Girl problems

Logan Pov

It's been almost a week later and I'm still looking for her. Arg...why did she have to be a mermaid? The last time I wanted someone my feelings ended up getting hurt and now, now I ended up hurting someone else's feelings, let alone a mermaid's feelings. Why it hurt so damn much, I have no idea but what I do know is that I have to fix things. Letting her go was the biggest mistake I have ever made. The pain that overcame me was...otherworldly. The sadness, pain and even worse, the rejection. I rejected her and her existence and that made something snap inside of me. I hope I still have time to fix things. I have the feeling that I hurt her more than it hurt myself.

The pain I felt in my chest was intense, it made me scream in agony. I did make sure to scare the hell out of Carlo and Ryan. The numb feeling that came over me afterwards had me coughing up blood, not a good sign to begin with. They rushed me to the hospital and I was there for three whole days. I slept the entire time, but it felt like I was dreaming the whole thing, and not a normal dream. It was also like I was seeing through her eyes. Where she went, what she did, what happened to her. There were even people, some of them looked like guards, the other one though, he looked a lot like her. They had a conversation, I could not quite hear or make out what they were saying, like that part was private and I could not hear them no matter how hard I tried.

The moment my eyes opened the third day, I was greeted by Ryan. He was ranting about how worried he was and that no one knows what happened besides me, him and Carlo. I did catch that he said Carlo was still in a silent state of shock, but I didn't care what he had to say. The second he was within arms reach, I grabbed him and looked him in the eyes and told him that I wanted to go to the beach. Where it all happened. Ryan was obviously freaked out by my sudden change of mind and my entire mood made a three-sixty degree turn the moment I forced him to rent a boat and set sail. That is where we are now, on the ocean for the third day, looking for a mermaid. The sailor of the boat was working on the sails while me and Ryan stood with binoculars staring at the water for hours on end.

Every now and then Ryan would spot something in the distance and tell me he 'sees' her, but the entire time he's been looking at a group of dolphins. Me on the hand, I'm trying to understand why I felt that way over her, why I reacted the way I did when she left. All my questions will be answered the moment we find her and I know for a fact that she is coming back this way because in the dream I felt her make up her mind to come back, back with a plan and she is going to need my help. Help I would gladly give if it means that we can be together.

As I watch the ocean for a moment I think of the world below me. Thousands of lifeforms living beneath the surface. Fish of thousands of species, whales, sharks, dolphins, and so much more, and until recent discovery, mermaids. I wonder what her home looks like? If it is as beautiful, yet cruel at the same time, just like mine...

The wind blows in my face, light to the touch but strong enough to sway the sailboat. I can taste the salty air on my tongue, the clammy feeling the ocean air leaves on your skin and in your hair. The calm feeling that overwhelms me even now, brings so much peace to my mind, body and soul and I can't help but think that it has everything to do with her.

I think back to my dream, how much it felt like I saw through her eyes. If only I could dream like that again, maybe I'd see where she is at this point. I close my eyes, trying to conjure up that feeling, the energy of sharing a mind, sight that isn't mine, and happens.

(I'm under water, it's shallow and bright, the blue of the ocean resembles that of the sky. I can see the sun, a small speck from here but bright enough to illuminate even a fraction of the deep, dark and treacherous sea. There is also a shadow. It's large, but not large enough to be the land's mountainous shadows looming overhead. It dawns on me that it's the boat.)

I snap out of the dreamlike state that I was in...she's here. I walk to the side of the boat and lean over. I can see her, but not clear enough. I decide to jump into the water, to see her, to face her and the mistake I made. Ryan yells from above me but I don't hear what he says, I'm already submerged. She swims closer to me and I see her face, beautiful and vibrant in her natural home and...she's mad. Not good.

I get the feeling we'll be rising up storms today, but we have to talk and if she decides to drown me, so be it. She comes even closer to me, she takes me by surprise when she puts he hands on my waist, then she hoists me up and throws me back on the boat with such force, it knocks the breath right out of my lungs.

I did not expect her to have such strength and when I look back at the water, there is a swirl of water that is receding back to the natural way it should be. Ryan is next to me in an instant, yelling in my ears, showing his concern but all I want is for him to be quiet and look at the girl that is now standing on the boat.

I lift my hand up to Ryan's face and turn his head to look at her. Out here her face is pale but colourful at her hairline, where her scales are disappearing to reveal skin. Ryan looks and stills immediately, his body going rigid. Looks like the big guy is afraid of a little mermaid? Ha! A little mermaid. Ah...the little mermaid is now sneering at me. I get up from my fallen position but I remain in this spot, leaving as much room for her to explode on me without killing me. The further I am from her rampage, the better. I clear my throat and gather as much courage as I can muster to speak. "Hi." It comes out a whisper, so low I don't think she heard me. I open my mouth to speak louder this time but she interrupts me. "Hi? Is that all you have to say?" It sounds like my mother is scolding me. Ryan pats me on the back, "I'll uh, leave you to it then. Call if you need me." The last part he whispers in my ear and heads inside the cabinet. Why the cabinet and not the cabin? He closes the door and when I look back to her she is face to face with me.

"Why don't we start from the beginning? Where you explain to me what you wanted to, at the party." I say in a calm and collected manner. She on the other hand is everything but calm and collected. "Now you want me to explain! When I tried the first time, you freaked out and hurt me in a way I have never been hurt before! I hope to the gods that you were hurt just as much!" She yells at me, and I swear the ocean responds to every word she screams at me, accentuating her anger and pain.

"I know what I did, and yes, I did feel it. The pain was unbearable, it even made me pass out. I was asleep for three whole days and in that time I've been asleep...something happened." I don't know if it is a good idea to tell her about my new found ability, but if this is going to work, there can't be any secrets between us.

She looks at me with questioning eyes and I really hope she doesn't toss me in the ocean because I can suddenly invade her mind. She walks closer to me with careful steps. "What exactly happened? Does it...involve you seeing through my eyes, perhaps?" How the HELL did she know that? I clear my throat, which has run dry all of a sudden and nod my head. "Yes." I croak out. She doesn't seem surprised, though. "I thought as much." she says.

She turns around and starts pacing back and forth. "Well, if you can already see through my eyes, it means you aren't far off from your first shifting." she says, more to herself than to me but every word she utters has my head spinning, making me fear for my life. What does she mean by my 'first shifting'?

I walk up to her, stopping her mid way from pacing back to where I was standing. My throat is even dryer than it was before. "What exactly do you mean by shifting? As far as I know, I am perfectly human and incapable of growing a fin out of my ass." I tell her and she looks like she spewed a secret that wasn't meant to be heard out loud. She clasps her hands together and lifts her head sheepishly, "You might want to sit down for this." Something tells me I won't like what she has to say...