Truths and History. Pt.1

Ryan Pov

This is bad. Logan wasn't supposed to shout it out like a damn declaration! Mariana is beyond shocked and she seems really pissed off. She was bound to find out eventually but I had not intended for it to happen this way. I also couldn't have kept my mouth shut. Knowing who it is was, was too much for me, I had to tell someone.

This William, is the same guy Mariana would have been forced to marry but happened to be mated to her sister. That is a royal fuck up. These poor girls are probably wondering who would punish them like this. I would think it's a punishment because this guy, whoof! He is bad, bad, BAD! Now he's part of the family. Yeah, I can see many therapy sessions ahead of them.

Or maybe a trial for murder, because someone in Mariana's family would want him dead as we speak. Someone like...Mariana's dad, Marius. Wait until I have to tell her about that fight between them when she got pushed all the way here by her father. And the part where I failed to mention it to Logan...

I'm a box of secrets and no one even suspects me. That makes me feel horrible.

Well at least secrets are revealed in time. Mine would only take a few thousand years but, hey! Mariana's ancestors lived millions of years and continues to live so maybe I still have some time on my hands. Since I'm not exactly human either...

This is going to get a whole lot worse I just know it. Mariana is pacing back and forth in the kitchen now. Carlo was also shocked by the sudden outburst that he came back inside to only satisfy his curiosity. He left to go sit outside again when he saw how hysterical Mariana was. I guess he has too much of his own problems to take on another one.

Mary also still hasn't come back yet. I pity her when she has to face this angry redhead. Kinda brunette too, her hair is a mix between brown, bronze and red. Looks cool. Fingers are in my face now, snapping rapidly. "Wakey, wakey Ryan! You have some explaining to do." I snap my attention back to Mariana and she is literally seething, inches from my face and the sight makes me gulp nervously. This fishy scary right now...

"I know this because it may have something to do with history." I tell her slowly and also trying to formulate a solid explanation for her. "You are the Keeper of History, how does that tell you William is my sister's mate?" She questions angrily. Hey, it is not my fault her life is messed up and right now it feels like she's blaming me for Fate's choices. "They both found out a year ago. Around the same time William started to 'try' to court you." She frowns like she still doesn't understand and it makes me roll my eyes. Upon rolling my eyes I notice Kung-Fu Panda on the tv. She told us when we got here that she had watched all the movies Maria and Papa have here.

So I opt for something stupid and childish but logical at the same time. "The wise words of Master Ugwe, "Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, but Today is a Gift. That is why it's called Present." I look her in the eye and some light must have been switched on because suddenly she's just nodding her head. "Now it all makes sense." She whispers while still nodding her head. It's starting to freak me out so I look at Logan and he is just staring at her with a scowl. "You okay?" I ask him. He hums his response and continues to stare at her.

"What's going on in that head of yours?" I ask her and she spins around on her heel to look at me. No, correction, to gawk at me. "You're right about the whole Ugwe thing. It did give me a lightbulb moment. And as for the 'making sense', well they did react weird around each other the first few times they were forced to be around each other. His fault by the way since he tried to court me." She says with a grimace like she's living in a nightmare. She really hates the guy, huh? "So now you know the answer to two questions. Who's your sister's mate and why they were behaving weirdly." Logan states with a bored expression. "But more questions popped up." He also stated afterwards.

Yeah that is one thing in our messed up little world. With one question solved a hundred more pops up unsolved and causing more chaos. She just hums to his statement. I turn my attention back to Logan and he's rubbing his eyes and he just looks like he is so over today already.

That face I have seen many times and I know he's tired. "Why don't you sleep a bit?" He just shakes his head at me like I asked him to climb mount Everest. I sigh and just drop it 'cause no one is winning this argument. "He's right, Logan. You need to sleep too. Go to my room and sleep as long as you need, we'll be quiet." Mariana tells him and he...listens to her. WHAT?! I quickly cover my mouth. I didn't mean to shout it out. They are both now looking at me like I have grown two heads.

"Well, not only has your shouting behaviour rubbed off on me, but your demands are being met by your one and only soulmate." The words are out before I can stop myself but it gets better. Instead of being sneered at by Logan or being reprimanded by Mariana, they roll their eyes with little smiles and blushing like mad. I scratch my head in confusion, are they getting along now because earlier today they didn't even look at each other. Ugh, so meant for each other...

