
3rd Person

She heard the horn of a very expensive car approaching, but she knew it was none other than Dr. Noah Beck, her very expensive date. She left her apartment after closing the door and grabbing a change of clothes and some books. She decided she'd just sleepover at Noah's or stay out for a while because it was a school night.

He remarked, "You're lovely as always," swooning over the beauty in front of him.

She grinned and slid into the front seat, "You are too Noah, you are too."

To her, little compliments and sweet nothings were everything. She had a great time with them. He'd never tell if you asked him where they were heading. She did nothing but sit and enjoy the ride.

"Road head?" she dared to ask.

"No, I don't want to crash," he stated strongly.

She laughed and shrugged her shoulders as she answered, "Worth the shot."

"I can't wait to have you again," he sighed, his grip on the driving wheel tightening. Dixie wasn't sure what he meant when he said "having her." Wasn't it the case that they were already doing well?

"Wait," she said as she paused and turned to face him, "what do you mean by that?"

"I mean to really get to know your body and give you a lot of highs. Put you in positions and do things to you that you didn't even know was possible. Over and over in a single night and have you as mine. I don't care whether it's immoral or not. I need you. I'll fucking get you." He gave a warm smile.'

Dixie was growing hornier with each word that came out of his mouth. She was on the verge of telling him she wasn't hungry any longer. Her toes curled, her breast stiffened, and her cunt wet just thinking about it.

"Noah," she grumbled as she shifted in the front seat.

"Yes, baby?"

"Look," she whispered, grabbing his free hand and placing it on the outside of her lace underwear. "I'm so fucking wet right now," she murmured in agony.

"I'm driving Dixie."

"Pull over," she replied, lowering the seat to make it easier for him to get in.

Noah rolled his eyes and started rubbing her. The underwear was shifted to the side. Noah wouldn't do anything extreme to spoil her perfectly good dress, but his fingers sank into a pool of wetness.

"Fuck," she muttered, her breathing becoming labored. Dixie had such a strong reaction to Noah, despite the fact that he was barely doing anything.

As he took his fingers from her crotch, he said, "Open."

She smirked and opened her mouth as she responded, "All right." After sucking Noah's fingers clean, Dixie shifted herself onto the chair. It was better than nothing, even if it wasn't much.

Noah took some wipes from his glove compartment to clean his hands and some of her body parts. They were still going out to supper and didn't want anything to stand out too much—not that they cared about other people's thoughts.

He admired her boldness and outgoing personality. He wasn't sure if the BDSM aspect of their relationship had returned, but he was grateful she was, and that was better than nothing.


The couple arrived at a Japanese and trendy restaurant. The sign, as well as the glass panes, told her everything she needed to know. They entered via the restaurant back doors once he parked. Dixie was happy to be able to go out with Noah as someone other than his submissive for the first time. She thought walking through the front door would be ideal, but she suddenly realized the danger of who she was with and what that could mean for them both, so the back entrance was the only option.

"'Hello, Chef Hakamoto,' Noah said with a smile and a handshake.

"Dr. Beck and a beautiful lady. She's too young for you? No? He grinned and winked at them, 'Not my business, yeah.'

They returned his smile and sat down. The number of people Noah knew and the connections he had made piqued Dixie's interest. Hakamoto recently flew in from Japan to attend to some business. He owns a BDSM club across the street in addition to this eatery. Noah and he met there and have since been colleagues and business partners.

"Good evening, what can I get you both?" the waiter said. As they took their seats, a waiter approached them.

"I'll have dragon rolls with the seafood supreme, and he would like the same, as well as a chilled bottle of your finest wine." The waiter walked away from the table to get the orders.

"Well, thank you for ordering for me," he smiled and glanced at her.

Alissa, a really peculiar person, was hanging around the restaurant. But what was she up to in Los Angeles? They weren't aware of her presence, but she was fully known of theirs. Alissa had been following them since she arrived in LA. She was a certified psychopath, which served no one well. Her goal was useless because he didn't love her anymore, so what was she aiming for?

