
3rd Person

Dixie was back at her apartment because Noah had to leave for a teachers summit. He had his own job and profession to attend to, but she obviously didn't want him to leave. They'd call or text for hours on end whenever they had free time. Noah even treated her to a brief shopping spree. The students were given a substitute psychology teacher for the three-day tour.

Mr. Grey, the new instructor, was not Dixie's favorite. He was youthful and fit, yet he was uninteresting. His classes did not push or challenge the students. It was simple and straightforward. Students were even asking as to when Mr. Beck will return, which is unusual.

"Just come back," Dixie said on the phone as she walked down the corridors. She was walking to the cafe after finishing her psychology class.

"You're just melodramatic," Noah responded, "it can't be that horrible."

"We're never having sex again," she whispered quietly, her jaws clenched.

"I'm sure Mr. Grey is a good instructor," he added cynically. "You're just used to seeing me in class and being around me."

"Yeah, but I still miss you." She groaned, "We've spent the last few months together, and I'm lacking." Dixie had entirely forgotten she was at school, and her filter had been tossed as a result.

"You'll see me tomorrow," he promised, "the trip is over today we're just packing to go but I already packed."

"I'm hoping. But how are you doing? Did you have anything to eat today?" Noah admired how she always looked for him and asked about his well-being. It made him feel incredibly loved.

"I haven't eaten yet, but I'm fine; but still, I miss you."

"Please eat soon," she urged pleasantly. Her charming tones had always piqued his interest.

"I will, and how are you?"

"I can't say anything out loud," she said, "but I'm really good. I've been avoiding certain people."

"Do you mean Ms. Tifford's group?"

With a fake gag, she responded, "Yes ugh. Right now, I don't want to talk to any of them, but I'll probably have to." Dixie was fed up with being judged and being treated rudely by everyone. She couldn't care less about other people's relationships or what they were doing with their lives, but everyone else was strangely concerned about hers.

"I understand, but please do it at your pace. Don't think too hard about it, babe," he informed her.

"I'll try. That night is still fresh in my mind," Dixie burst out laughing.

"That night?" Noah stated in a confusing manner.

"You remember that night," she chuckled. Dixie's thoughts was far off from the rest of the world. She was in her own little universe, doing her own thing, and living out her fantasies.

She'd found a nice spot under a cool tree on campus. There were a few individuals around, but she was speaking quietly enough, and everyone else was going about their business without paying attention to her.

In a brawling tone, he continued, "The night I fucked you so good and so slow?" In Noah's mind, that was the only night that sprang to memory.

"You're so bold, oh my goodness," she shouted loudly, "and yes, that's the night I'm talking about." Dixie's mind couldn't stop thinking about it. Day in and day out, she pondered it.

"Will I see you tomorrow, baby?"

Dixie's face swelled with delight, and her entire body followed suit. "Of course," she replied.

"What are you wearing?" he said, his tone sexual.

"I'm at school," she nervously giggled. Noah couldn't possibly be trying to make Dixie horny and needy while she was at school, Dixie could only hope. That wouldn't be a good outcome, especially given the fact that she has a long day ahead of her.

"I didn't ask you that," he grumbled, "what are you wearing?" he asked, his voice thick and commanding.

She said, "Jeans, lace top, and your jacket." It's a hazy description, but it's all he'll get from her for now.

"Vague," he said, "but I'm sure you look great." "I'll call you this evening," he said.

"Where are you going?" she enquired.

"I'll call you when you get home," he added, adding, "I'm going to eat and get sleep." Noah couldn't talk to Dixie at school since they didn't have the safest talks, whether they were sexual or not.

"I only have one more class before I have to go errands," she explained. Dixie got into the habit of telling Noah about her full day's plan, and he enjoyed it when she did. It was not only for inclusivity's sake, but it also made everything feel more authentic.

"Errands?" he questioned. "I had no idea you had errands today."

"Well, I'm going to get groceries, Victoria's Secret, and then I have to get folders," she remarked as she stood up and walked to her class. "Life is expensive," she sighed.

"Do you want me to send you the money?" Noah asked, a little nervously. He was well aware that this was a whole other line to cross, and she disliked having to ask him for anything.

"Yes, and I'll pay you back."

"It's all right, my love. I'll send it in five minutes, and you're free to ask me for anything, you know that right?"

"I know, I'm sorry, but I don't like asking you and thank you. I have to leave for class."

"Bye, babe," he said.

Dixie was taken aback when she saw on the phone screen that they had been conversing for a total of 55 minutes. She wouldn't even talk on the phone with Halley for that long.

She walked into her Literature case and sat on the far side. She didn't want to be around her "friends," and she didn't want them to ruin her mood.

Kate asked, "Why has Dixie been avoiding us?"

Richard answered angrily, "I don't know, but it's up to her." He's the garden's most astringent fruit.

