Chapter 9. Cupid's arrow

Death has come to town....

|~| Loomis.


Carter could understand the collective gasps. The room was filled with all the latest tech and gadgets. This was geek heaven. He kept his cool outwardly but he really just wanted to run in and begin-

"Agent, you and I are returning to the precinct" Hannagan began, interrupting his musings. "Mike, Christian, Molly, you guys stay and go crazy"

The three of them grinned and started for the room but the sound of a throat clearing stopped them.

"Paul here will stay with you, monitor you until you're done" Ingersoll said, gesturing to a tall, muscular man with blonde hair and blue eyes who seemed to appear from nowhere.

"Alright. Let's go" Dover said, rubbing his hands together in barely contained glee. They strode off and Carter's heart sank. He really wanted to play with the toys.