"I've got a strange question,' she murmured, her cheeks flushing.

"Ask it,' he said, looking at her with a puzzled expression on his face.

She asked, "Since you're 34 and I'm 22, right?" He responded with a nod, indicating that he understood where the conversation was going.

"When I was 8, you were 20?"

He chuckled and stroked his jaw, saying, "Yes, that's how math works Dixie."

She laughed and said, "That's um fascinating."


They had the strangest and most spontaneous talks all the time. They discussed the entire age benefactor, as well as education and long-term plans. It was an engrossing conversation until the food arrived, which further added to the intrigue. Despite the fact that Japanese food was not her favorite, she thoroughly liked the meal.

"Noah, I'm going to use the restroom; I'll be back shortly." He grinned and nodded to her.

The front of the restaurant was packed to the brim. She spotted a number of people, but one, in particular, caught her eye. When she saw Alissa, they locked gazes. Dixie had no intention of letting her win. She was going to put her to the test today, and she was going to come out on top. Dixie went into the bathroom, anticipating Alissa's arrival. Even though she was a younger woman compared to Alissa, her rage against this woman was enough to give her strength.

"You just keep coming back," Alissa said, "wasn't witnessing your lover and his genuine love enough for you?"

"He sees his actual love daily, but hey thanks for that. You're like 50 and fighting with a 22-year-old. But aren't you quite pathetic and heartless? After everything you did to him, you just keep coming back? He doesn't want to know you," Dixie scoffed and chuckled.

Alissa grew infuriated at her words. She couldn't even find a comeback and Dixie was going to dish out everything to her.

"I made him,' she said trying to sound confident but in truth, she was just defeated.

"You make a mockery of yourself and of him and if you excuse me I'll be making my way back to him. How pathetic are you? Flying miles to a country to see a guy who despises you?"

The silence stilled and Alissa walked out. She finally met her own match. Dixie went back to the table, told Noah all of the experience and they drove back to his place.


We finally broke apart from each other after another five minutes of making out like teens. We walked inside when Noah unlocked the door that connected a second bedroom to the living room area.

I went into the bathroom after our extremely chaste make out session, stripped, and put on a silky chocolate brown robe that showed off a lot of thigh. I found it almost amusing how different this version of me was from my normal scared self. But, before those thoughts could stay and trip me up, I shook them away. This was my chance to take risks. I had a great time reading him.

For about an hour, I crawled into bed and feigned to sleep. I began shuffling in bed, thinking that this would wake him and as I thought, my plan worked.

"Dixie?" Noah expressed his anxiety in hushed tones. "What's the matter?"

"I couldn't sleep," I said, pouting flirtatiously.

He motioned for me to move closer to him, seeming a little flustered. I noticed his eyes dart across my flesh before returning to my own eager gaze.

"Why not?" Somewhere in the center of his throat, his voice appeared to catch.

I didn't say anything. I moved closer to him and hesitantly placed my hand on his bare chest, trailing a finger down to his waistband. He took my hand in his and placed his arms around me, enclosing me and kissing me.

My silky brown fabric appeared to have the desired appearance. Noah's powerful hands moved up and down my neck, across my spine, and finally to my chest. He paused, as though still at odds with himself, and cupped one breast softly.

Finally. To finally feel Noah's hands on me, as if I were the woman he desired. I couldn't hold back the giddy excitement I was experiencing within. Even though it's only been a few days, I've missed him terribly.

All that stood between his hand and my breast was a thin layer of silk. Noah sighed as his fingers hardened my nipples, and his other hand traveled up the front of the robe until he found my exposed skin. As he explored these unknown areas of my body, I writhed pleasantly.

"Dixie...," he trailed off cautiously.

"No! Don't stop the moment please," I yelled quietly.