"I think we-"

Richard snarled at Kate, "Just shut up and stop talking about her," and walked away to get his books.

She stuttered, "O-oh ok," and did exactly what he instructed. Richard was cruel and manipulative toward Kate, and it's just a matter of time until he's discovered.

Dixie and Kate exchanged a fleeting glance, but not for long. She intended to contact them soon, but not right now. Mrs. Smith walked into the classroom and handed out graded course work. She had to be in and out of her class to monitor the next due to changes in teachers and staff. Tarton was dealing with a shortage that was far worse than it cared to admit.


After class, Dixie hurried out the door to start her errands. She almost screamed when she saw the money transfer; it was far more than she needed from Noah, and she was sure he knew it as well.

Dixie D'Amelio: why would you send so much?

Noah Beck: hello to you too sweetheart

Dixie D'Amelio: hi but why? where do i find $30,000 to pay back? i am a broke college student.

Noah Beck: did i ask you to pay me back? or did you make that decision by yourself?

Dixie D'Amelio: shut the fuck up

Noah Beck: watch your mouth dixie, don't get me upset.

Dixie D'Amelio: sorry but what do i do with 30k?

Noah Beck: take yourself on a shopping spree. go get something nice. do whatever your heart desires.

Dixie D'Amelio: but i feel bad because it's not my money.

Noah Beck: what's the point of not spoiling you? we're in a relationship. get used to it.

Dixie D'Amelio: ok bye🤍

Noah Beck: bye my love

Dixie gave up on arguing with Noah about this. He wouldn't stop and she didn't have the energy to keep on arguing with him. She found it a bit sweet that he cared enough to even think about helping her, even if it was over top help.

She headed to the bookshop first, where she restocked her stationary materials and purchased folders for her final research projects. Universities were apparently instituting the submission of "Internal Assessments" along with final papers this year, and she needed a folder to submit them in. She got a little carried away, picking up a variety of colored pens, sticky notes, binders, and study cards. Dixie, despite her age, was a sucker for these things. She received a text from Noah while waiting in line. He was only asking that she tell him when she left and arrived at the many locations she had told him she was going to, for her own protection.

Her turn had come to purchase the goods, and the bill wasn't too bad. Everything came to $150, and she got quite a few things. She had Noah's teaching ID in her purse, so they gave her a discount. The reason she had it will always remain a mystery, but she kept it anyhow. She left the store and headed to the next one.

Dixie D'Amelio: just left the bookstore, btw i have your teaching id lol

Noah Beck: that's where it went, i thought i left it in my office and ok, i am going to play golf

Dixie D'Amelio: ok grandpa lol

That was just her checking in with Noah to make sure he wasn't worrying about her safety. Golf was a common pastime for "old" wealthy men, but Noah didn't look or act the type. He's really humble and doesn't appear to be much older than twenty. Maybe it was all the exercise or his domination that kept him young.

All of the stores she needed to go to were conveniently located in the same mall. This would save both time and gas. California had some of the most expensive gas prices in the country. When she entered Victoria's Secret, it was fairly crowded. She noticed a sale and decided to take a wander around for a while, even if it was just to window shop. There were a lot of things to choose from. Normally, she would have to shop online because everything was sold out at the store, but that was not the case today.

When they noticed her going around, a sales clerk ask, "May I assist you?"

"No," she softly chuckled, "I'm just looking for now, but thank you," she said as she moved around to the lingerie aisle, exchanging a delicate smile.

Dixie noticed some lingerie and bodysuits that were quite expressively styled. The most of these weren't her style, but she did find two that she liked. The first was a red lace bodysuit, and the second was a black slip. She could dress it up or down and wear it in the bedroom. Dixie headed over to get a few new pairs of underwear and brassieres after adding those to her basket. The ones she had were getting old and tight, and she was not willing to put up with any discomfort in order to please others.

"It's your fault," she stated dramatically. She would always call Noah with some out of reach accusations and he'd just sit and listen. This was one of these times.

"I was playing golf," he explained, puzzled, "what's my fault?"

She whined, "The reason my clothes don't fit."

"Dixie, that's not even feasible."

"I've gained weight since we started doing this because you feed me, give me fantastic sex, and take care of me."

"Is this a bad thing?" he asked, chuckling as he climbed into the golf cart.

"No," she explained, "but I have to keep buying new things or I won't have any to wear."

"I wouldn't mind if you didn't wear anything, but I suppose others would."

"Exactly. I'll pay for these items and then move on to the next store."

He hung up hurriedly, saying, "I l- okay bye now."

Noah's worry about using that three-letter word is growing increasingly troubling. He hated himself every day for not expressing it, but he was waiting for the right moment. The only problem was that love isn't ideal; it's messy, unstructured, and all over the place, and he'd realize that over time.

