who got vacations and wonderful things for fucking her teacher. Yes, the mafia wife sounded more appealing.

"Yellow." His eyes popped open. Was she saying her safe word? Dixie, on the other hand, quickly understood what she had said and corrected the misunderstanding.

"No, not the safe word. The sunset is yellow." His heart backflipped. He was pleased that she didn't mean it the way he thought she did.

"Smile, tilt your head left, ahh yes there we go."

With the frightening sound of the camera, he snapped a few golden pictures of her. As much as he wanted to keep his domineering attitude, he had to compliment her. There's so way he couldn't.

"You're a beautiful girl Dixie , never think otherwise," he said, gushing over her, "I don't think I tell you how beautiful you are enough."

She was a blushing mess at his words. He always found some way to make her heart smile."You tell me enough and thank you for the pictures, I appreciate it."

All smiles, all happiness and all while waiting for the waitress who arrived momentarily to get the orders. Noah ordered a shrimp scampi with a glass of red wine and dixie ordered a chicken panini and lime flavored sparkling water. The saying was right. The way to a girls heart is food. That is the way to hers.

Silence. Silence is beautiful, but it can also be lethal. They were enjoying one other's stillness at the time, exchanging soft smiles and looks at each other. Dixie chose the free outside seats because she wanted to see as much of Italy as possible before she departed. It was a one-in-a-million chance that this would happen again, and as soon as she returned home, the chaos of school and life would slam her in the face. She felt grateful in ways she couldn't express in words. This was just what she needed. He was just what she needed.

The waitress returned with their dinner, which was really good. Everything was perfectly seasoned and flavorful; she only wished the food in Los Angeles was as excellent as this. Paninis were typically edible, but she now want to have them on a daily basis. It's the Italian influence rubbing off on her.

Noah made sure she could eat everything she wanted because she'd need all the energy she could have for the next activities. They finished their meal and departed the restaurant, leaving nothing for the dogs. It was that delicious.

They returned to the car and drove back to the beach house. They passed across a lovely mountain range, waterfalls, and caves. He noticed her fascination with them and knew he wanted to take her there one day. Whenever he visited Italy, he would frequently drive out in his spare time and paint the various sceneries he saw. Painting was an excellent medium for expressing emotion, and sights as lovely as those in Italy demanded to be depicted.

She had fallen asleep. He regretted not allowing her to cum earlier. Bad girls didn't deserve to cum; they deserved to be punished, and that was his battle. He didn't know how to control his emotions, which were standing in the way of his supremacy.

"It takes the right woman to remove that dominance of a sadist."

He wanted her to be that woman but at the end of the day he was just a teacher and she was just a student; his student. There's no way it would end well.

Throughout the way back, Noah couldn't help but think of Alissa. He was well aware of her capabilities. He was well aware of her deception and how complete she made things appear. Certain things you constantly want to forget, but you can't unless you confront them. He ran from it. He could only flee from the problem since he was young and afraid, but the more he ran, the more she found him. This was not going to happen again, and he was not going to let it to.

The proverb was true. When your thoughts are occupied, time moves quickly, as Noah didn't notice they had arrived at the house and were waiting in the garage.

"I'll carry her up, you bring out the luggage," he politely stated.

"Sir, where should I put them?"

"In the living room, inform the staff that no one will be coming upstairs or around this side for the remainder of the night."

Oh, yes, the much-needed seclusion.

The driver followed his instructions and made his way off. As Noah placed her on the bed, she sunk and snuggled in the sheets. He stroked his finger across her cheek, smiled at her and walked out the room.

It was time. He was ready for her to get what she craved but he just wished she was ready to get it herself. 

The red room was a work of fiction, or so he thought. It irritated him greatly when people only knew about BDSM because of movies and Google FAQs. He was irritated by that.

The dungeon...

Noah went into his office to get the dungeon key. Ironically, it wasn't underground. Noah used his extensive knowledge gained from books and classes, as well as his own experience, to become the ideal dominant, and while he understood laman's language, he was well-versed in all the brainy terms. Every home he's ever owned, in every country he's visited, has a dungeon.

All of the BDSM scenarios, performances, and acts took place in the dungeon. He took pride in this room. Noah opened the chamber after getting the key, and the dominant and merciless sadist was reborn. He felt strong, and he was ready to draw blood, preferably Dixie's. He double-checked that the bed and all of the tools were clean. Cleanliness was of vast importance, the last thing he wanted was for either of them to get sick from a session.

This was Dixie's first official BDSM act, and he wasn't going to waste any time. She was the one who wanted to be fucked like one of his old subs. The phrase "be careful what you wish for" may have been applied, but Dixie wanted it and wasn't one to be taken lightly.

"Noah? Noah?" Dixie screamed with concern.

She was awake, which was both a relief and a source of inspiration for Noah. He returned to her, who was sitting up and waiting for him as he closed the door behind him. He didn't have time to be a simp, despite her beauty.

"It's time, Dixie," Noah eagerly stated.

She was tense. She pondered what she should do with her time. "Time for what?"

"Mhm, don't worry. Go get cleaned up and put on just pair of underwear. You have 10 minutes and I'm keeping count. Everyone minute extra is one."

She didn't even question just went on her way.

Noah was a principled dominant. He wasn't about to fuck her without first making sure her physical health and cleanliness were in good working order. One of the most important rules was to keep the place clean. Both partners should shower before each scene. Noah made sure to shower in a different bathroom while she was showering.

He knew she wouldn't hit the 10-minute mark, but he went ahead and did it anyway. Pushing boundaries was a lot of pleasure for him.

Dixie was rushing. She got all dolled up and showered. She was giddy with anticipation. Was this going to to be an actual BDSM scene? She desired it and was eager to experience it. And after ten minutes had passes, she still wasn't ready.

How long could a woman who was only wearing her underwear take?

She walked out after looking in the mirror and taking a big breath. What a sight it was for her to see Noah standing at the door jam in baggy trousers and no shirt.

"You still don't know the art of the time, you'll become disciplined so soon. Come with me, there's no going back." That was all she needed to hear. She didn't want to go back. Not in a million years.