To keep him from saying anything else, I kissed him harder, and a shoulder of my robe fell down to my elbow. Noah hesitated, hesitantly massaged my nipple through the cloth with his hand on my breast, and then immediately slid my robe away from that side of my chest. He slid his other hand down even deeper, where my thighs met my sex, and rubbed my nakedness while he looked at my bare breast with adoring eyes.

Noah gently massaged my opening, as if I were a delicate flower on the verge of falling apart. Slowly, he pressed two fingers into my skin, and I felt myself squeezing my hand against his. Putting in a lot of effort.

His crooked mouth went from my mouth up my neck, eventually reaching my exposed breast. He kissed every inch of me and sucked my nipple into his lips as if I were his food.

The hand inside of me became more aggressive, and I gasped as the sensations inside of me became more intense. He licked my breast again before moving down my stomach to meet his occupied hand.

Noah knelt down on his knees and used both hands to gently separate my labia. He leaned in to kiss my pussy, at first lightly and teasingly. Then he stuck his tongue deep inside of me, and I almost passed out. I started squeezing his mouth in a rhythmic motion. His tongue sank deep into my flesh, sucking, caressing, and nearly exploding. He was truly giving it all to me, and I was there to receive it. I just needed some discomfort.

We both moaned loudly.

I straightened myself up, gasping for air, and yanked Noah out of me, tugging at his jeans. "I'm not done yet," he said quietly as he halted my hands.

Noah walked me back into the living room and sat me on the couch, pushing me into the darkness. I was trembling with excitement. Was this happening? Was I hallucinating? So far, everything had gone better than I had anticipated.

Noah uncovered me by slowly untying the robe's belt and flinging the fabric on the floor. He sat me down on my couch and kissed every inch of my bare body.

"Tonight is about you and making you feel good," he growled, placing soft kisses all over my body,

Then he started kissing the deepest part of my body again, this time painfully slowly, till my entire body trembled with pleasure. He kissed me again down below, this time grabbing my thighs as I bucked against his mouth.

Noah climbed on top of me while I was sitting up, and I could feel him pressing strongly into my pelvis. He softly kneaded my exposed breasts as he ran his hands over them. He continued to pound into my body till I felt I couldn't take it any longer. Noah gradually began to press up against me. I felt him hit me just perfectly every few seconds, and I kept wanting more — but I also wanted him deep inside of me.

I yanked at his waistband once more. Noah regained consciousness at that point. He got to his feet, wiped his brow, and drew me up into his arms.

"Are you sure..." he said quietly.

Noah Beck? Asking? After this, he deserves some good head.

"Of course, I'm sure," I said, my inner brat coming to the surface.

I shoved him back onto my bed and got on top of him, straddling his broad groin.

"I want you," I said quietly. "Make love to me"

Noah growled with lust and rolled me over, so that he was on top once again. He leaned down as if to kiss me.

"Are you sure, Dixie ?"

"Yes." I didn't recognize my own voice. I was stronger , a confident queen.

Noah ripped his pants off and leaned up against me. He stroked my insides again, licking his fingers, and pressed himself gently into my vagina. He forced his way deeper into my body by placing one hand beneath my head and the other on my right side.

He said, "Tell me if I'm hurting you." I didn't mind the pain because I loved it. I nodded, attempting to imprint each experience in my mind. Even the anguish of feeling flesh stretch inside a secret area is only temporary. I wanted to feel everything for the rest of my life. Noah began softly rocking in and out of my body once he was fully inside, stroking my tight channel. He shivered with delight and gave me a rough kiss on the lips.

"Oh, Dixie..." he moaned.

Nothing else mattered at the time but the sensation of his bare skin on mine. I owned his sweat and secretions, as well as every inch of his body. There was nothing else. The odds aren't on our side, nor are the riddles of our history.

I exhaled deeply and sighed contentedly. If this was what it felt like to make love, I'd happily do to it over and over.

Making love was a step in a different direction. Anyone could fuck, but making love required two committed people, and it was a lovely thing. I stayed up all night, never being denied an orgasm. I felt like it was my birthday when I peaked. We wrapped up our session, locked bodies, and retired to our beds.