The food store was Dixie's last visit in the mall. She was out grocery shopping for herself and Noah. He didn't ask her, but she wanted to do it. Dixie's diet was mostly seafood and veggies, whereas his was a mix of everything, so there was no confusion. She traversed the aisles, picking up what she needed as well as a few personal and cleaning supplies. This was the most expensive stop, but food is life, and everyone needed it.

She went to Noah's place after paying the bill. It was essentially the same, but she decided to dust and re-decorate. Noah's house was like a private playground for her. She replaced his curtains and sheets and had a blast decorating his room. His drapes went from blue to grey and brown, and his couches went from grey to white. He'd be surprised by the change, but it wouldn't bother him too much.

Dixie left the house after unpacking the groceries and checking the upstairs. She wanted to stay a little longer, but her groceries were going to spoil and she didn't want to waste money. She couldn't wait to see her lover again tomorrow; she missed him dearly, and he missed her as well.

Dixie entered her apartment after a few minutes of driving and brought her groceries up. She didn't buy much because she wasn't planning on spending much time there.

An envelope from the university was stuffed under the door, announcing that students would have to vacate their on-campus flats as soon as they graduated. She knew it was coming, but she hadn't expected it to happen so quickly. She had been in college since she was 18/19 years old, and she couldn't believe her final year was already over. No one could escape the passage of time.

"I just got home," she remarked on the phone, exhausted.

"You sound tired, baby," he continued, "are you all right?"

"Not really," she responded, her voice sorrowful. Her spirits appeared to be low.

"What's the matter, babe?"

"I just miss you," she said, "and everything feels different without you. I'm feeling drab. Did you know that you're my best friend?" It was there, these in-depth discussions they adored.

"I'm missing you, too, babe, and where is Halley? Do you two still talk?"

"We do," she answered as she walked to the refrigerator, "but she's busy planning and preparing for a kid. As you know, I don't like bothering people," she lamented.

"It's great that you two are still talking, but I don't think you're disturbing her," he added, "but I get what you're saying, and hey, you're my bestfriend as well." He said, "I talk to you more than anyone else."

She chuckled and said, "That's a lie."

"No, you're in my entire call and message log. I see you at majority hours of the day and night. Did you know that I tell you everything, even if it's not right away, and that you're my girl forever?"

"Are you drunk at 6 o'clock?" she ask.

"Do I have to be under the influence in order to tell the truth?"

"No," she conceded, "but you've never been this open with me before."

"That is not true," he stated sharply. "I'm always honest with you, but you've never heard me say it over the phone, so it has a different impact."

"I suppose so," she trailed off. "I have a question to ask," she gulped.

He said casually, "Ask me whatever you want."

"Have you ever fell inlove? Like genuinely fallen in love? Have you ever clearly fallen in love?"

Before speaking, Noah chuckled. This was more of a reminiscing than a laughing at the question. "I've done it before, but only once."

"Who was it?"

"She's a stunning young woman who is brilliant and has everything a person could desire. It's a lovely feeling, but when you lose it, it's really devastating," he explained.

She wasn't sure if this was about her or not, sand she wouldn't ask. "That's intriguing," she commented.

He questioned, "Have you?" Noah already knew the answer, yet he felt compelled to continue the conversation.

"Once," she admitted.

"Interesting." Noah was aware that she was referring to him, but Dixie was confused if he was talking about her. Her mind wandered to Alissa, but she was unsure and didn't want to ask for a name.

"If you tell me yours, I'll tell you mine," she said.

He insisted, "Deal, you go first."

"Well, mine is— I have to call you back, my mother is calling," she grumbled.

Noah felt a feeling of relief go over him. He wasn't quite ready to say it yet, so the angel came to his rescue.

"All right, baby."

They hung up, and Dixie proceeded to answer her mother's phone call.

As Dixie answered the phone, Heidi said, "Hey hon, you busy?"

"Not anymore, mom," she said irritably. "What happened?"

"I was thinking about spending some days with you when Dad and Char left for Europe for two and a half days?"

Dixie's time with Noah would be cut short, but Heidi was her mother. They didn't see each other too often, so the few days wouldn't be too bad. Dixie replied, "Of course, mum, whenever you want."

"How are you doing? You haven't contacted me or paid me a visit in a long time."

"I know," she murmured. "I'm doing fine, although I'm really busy." I'm constantly talking with Char."

"How are you doing?"

"Dad and I are doing well, but we miss you," Heidi admonished, "You should visit more."

"I'll do it, but I'm looking forward to spending these days with you."

"I can't wait either; I'm currently preparing dinner. I'll see you soon," Heidi murmured, a smile on her face.

"I love you, mum, and I'll see you later."

"Sweetheart, I love you even more."

Dixie's mother was a sweet lady but she always defended her kids. Dixie was the splitting image of her mother, both women beautiful and very easy on the eyes. With her mother coming, she would either have to tell her about the relationship or keep on sneaking around. The one that works bests was the alternative but you have to learn something's along the way.