

I haven't been to my apartment in over a week and moving in with Noah was a no-brainer at this moment, but we were still taking it slow. I've driven a short distance to see my family, but that's it. I haven't left his space in a while which is abnormal for me. Of course, I enjoyed having my own personal space just as much as everyone else, but I also wanted to be near Noah. We didn't bother each other since he knew when he was becoming overly clingy and he also knew when I needed attention.

We'd be in various parts of his house half of the time, and I didn't mind being there. My club meeting was a little late, but no one tried to talk to me. They asked me to make the welcome and announcements, and I didn't mind; in fact, it helped to improve my spirits a little. I was still hurt by Noah's handling of the situation this morning, but I figured I'd talk to him later and move on.

On my way out, I noticed Kate and Richard kissing passionately in the halls. Good for them; maybe now they'll start caring about their own relationships and leave mine alone. I felt a bit guilty about how I treated Richard, but he deserved it. I wasn't the one to take his rage out on because I've always been so nice to him. Noah isn't kicking his ass because of me.

Driving at night was a lot of fun, but it was easy to get carried away. I had a strong want to just drive down the highway and sing my heart out for hours, but I was far too exhausted and hungry for that.

When I arrived at the garage, the lights surrounding the house were dimmed, which told me that Noah was either sleeping or out driving. He didn't say he was leaving, so he may be inside. I gathered my things, shut the car door, and entered through the front door.

The aroma of roses and pumpkin spice was the first thing that hit me. I loved such scents, but there was no special event, so I had no idea what it all meant. Inside, the lights were dim and low, and all I could see were candlelight and probably 12+ boxes of flowers in my favorite colors on the ground. My heart was fucking filled. He's so cute; I don't deserve him in the least.

"What's all this?" I asked in a calm, pleasant tone, my eyes almost welling up with tears.

"Hey," he said as he walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I'm sorry for getting mad at you earlier, and I wanted to make it up to you, so I planned a little night for us," he said as he kissed my neck and face softly. I'm really smitten with this man, and the numbers just keep rising.

I pouted, "You didn't have to, but I appreciate your effort. This is very gorgeous, and all of these flowers are stunning, baby."

"Not even close to your beauty."

He took everything I had in my hands and neatly set it on the living room couch and center table. I couldn't believe what I was seeing in front of my eyes; how could one person be so sweet? Other than Noah, I've never had such wonderful treatment. I never want this to change since he goes above and beyond for me.

"Let's go," he murmured as he took my hand in his and led me back to the kitchen space.

I was under the impression that the flowers were the only thing going on, but I was wrong. He prepared a candle-lit supper with red wine for us, and I know he worked hard to set this table; Noah had no idea about the varied plating schedule. My heart was overflowing with love and happiness.

"Noah, you're too amazing," I exclaimed, my voice breaking and a smile on my lips, "you made us dinner. Also, a candle-lit one, awww." I couldn't control my emotions, which were all over the place.

He also looked fucking sexy in those grey sweatpants, but that was a conversation for a more sexual moment. He drew a chair for me, and we sat at the table and began to eat. Cajun shrimp, Parmesan chicken, and some of my favorite sides were on the menu. This was both a tasty treat and a thoughtful gesture as it was well cooked and my favorite meal.

He offered to serve me, but I was hungry and could manage it on my own. I'm hoping he doesn't dump me after seeing how I eat like a wild beast.

With my mouth full of food, I exclaimed, "This is really good." This made him smile, and we just stared at each other. This is what everyone meant when they said you'll know when you've found the right person.

"Dixie, I'm sorry for getting angry at you earlier, and I don't expect perfection from you; I just care about you more than any of my other students," he elaborated.

"I understand your point of view, but it looks like I can't make a mistake or slip up or you'll be upset, which I didn't like." Even though we had a great time tonight, we still needed to talk about that, and I'm glad he brought it up first.

"I understand, but I didn't mean for it to come off that way. I'm working on better language and being more relaxed," he added as he sipped his wine

"I love that you're doing that," I said. "I'm trying to fix my attitude, but it just comes out sometimes and I can't help it." I laughed and shrank in my seat.

I'm glad we talked about it without getting into another argument. This was a step forward for us; previously, we would have been at odds or having rough, angry sex, but now we're creating a stronger communication link, which made me very happy.

He said, "I called around three different people to help me do this."

"Aww, you did a great job, baby."

