One of the Heroes

I made my way to class, feeling bored. If I think again this place feels like a prison, I can't do anything I want. Why did I even bother to come to this heavily isolated academy? People in the town don't even seem to know what this place is.

It's all just weird and pointless.

When I finally arrived at the class, I found that everyone was crowded in front of the door, blocking my way in. I decided to push through the crowd, using my body to make my own way in. I may not be muscular, but I have a good balance.

"Hey!" someone shouted.

"Gah!" others yelped as they stumbled and fell.

I couldn't help but almost laugh at the sight of people getting stepped on as they lay on the ground. I walked into the empty classroom and after a few steps, I stopped and looked back at the noisy crowd, who I noticed was talking with someone.

Someone finally slipped out of the crowd and into the class, and I took a closer look. This guy was average in every way -- not skinny, not fat, not muscular either. Average face, average hair color, average hairstyle, and average voice.

"Hey there, you're the new transfer student too, right?" he said, greeting me with a handshake. "I just got here too. Nice to meet you!"

I couldn't help but notice the huge sword on his back, shining like a beacon. It looked like a holy sword or something. I didn't want to risk making an enemy, so I shook his hand lightly.

Without a doubt, I feel like something was off about this guy. He was carrying a huge sword on his back, but he wasn't even slouching under its weight.

I would be dragging it along the floor if I tried to carry it, but he was just standing there straight and tall. Just then, a teacher came in with a stack of papers.

"Take your seats, and sit down," he said. "You with the sword, come here."

Everyone started to head to their seats, so I followed suit and sat down. The girl from earlier was already in her seat, but I didn't bother looking at her since I wasn't interested in her right now.

Uh, go ahead and introduce yourself."

"Okay sir," the guy replied. "My name is Satou Hiroshi, and I was transferred to this academy...well, actually, I think I was summoned to this town. They call me the Hero of Volmore, which is apparently the name of this town."

What's this about a hero? This guy claims to be the Hero of Volmore, and the Volmore is supposed to be the name of this town. But I don't know if that's true or not, since I haven't bothered to look into it. It begs the question, are there other heroes in other towns? Or is this the only one? And his name is just odd. And what does he mean by being summoned? Too many questions.

"My hobby is playing video games," he added. "But I doubt you guys even know what that is. Anyway, nice to meet you all."

"Take a seat."

The lecturer stated after he finished speaking, and the guy nodded before finding a seat by the window, not too close or too far from me.

With the start of the lecture, the Hero's attention was fully captivated by the lecture, as he kept his gaze fixed on the board, following every word the lecturer wrote.

As the lesson ended and Kain entered the room, I felt a rush of urgency to quickly leave and avoid any potential trouble. However, my escape was cut short as Kain noticed my attempt to leave.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"Uh, I just wanted to get some rest."

"Perfect. But, you won't be returning to the room that you slept before," Kain warned. "You'll be sleeping in the dormitory."

"Sure, that's not a problem for me."

"I still can't trust you though," Kain continued, grabbing my shoulder and bringing his face close to my ear. His breath made me feel disgusted, sending shivers down my spine. "I know you've done something wrong."

"Wrong? I don't think I've done anything wrong."

"Maybe you don't see it as wrong, but it is," Kain said cryptically, leaving me with more questions than answers.

I was left scratching my head, trying to figure out what it was that I had done wrong, but nothing came to mind.

"Oh well, where's the dormitory?" I asked Kain.

"Just follow the male students," he replied.

I sighed. Kain clearly didn't trust me and I wasn't sure what I had done to lose his trust. It was such a waste, especially since he was the principal.

After waiting for a bit, the male students started to leave the class, chatting with the Hero as they went. I followed behind.

The male students started to leave the class and I followed behind, but as I was about to step out, someone spoke to me. I turned to see the girl who sat next to me in class.

"So sad…"

She was cute, with long, straight, reddish-brown hair. I remembered she was the girl that I followed before, I also watched her tried to make friends with the other girls but failed. She's a bit of a loner.

"What do you want?" I asked, not feeling in the mood for small talk.

"Nothing, just feeling a little know, pitiful."


I spun around to escape any further interaction with her. The other students were already on their way out, and I was itching to follow suit. This girl is truly getting on my nerves. The urge to punch her was nearly overwhelming but I will surely get into a problem if I do that.

Feeling tired from the day's events, I just wanted to rest. I quickly jogged to the door and scanned the hallway for the group of boys. They were still walking on the right side of the hallway, so I followed them slowly to the dormitory.