Chapter 15. Norway

Serial killers are true to themselves. That's more than those who condemn them can say of themselves.

|~| The Mailman.


"Are you sure?"

Perhaps it wasn't the wisest question to ask in light of the situation but it burst out of Kory's mouth before she could think.

"Of course I'm sure my son's dead. You think I'd be mistaken about something like that?"

"May we come in and ask some questions?" Kory asked.

"What for? You already asked and I gave you an answer"

She made to shut the door but Agent Cross put his hand forward, above Kory's head and stopped it.

"Ma'am we only have a few questions and then we'll be out of your hair " Kory tried good cop again.

"I don't want the likes of you in my house. Norman!"

Kory sighed and looked up at Agent Cross. He shrugged.