The day after Itadori was able to dodge or repel stones with the velocity of bullets. It was morning, as Itadori stood up stronger and well rested as he walked towards the door. Before he opened the door he thought of what training his Sensei had planned for him today. As he opened the door and looked outside, he saw his Sensei on the top of a very big boulder. The first thought in Itadori's head was "how did this boulder get here". Itadori then said "Good Morning Sensei" his Sensei replied with a smile on his face "Good Morning my faithful student, I know what must be going on in your head. How did the boulder get here, what does he have planned for me" Itadori then replied "yes, exactly Sensei". His Sensei then said "well you will have to use your sword to split this boulder into two clean halves" with Itadori surprise on how that was going to be possible, he said "how is that going be possible, how could I possibly do that". His Sensei replied with a smile on his face "I don't know, that is for you to find out", his Sensei then sat down on a chair as he said "chop chop begin we don't have all the time in the world or don't you want to leave this forest".

The training drill began with his Sensei sitting down watching as Itadori tried to split the boulder. Hours passed with Itadori still unable to split the boulder, Itadori then said to his Sensei "are you not going to at least coach me through this training session" his Sensei then replied with a straight face "No, like I said it is for you to find out. Now get to work". Itadori continued as instructed, he went for minutes before taking a break. He then fell to his knees and looked at the sky, suddenly he fell into a trance. In the trance he was walking in a dark place then he suddenly heard a voice calling out his name from a distance, saying " ITADORI". Itadori then ran towards the voice. On arrival to the source of the voice, he saw an unclear figure as it said "my name is ITOMI. You have probably seen me in your dreams numerous times, am I right?" Itadori began to shiver as he stuttered with his words saying "I...I thought you were dead" Itomi replied with a straight face saying " Yes I am dead but I can still call you out and talk to you as my successor" Itadori then said " suc.....successor" Itomi then said "Yes, I know you can't see me clearly but look closely behind me you will see figures on a straight line am I right". Itadori after looking closely and seeing the figures said "Yes, I can see them" Itomi still with a straight face said "these figures are all the people that have wielded the strength stone. I am the one talking to you because I wielded the strength stone last and I passed it onto you" Itadori then replied in shock "wow there are a lot of figures behind you" Itomi then said "Yes indeed". Itomi then continued by saying "the reason you can't see me or the figures behind me clearly is because you are still too weak" Itadori wondered how he would still be weak after the intensive training as he said "Sir with all due respect why did you call out to me" Itomi then replied "well since MAKI won't help you, I decided to come coach you, advice you or whatever" Itadori was lost in thoughts and confused. Itomi then asked "what happened why do you look so confused?" Itadori then replied "who is MAKI?".

Itomi then said to himself with a smile "he never changes" Itadori then said "But why do you have a smile on your face" Itomi then replied "the man teaching you, your sensei's name is MAKI" Itadori was soo shocked because he never bothered asking him about his name. Itomi asked "he never told you right?" Itadori then replied "Yes, but how do you intend to coach me" Itomi replied "It's going to be easy only if you understand what I am about to say" Itadori then replied "Ok sir..... wait what should I call you" Itomi then replied "you can call me anything". Itadori then replied "Ok Sir". Itomi continued by saying "Ok you can achieve splitting this boulder by first concentrating the energy of the strength stone flowing in your body to your hand and then allow the energy to flow into the sword and then slice, It shouldn't be that hard right?" then Itadori replied "Yes, hopefully". Itomi said "Ok I think you should get going now".

Itadori then said "yes, but before I go I have two question" Itomi then replied anxiously to hear the question "what are the questions". Itadori started off by saying "since you are only talking to me about the strength stone that means that another vessel bares the speed stone" Itomi replied "yeah, go on" Itadori continued by saying "since you once wielded all the stones it means that you can communicate with the vessel of the speed stone".

Itomi replied "Yes, what's the next question " Itadori then replied without hesitation saying " the next question is how would I call out to you" Itomi then replied "just say my name in the real world but if you are in a dangerous situation the strength stone would communicate with you because I can't contact you in a dangerous situation, you might just die" Itadori then replied "got it, Goodbye Sir".

An awkward ten second passed before Itadori asked "how will I get home" then Itomi replied with a surprised face saying "that's true, my bad. Goodbye Itadori". Itadori started seeing colours as he tried to open his eyes. Then he heard a voice from his Sensei saying "you saw him right?".

Itadori finally open his eyes in shock then said "yes, how did you know" his Sensei replied "you have been out for 20 minutes. And plus when I was still Itomi's student, he normally fell into trances and will tell me he was talking to his predecessors". Itadori then said with a confident voice "well I saw him and he taught me how to split the boulder" then his Sensei replied "Ok then, let us see what you can do".

Itadori without wasting time picked up his sword and started concentrating his energy into his hand. Because of level of the concentrated energy, his Sensei sensed the energy and stood his ground. Seconds later, Itadori started to scream in agony because of the high level of concentration in his hands. Itadori then said to his self "you can do this" as he tried to infuse the energy in the sword. His sensei then shouted at the top of his voice with a concerned face saying "stop it, you are going to KILL yourself". Just before Itadori was about to stop, it got out of control and the sword exploded. Due to the tremendous amount of energy released from the sword made Itadori fly backwards hitting a nearby tree while Herupa was behind the cabin and his Sensei took cover.

After the explosion, Itadori's Sensei stood up from his cover. With smoke everywhere he then looked left and right before spotting Itadori lying unconscious at the base of the tree. He quickly ran towards him and held him in such a way that Itadori's head was on his Sensei's hand. Then his Sensei said "wake up.... come on wake up Itadori". Itadori began to slightly open his eyes as his Sensei continued by saying "walk towards my voice, don't give up". Then Itadori whispered to his Sensei's ears saying in a faint voice "that was amazing" .

His Sensei then smiled out of relief that Itadori was well as he said "That was a close call you know?!" then Itadori replied with a faint voice "Yes I know but can you take me into the cabin I don't think I can walk into the cabin" His Sensei then lifted Itadori up the ground unto his arms. His Sensei then chuckled as he said " you are a heck load of work" while walking into the cabin.

After Itadori totally flopped his training to try and split a boulder with his sword and still dazed. Will he ever master how to infuse his energy into his sword or still yet escape the forest.