"Okay, then I'll see you later." Logan says as he stands up and goes off to Mariana's room. Once he shuts the door I look at Mariana who is still looking at the closed door. "I don't know what's going on between you two but I can say for certain, you belong together." She turns around and gives me a sassy pose with a raised eyebrow, "Is it because of how we behave?" I nod my head and she rolls her eyes. She then takes up the spot on the sofa where Logan just sat and she looks like she's calmer. I hate to ruin her peace but we still have to talk.

I clear my throat and Mariana glances at me with a side eye look that shows she is not interested in talking right now. I keep staring at her expectantly and finally she gives in.

"What is it you want to know?" I smile gleefully and I move up in my chair sitting on the edge. "I want to know everything about the first Keeper of History." She sighs and gets more comfortable. I feel like this is going to be a long story. I'm so giddy right now I'm pretty sure I make a kid with ADHD look bad.

"The first Keeper was born about a thousand years after Neptune and appointed as his advisor by Neptune's dad." I gawk at her and a hundred questions pop up. "Who's his dad? What was the Keeper's name? How old was he when he found out?-" She slaps her hand over my mouth and the sting makes my eyes water. She's definitely stronger than she looks. "Neptune's dad is Poseidon, the first Keeper was a woman, Madam Elizabeth Locke and she was nine when she found out." My great grandmother was the first Keeper? My eyes are probably something out of a cartoon but What?! The whole Keeper line is one bloodline? That would mean my mom was the Keeper before me. Why didn't she tell me?

Like a switch, my mind delves deep into the past with one thought, like it always does when I want to know something. But I don't find an answer like every other time I have ever tried finding out. I take away Mariana's hand and fall back in my seat. "Can I go on?" I just nod, still overwhelmed by shock that it has me quiet. Maybe I can't trace the line back because I'm part of it. Now only Mariana can tell me. How much we both rely on each other and we didn't even know.

"When she discovered her talent her mother and father had sent her to the kingdom of Thebes, a city you humans now call Luxor." The name rings a bell and my mind goes back in time. Images flash in my head and old, timeless knowledge flows through every image. The legendary king, Oedipus, ruled that time but it was also a kingdom that was known as the locale of ancient Greece's tragedies. Thebes was founded by Cadmus, the greatest hero alongside Perseus and Bellerophon, who had sowed the ground with dragon teeth.

"Elizabeth was then taken to the Valley of the Kings by Oedipus himself to train her mind and grow stronger. So she can one day advise the Gods who ruled the oceans. The ocean being the largest and most powerful kingdom too this day." Valley of the Kings, it was used as a tomb or place of burial known by ancient Egyptian royals. "How does the Egyptians fit in all of this?" I ask because that part doesn't make sense to me.

"They have no part. The Greek and Roman gods used the place as a gateway to the aquatic heavens of the sea gods. Like Poseidon and later Neptune's birth place." So Thebes was known to both Greeks and Egyptians? But the gods used Egypt as a guise for their greatest secret. The way to the heavens of the ocean gods. "What was their link to the aquatic heavens?" Mariana looks like I asked something stupid, "The Nile of course." She says bluntly and her statement makes me feel stupid. I did know that...

"Okay and where exactly did she stay because as far as I know, there were only tombs?" Yet again she rolls her eyes at me like I asked another dumb question. "The builders of the tombs had to live somewhere right?" I nod my head while looking for an answer to my own question. "They all lived together in a village called Deir el-Medina. That is where Elizabeth was taken too and from between her visits in the heavens and the Nile, where she used the flow of time through the water. Water is a medium for many things, time being one of them. The Time Gods, who made their descendants people like Elizabeth, used water as a gateway just like my gods and ancestors, and also their way to their power. Water is is a lifeline for all living things. That's why it is of the four main elements and one of the ruling elements alongside fire."

Well now I have learned plenty new things already. My family is also descendant from gods and we served other gods. "What happened when she became powerful enough to serve the gods?" Mariana takes a breath, "Well, everyone thought that she would serve Thebes's god that was born there, Dionysus." King Cadmus's daughter, Semele and Zeus was Dionysus's parents." I frown once again wondering where Oedipus fit in all of this and time answers me this time. Oedipus was born to the king and queen of Thebes, Laius and Jocasta.

"Let me guess, she was then sent through the gateway to serve Neptune on Poseidon's order?" Mariana nods her head and falls back into the sofa, I do the same and let the new information sink in. This is going to take a while. "We're not even half way are we?" I ask her and she shakes her head. "No, but we have time to kill. So, I'll make some coffee and then we can continue. Sound good?" I nod my head, eager for more...