Chapter 34. Love

There is darkness in every one of us. Those who embrace it embrace beauty, power. They embrace life.

|~| The Mailman.


Kory paced around her office. She had a lot on her mind and the last thing she needed was what was happening right then. She could hear the commotion outside. Perhaps she was a coward for staying there in her office, hoping that her detectives would handle it. But she couldn't afford that damn it!

Finally, her door was shoved open and in came the vultures. She didn't even ask how they got in. But she knew she'd be busting some cop balls. They knew the drill, they weren't supposed to let the press in. So what the fuck were five vultures with cameras and recorders doing in her damn office?

"Lieutenant Hannagan, will you confirm or deny the rumors that you are connected in some way to The Sweetheart killer?"

"Lieutenant Hannagan, is The Sweetheart killer connected to The Mailman?"