I can't breathe.

The girl sat on the antique wooden desk and typed something on her computer in full focus, ignoring her friend. Her face wasn't visible as she didn't turn back even once, but her beautiful dark hair was soft and shiny like a poet's ink and quill.

Only the voice of the other girl was to be heard. Her face wasn't visible either. The only thing visible about her is her strawberry-blond hair.

'...' she continued typing.

'Ellie! you've been so obsessed with this all year you've ignored your friends and your family. Your grades are falling, your parents are worried.' she remarked.

'Ellie, listen to me! You're ruining your life with this stupid thing!'

The dark-haired girl continued typing.

'Mind your own damn business.'

I woke up drenched in a cold sweat. My lungs are squeezed together, I couldn't breathe. I gasped desperately for air.

'Mom!' I finally called for help. What's going on? What on Earth is happening to me??

That wasn't me. What were they talking about?

My body went into sleep mode. It froze, and something pulled my life out of my body.

I screamed, my whole body was in pain and my head felt like it would explode.

My mother and father rushed into my room in a few seconds. Dad turned on the lights and mom rushed to help me.

'Sweetie, what happened? Talk to me?' she shook me.

'I-I c-can't brr-eath.' I stammered. It was getting too hot and uncomfortable. Tears started flowing from my eyes as an automatic reaction.

'It'll be alright sweetheart, Henry! Call the doctor now!' mom yelled. It's evident that she is shaken too. But this has happened in the past so she got used to situations like this often.

Minutes later, an ambulance arrived. In a small town like this, the ambulance doesn't come that far. Whether there we folks walk there for 2 miles or stay here and take the medicine we think will work. But mom knows the doctors in the city hospital so she arranged for this.

The neighbors didn't even respond to the loud sirens and bright light peering through the windows. they've been through this 'annoyance' several times they don't even feel like getting up or bothering about it.

Fast forward a few hours, I'm in the hospital bed with tubes going through my nose to help me breathe and an IV tube pierced into on my arm for food sufficiency. A serotonin shot has been given to me for calming my nerves. God, this happens every time I swear. I wish I hadn't gone to bed today.

Alexia was standing in the corner of the tiny room with a very concerned look on her face. She looked as if she was going to cry. I wondered how many times we've been through this. It's not a stabbing pain in my heart anymore, more of a tiny needle pricking me every time I see her cry.

'Calm down, I'm not dead yet.' I sighed.

My breathing has finally stabilized and I felt a gush of relief.

Mom and dad rushed inside. They didn't even stop to thank the doctor who saved my life. Again.

'Lexi baby, are you ok my darling?' my mom caressed my cheek. Well, obviously not, I have tubes in my nose. How can anyone be ok like this?

'Yeah mom, I'm fine.' I lied.

'Oh, you should've come home earlier, now look what happened to you.' she sobbed.

Dad didn't say anything, he just stared at me with the same concerned look as my sister.

'Guys, I told you I'm fine, I just need to rest a bit.' I replied as calmly as possible. If they stay any longer I might have another panic attack. I just want to be alone and think things through.

'Sorry to interrupt your moment but there's something I want to talk to you guys about. Mind stepping out a bit?' Doctor Harry asked calmly. He always had this tiring smile on his face. I'm sure it's because of the crap he has to deal with every day.

They all stepped outside and closed the door, but I could still see them from the transparent glass pane. He was telling them something with a dead serious face and my mother just nodded and sobbed more.

What are they talking about? Is it something very serious? Is something going to happen to me?

a wave of panic seizes me, but it was gone after I heard my sister's voice.

'I'm sure it's nothing, they're always so dramatic you know?' my sister smiled warily.

I smiled back. Not sure how long I can keep smiling like this.

'So, tell me about this friend of yours.' she nudged me.

'I'm so glad you asked.' I smiled proudly.

And for a moment I forgot everything else in the world.

This feeling is just, amazing. Sitting with someone you love while you're not doing so well yourself. Them making you forget reality for a split second. It's...insouciant.

'Well her name is Tori, and she loves Pigeons.' I smiled.

'I knew it. She's a weirdo like you isn't she?' she rolled her eyes.

'No way! She's way cooler than you think. She has such mesmerizing green eyes. Have you seen them yet?' I almost fell off my bed.

'Sheesh calm down! What's it with you and your obsession with bright-colored eyes?' she asked grumpily.

'You just won't understand it sis, it's art in its finest form.' I nodded.

'I love you.' I replied bluntly.

She shook from the sudden love and blushed bright red.

'Woah hey! what's with you anyway.' she stammered.

I smiled weakly.

I sighed deeply.

'I know you're trying to be nice and all, but I don't know how much I can take. Sometimes I just want to sleep and never wake up.' I looked down.

She stiffened up a bit.

'Please don't. For me. I know we'll get through this. Don't worry, it's only a matter of time before you can sleep again.' she smiled weakly.

'It's not about sleeping. There's something wrong with me. I see things, I hear things.'

'What?' she asked astonished.

'It's...weird, I don't know what's happening to me.' I winced.

She paused for a split second. 'You'll be fine. It's only a matter of time.' she repeated.

'I certainly hope so. Else I will still come and haunt your dreams.' I giggled. But she found it hard to laugh.

'Maybe. Maybe not.' I looked back to the doctor ending the discussion with mom and looking through the glass directly at me.

Uh-oh, here they come.

Q&A corner:

Q: Where do you get these 'made-up' words from?

A: They're not actually made up by me, I took them from a very interesting book: 'the dictionary of obscure sorrows.' This book gave a word for the feelings and emotions you never realised you felt. It's a really big collection and has some cool meanings, and I want to use them here often to give more meaning and make my story more interesting. So I recommend you check it out if you're confused sometimes. (Note: the 'made-up' words are highlighted in italics everytime I use it.)