"I guess that's how it is now," he remarked, his face lit up with a crazy grin. I honestly had no idea what he was getting at with that statement. Was he referring to us? Or something else entirely.

"What do you mean?"

He gazed into my eyes and said, "I mean being a relationship guy and being apart of a couple." This stunned me; I'd always wondered what Noah thought of us, and now he'd confirmed it. We were something, even if we weren't boyfriend and girlfriend. He just needs to man up and tell me he already loves me; it's apparent, but I'll continue to play dumb until he says, "I love you Dixie."

"Don't you think this is the most complicated teacher-student relationship ever?" I teased.

He smirked at me and said, "I know, but we make it work."

"I know it's sweet and everything, but you're making me very aroused." I didn't mean to ruin the mood, but I couldn't help myself.

"You're one of a kind," he said, "and eh, they're old sweatpants, kind of tight."

"They're fine how they are, the perfect fit if you ask me." There's nothing I'd rather do than take them off and get laid right now at the dinner table, but a female can't be horny all the time.

He said, "Thank you."

"When are you letting me meet your parents? I'm pretty sure I won't scare them away."

"I've never given it much thought, but you'll meet them when the time comes." I was joking when I asked the question, but I'm happy he and I agree on this.

"I think I want us to have a baby, not right now, but soon?" I knew I was taking a chance by saying this, but I couldn't stop thinking about having a child.

"Dixie, we're not having a baby right now," he stated profoundly.

"I know, I just said not right now, but are you willing to consider it? I understand you're my dominant, but—"

"I'm not just your dominant Dixie. I wouldn't sit here and do this whole night if I was just your dominant. You're more than just a submissive to me, don't downplay the great thing we have like that," he said in a raspy and deep tone. He could fuck me right now, I don't care.

"Yeah I know, but answer me," I pressed on.

"Yes I would be open to us having a baby but let's do it in baby steps, still so much ground to cover in our relationship."

"Exactly and yes I know. I'm going to be a mommy soon," I squealed.

"The next few years but you go babe."

We finished our dinner and took a seat in one other's company. Nothing felt better than being loved by the person you love, and I was glad for this night. Everything went well, and his food is delicious. I'm definitely going back for seconds and thirds.

He cleaned the table while I went outside to pictures of my roses for Instagram. I would I could tag him, but that would rip a hole in the Tarton University cosmos. There were exactly 14 boxes of flowers, one with the letter D and the other with "D+N," which I would treasure for the rest of my life. I packed the flowers to the side and returned to the kitchen, where he was waiting.

"I was going to help you with everything," I said, a little irritated. I wasn't angry because he did it, but I just wanted to help him.

"Don't get mad," he said, "I already did it, and let's go upstairs. I'm exhausted," He yawned and extended his hand to shake mine.

I rolled my eyes and took his hand as we went up the stairwell. The powerful aroma of the candles was the first thing that tipped me off, followed by the sound of low music. I thought he was done planning. The fragrance and everything became stronger as we got closer to his room. Fucking my professor was the best decision I've ever made; he essentially makes my life better.

Candles were lighted in the room, and romantic, gentle music was playing through his Alexa, with rose petals scattered on the floor. This is something I'd expect to see on my Pinterest board or on those celebs' Valentine's Day posts, so it surprised me to find it in my life when there wasn't even a reason. He is deserving of all the sex he is about to get.

"Let's just not talk," I replied as I undressed in his presence. His attention never left my body, and neither did mine.

He softly grabbed my throat and pushed me against the bed, saying, "We have better things to do than talk."

I smiled at him and whispered, "I want you to be gentle just this once." Even though I enjoy pain, this was supposed to be a romantic night, therefore there was no need for us to fuck. We were going to make love.

"Is that all?" he asked as he kissed my neck and took off his clothes. "Give me details. You want me to eat your pussy? Tell me that. You want me to slowly fuck you while we hold hands? Tell me you want it, and I'll give it to you." He leaned down close to my ear and nibbled on it.

I suddenly lost my voice; there was nothing better than what was going on here. The way he was speaking to me and the things I knew he'd do to me were three times better.

"I-I want you to fuck me slowly, nibble my body, eat my pussy, and just do everything good to me," I stuttered. I'd never been this outspoken before, and with each word he said, I became more and more hooked.

"Your wish is my command," he said, smirking and staring at me. For me, I knew this was the end of the beginning.