In Advance

After a while, I gradually allowed my eyes to fully open and took in my surroundings once again. Finding myself alone in the room, I rose from the bed, taking a moment to survey my surroundings.

Despite the presence of windows, I was unable to escape. It was evident that the girl who brought me here was connected to Kain in some way.

As I found myself with nothing to do, I searched the room in search of any noteworthy items. The cabinets, desk, bookshelf, and other fixtures offered little of information, containing nothing more than mundane papers and letters.

I was in the midst of rummaging through the cabinets to the left of the bed when I suddenly heard the sound of the door opening. I turned my gaze towards the door and was met with the sight of the maid, burdened by a substantial tray of plates.

"Y-You're awake?"

"Yeah," I responded, pushing the cabinet closed.

"..that's good then. Can you lie down on the bed so I can treat your wounds?"

"Why should I?"

"So I can treat your wounds of course..?"

I considered her request for a moment before making my way over to the large double bed. I took a seat on the side and responded, "My wounds are only on my upper body, so I don't think I need to lie down."

She looked momentarily taken aback before nodding and responding,

"Ah..I see."

With that, she walked towards me with a tray in hand and placed it on the cabinet near the bed.

On the tray before me lay an array of provisions, comprised of nourishment, hydration, medicinal remedies, and dressings.

She approached, offering the tray as she began to tend to the deep scratches that adorned my chest and arm, caused by the merciless claws of an attacker. First, she cleansed the wounds with a sterilizing solution, before delicately applying a soothing balm to ease any pain.

As she took to wrapping my injuries with bandages, her hands brushed against my arm and she let out a small, embarrassed gasp. Despite her initial reaction, she continued her task with utmost care, ensuring that the bandages would remain secure and protected during the healing process.

The final touch was a spoonful of medicine, administered with care to aid in the recovery of my wounds. She stepped back, her cheeks slightly flushed.

"..well, I think I'm done here. The wounds are all wrapped up and ready for healing. If you're feeling hungry, you can go ahead and eat the food on the tray. I'm gonna head out now."

The maid quickly backed away from the bed, her eyes averted, before she quickly turned and rushed out of the room.

I partook of the sustenance offered to me. My wounds, caused by my own hand, demanded sustenance for their healing, and so I reluctantly consumed the fare.

As I finished, the sound of a door knock echoed through the room.


I called out with a commanding voice, bracing for the possibility of an unpleasant encounter with Kain.

But as the door creaked open, my relaxed posture tensed slightly as the familiar form of the man stepped into view. The familiar face of the man I had anticipated, It is Kain.

"Pardon me, Principal."

"Hah, no need to apologize, as long as you acknowledge it."

He then closed the door behind him and made his way towards me, his eyes surveying the room before finally settling on me.

"So, what happened?"

I hung my head and hesitated before speaking. "To be honest, I cannot recall the specifics, but I recall an individual forcibly entering through the windows. They were armed with some sort of strange metallic weapons."

The Principal's brow furrowed. "The security of this academy is unassailable, the possibility of an intruder is virtually non-existent. What kind of weapons were they wielding?"

"I cannot say for certain, as the weapons were attached to their knuckles. I attempted to defend myself but unfortunately, I was overpowered and ended up in this state."

"Hm..? what was the weapon you used?"

"Some sort of knives that were in the room."

"I see, have you received the results of your examination?"

"No, it was right after the staff collected my blood."

Kain pulled out a small bell from his pocket and handed it to me. "If you feel like your wounds have healed enough, you're free to leave this room," he said, before adding, "Take this. Ring it if you need assistance."

I took the bell from him, feeling its weight in my hand. "Thank you, Principal."

Kain paused for a moment, looking at me. "You can stop calling me 'Principal,' my name's Kain."

"Oh, of course. Thank you, Master Kain."

"Good manners," he said with a nod. "I'll take my leave then."

Kain turned to leave the room. He stepped towards the door, his hand on the doorknob. With one final look over his shoulder, he spoke,

"Take care," before exiting and closing the door behind him.

It was relatively easy to manipulate him.

I made and executed my little-plan easily, having devised the perfect alibis in advance. The knives were put to good use, used them to take down my victims. I first targeted the assistant, sending a swift and calculated throw towards his neck. The blade found its mark with a thud, ending his life instantaneously. The doctor was next, I quickly closed in, and with a swift and brutal stab to the throat, he too was silenced.

I then manipulated the evidence, carefully slicing the knives to create a distinctive claw-like mark. I utilized the doctor's shirt collar to blend the blood and clean the knives. Moving with swift efficiency, I opened the window and used the broken knife to shatter it, taking care to gather the majority of the fragments within the room.

The principal is just a facade, with little actual power. Kain's reputation, his title, all of it was nothing but a farce in my eyes.