First day of school.

Hi everyone, thanks for choosing to read my story, hope you find it interesting. I'm not very good at writing so if there are any logical or grammatical errors, I'd be glad to get some feedback from you. Thanks again!

I partially opened my eyes. Everything was bright and blurry. It took some minutes for my eyes to adjust to the light.

My back felt stiff and painful. ‘What have I been sleeping in a bed made of nails?’ I groaned and caressed my back. The alarm clock kept ringing like crazy in the background while I blissfully ignored it and sat straight in my bed.

This may have been the first time I slept for more than four hours uninterrupted. I felt so peaceful and joyous.

The curtains were closed but light still managed to find its way from the gaps. I could hear the birds cheerfully singing their tune in the bright morning. I inhaled deeply to let the morning air inside. There are only a few days these joyous days occur. I couldn't help but enjoy the moment.

'Ow, my head stings!' Well, that moment got ruined.

Weird memories gushed in from yesterday. But none of them actually happened. And yet those same dreams keep repeating again, and again and again.

My face was red from the heat and was covered in sweat.

'Why is my face so hot?' I swept the excessive sweat from my forehead.

'Lexi, honey, are you coming down, or shall I tell your sister to leave?' my mother called from downstairs.

'I'm coming, mom.' I sighed and sprung out of bed.

Somehow, I had a very weird feeling about today.

No, not a bad feeling, that isn't good to feel on the first day of school, but more like this emptiness deep down conveying something that I should be aware of.

Something that I should remember.

But after having experienced these feelings for quite a long time, I'm going to do the opposite, and forget that my monsters don't exist.

I didn't even shower, just pulled on my clothes, a nice pair of shirt and jeans, and put on a messy ponytail before rushing down for breakfast.

'I'm hungry!' I groaned.

Mom looked at me and sighed.

'We already had breakfast dear, it was at half past seven, and now it's quarter past eight. You're late for school already.'

'What? No breakfast? I'm already late as it is, can't you make toast or something?' I snapped.

'Sorry darling, but I have to go to work, put yourself butter and bread.' she smiled.

'Ugh fine.' I groaned. I spread butter and jam in untoasted bread(seriously, what a morning!) and chewed it warily. Can't let this moment go to waste.

'Hey, are you coming or what? Don't blame me if I leave without you.' my sister yelled from outside.

'Jwust a minwut.' I muffled while stuffing my face with bread.

'Can't you possibly wake up early?' she groaned.

'I'm sorry, I just have trouble sleeping at night.' I answered whilst chewing.

'Ugh, you're getting your, saliva on your face. That's like, the worst start to the day.' she pushed me away.

'Shwut up.' I rolled my eyes.

'Honey.' my mom called softly.


'Did you...have any dreams last night?' she asked gently.

Telling her the truth will just make her uncomfortable again.

I want to be normal too.

'No, I slept like a baby.' I replied, ignoring the bags under my eyes. I mean, four hours is good too, right?

'Well, did you write down your dreams?'

'I didn't, because I didn't have any nightmares last night.' I smiled.

She had a doubtful look in her eyes but unfolded her arms after a small pause.

'Thank goodness, that's the best thing I heard all day.' she grinned gleefully.

'Well, I'm off to school now, and uh, good luck with work.' I mumbled chewing my toast.

I have a talent. Well, more like a quirk.

I make up words randomly to express these weird emotions we don't know how to describe. It brings a certain uniqueness to your way of speaking. And it helps me a lot especially when I'm confused.

And riding with my sister just feels, gocky.

Not weird, you feel quite comfortable, but still unused to it. Like, you think you'll be ok, but you know that it's not the case.

'So, what did you dream about last night?' she asked breaking the momentary silence.


'Like, were they the same nightmares again?' she asked.

She was riding in front of me, so I couldn't see her expression, just her golden brown hair, and her goldilocks tips.

'I already told you, I didn't have any nightmares.' I pressed.

She scoffed.

'Mom and dad may be stupid, but you can't fool me. I know you too much sis.' she replied.

'Huh, really?'

'Yes, now what DID you dream about?' she asked again, a little harsher this time.

'Would you just leave it?' I snapped.

We were standing next to the giant school building, every year it just gets more and more marvelous. The renovation is top-notch. The glass glistened from the morning sun and the quiet chattering of students along with the chirping of birds is just...insignificantly plausible.

'You know, if you just told me, I'd be able to help.' she commented.

She rushed off before I could reply, probably because she already predicted what I'd say.

'You wouldn't understand.'


'You're late.' the teacher huffed.

Mr.Piper was a tall man in his 40s probably, and always finds something to pick on me.

'Ms. Westington, you're late on the first day of your school. You better have a good excuse.' he growled.

The whole class was staring at me. I felt uneasy.

'Um, I slept in.' I blurted.

'Again? Like last year?'

I didn't reply.

'Ms. Westington, I understand you have sleeping issues, but that isn't an excuse to be late to class on your very first day of the year.' he sighed.

'I'm sorry.' I hung my head embarrassed. Sleeping issues? What does he know about my nightmares?

This teacher, punished me for something I can't control and announcing it in front of the whole class.

'Just, go take a seat, I will not discuss this with you at eight o'clock in the morning on the first day of the school year. Please, go and take a seat.' he rubbed his temples.

'Could've just said that in the first place.' I mumbled.

There were no seats available, only one seat, next to a girl with green eyes. Don't get me wrong, I like people with green eyes. They're rare and special and known to be shy and trustworthy.

I sat down without uttering a word.

Class started as usual, and Mr.Piper wrote down something on the board. It seemed important, but my attention span died down when he welcomed us to the new school year.

She was scribbling down something, is she taking notes on the very first day of class?

'Hi.' I initiated the conversation.

The green-eyed girl started when she heard my voice.

'Sorry, did you call me?' she asked softly.

Her voice was benevolent and gentle, and I'm pretty sure that even if she spoke loud the teacher wouldn't hear it.

'Yeah, sorry I interrupted, I just wanted to say, your eyes are beautiful.'

Dang it, that is creepy as hell.

She didn't reply and just blushed.

'N-no, I didn't mean it like that, I meant like, your eyes are just so shiny and rare and-'

'Ms.Westington!' Mr.Piper called me out again.

Crap, why can't he just not pay attention to me for a millisecond?

'Yes, sir?'

'You are disrupting the class, again! I cannot believe this. I had high expectations for you after seeing your sister, but this is what I get. I'm sorry Alexia if you are going to do this again, I might ask you to leave.' he growled.

'Sorry, Mr.Piper.' I cried.