
"Um, okay. Since it's free time now, let's head to the practice ground."

I said nothing, simply following her as she led the way. After a bit of walking, we arrived at the entrance of the academy and went outside. She turned left before taking another right, where we finally arrived at a large, open clearing, which I assumed was the designated practice ground.

The area was empty, save for the two of us. The only notable feature was a row of tall trees situated on the far side of the clearing.

"Is this so you called training ground?" I commented, looking around at the empty clearing. "It doesn't look like much."

"I just come here often, it's not really a training ground per se. But it's a nice open space to practice."

I nodded, waiting for her to demonstrate the use of Quatom. She stood there for a moment, deep in thought before speaking.

"Um, what should be the example?" she asked.

"Like, what types?" I said.


"Hm, try to shape the ground."

"I'm not the best at earth manipulation, but I'll try," she said.

She turned her body from me to an empty space, before pointing her finger to the ground.

"Is that required to use it?" I said.

"No, it's not. I just do this to focus my mind," she said.

She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. I watched as the ground began to shift and change. It was subtle at first, small movements in the dirt and rocks. But as she continued to focus, the changes became more drastic. The ground began to rise and shape, forming into spike-like structures pointed forward, as if they were emerging from the earth itself. The process was mesmerizing to watch, as if the very atoms of the ground were being rearranged at her command.

After a few minutes, she opened her eyes and lowered her finger. The spikes remained standing, a testament to her control over Quatom.

"Hmm, I see. You need to use your mind," I commented, observing Eva's demonstration.

"Yes! That's why your Quatom Synapse can be affected by a host of factors, such as fatigue and stress," she explained, her eyes lighting up with excitement as she spoke about her abilities. "Oh, by the way, I haven't heard your name yet. Can you tell me, please?"

I hesitated for a moment before responding, "Why should I?"

"I'm just curious, that's all. Is it a really bad name?" she asked, a hint of amusement in her voice.

"Terrible one," I lied.

"I see," she said, a hint of disappointment in her tone.

"I might change my name in the future."

"You shouldn't! Your name is the most precious gift from your parents," she said, her voice filled with emotion.

"Parents, huh," I muttered, memories of my past flooding my mind.

"Did I trigger something bad?" she asked, her expression becoming one of concern as she noticed my sudden change in demeanor.

"No, not at all," I lied, not wanting to delve into the topic of my murdered parents. "So, can you tell me how to measure my Quatom Synapse?"

"Yes, you can check it by using your blood," she replied, her voice becoming more professional as she switched back to the topic of Quatom.


"You will get an examination later by the staff."

"How much is the average amount?"

"I think it's around five hundred. The highest is held by the Demon Lord," she said, her eyes widening as she spoke of the powerful being.

"Demon Lord? Is that common knowledge?"

"Um, yes it is. You didn't know?" she replied, her expression now one of disbelief.

"I was just confirming. Also, does that Demon Lord, a special place?"

"Yes, he does, in a place called 'Cursed Land'. Again, if I'm not wrong."

I just nodded at her reply, it seems in here the Cursed Land topic is not prohibited to talk about or even more, they are studying about it.

"Anyways, I think it was around ten thousand. There's also the 'hero' that unfortunately died when fighting the Demon Lord," she continued.

"Hero?" I spoke, my interest piqued.

"Yes, he declared himself as a hero in the past and attempted to defeat the Demon Lord alone. However, unfortunately, he fell in battle. His Quatom Synapse was impressive, reaching a staggering five thousand, half of the Demon Lord's," she explained, her voice tinged with a hint of reverence.

"Interesting," I remarked, my curiosity piqued. "And what about yours?"

"Oh, mine? It's nothing to write home about, just around seven hundred."

"Hm, that's certainly above average."

"You don't need to flatter me~" she said playfully, a hint of a smile playing on her lips.

"I'm not," I retorted, my tone devoid of emotion. "If you think that amount is something to be flattered about, then you must need to reevaluate your expectations."

"You're quite harsh, even though you don't even know what your own Quatom Synapse is," she said, a hint of amusement in her voice. "But, I guess that's just who you are. By the way, I think I've answered all of your questions. Can you tell me your name now?"


"Sei..?" she repeated, a hint of confusion in her tone.

"Just Sei," I clarified, noticing her questioning gaze.

"Ahh, Sei.."

She murmured, her eyes lifting to the sky above.

I couldn't help but feel disdain for her reaction. It was clear that she was like the most nobles.

"Well, Sei," she continued, breaking the silence. "It was nice meeting you, but I should probably get going now."

She turned to leave. I didn't care, I no longer had any use for her now that she had answered all of my questions.