Chapter 22. Bargain

Ryan Pov

While we're heading out south, towards the beach where all the shit started, Mariana explains to everyone what the plan is. In my opinion it's a good idea but what she's forgetting is that it didn't work all that well back then. Neptune still suffered a great deal to accomplish this and it nearly cost his father his realm. So yeah, not everyone is entirely sure about this but...this is all we've got.

Logan halts again for the millionth time already. He is outright questioning every aspect of this plan. "You're saying you are going to use Neptune as a bargaining chip while also being the bait. And what makes you think he will just show up? He did the exact same thing to his father." Mariana purses her lips and stares at him. "Obviously!" She yells at Logan while throwing her arms in the air. "There was a flaw in Neptune's plan, one I can definitely avoid and be a little more successful in this."

Logan heaves a deep sigh and grumbles in frustration. I've come to enjoy watching these two hormonal teenagers bicker. "How is it that you're so sure?" Carlo asks this time. He's been quiet this whole time since we left Papa and Maria's place. "Well," Mariana gives Logan a pointed look as if she's saying 'if you'll let me explain without interrupting', which I was close to saying eventually. "I'm going to let Neptune in on it. All of it. So we are all on the same page when we do this. That way he can put his experience into play as well."

Hmm. That's a solid idea. With Neptune's military and war history and knowledge we might just be successful. "So basically you want to do what Neptune did but without his mistakes." I state aloud for clarification. No plan ever has no mistake in it so this is still a fifty/fifty thing. Whether we have a literal Roman God on our team or not. "Yes, but I'm not going to think nothing's going to happen. This is William we're dealing with. Something always happens." Only Mariana would know and I'm glad she's thinking like that, knowing who we're dealing with helps a lot too.

All too soon, we reach the shore and stop. It's peaceful out here this time of night. The moon on the horizon, a nocturnal sun on the ocean's surface. The waves, gentle despite the earlier conflict, like it never happened. And that's when it happens. A wave so big, so high, I'm sure Zeus would have to move Olympus higher up in the sky. "You guys seeing this?" I ask them pointing at the big wave. A resounding 'yes' is what answer I get. The wave his higher than the mountain that circles the lagoon, nearly touching the clouds.'s coming right for us. Everyone starts running, everyone except Mariana. I halt and yell at her, "Are you crazy, let's go!"

"Dude, I'm literally a mermaid. Besides, he's just showing off." She yells back. Then it sinks in. Neptune is doing this and yeah, he is definitely showing off. When I turn around, the others, even the old folks, are high up on the hill. How the heck did they get up so fast? "It's okay! It's just Neptune!" Carlo points to his head meaning they can't hear what I said. I just shrug and go to stand next to Mariana. "Now what?" I ask her and she too just shrugs, like a tsunami isn't coming our way.

The huge wave stops literally one meter from us and out walks Neptune. In all his glory, he strides onto the beach like he owns it. Well, technically he does but still, no need for thát much swagger. He opens his arms wide and envelope Mariana in a tight embrace which is clearly making her uncomfortable. I step to the side to give them space while their awkward hug continues for too long. Deciding to save Mariana from her grandfather I loudly clear my throat and gain their attention. Pointing at the humongous wave I ask, "You gonna keep that up for all to see or put it down so William won't find us before we actually have a plan?"

"Oh yeah." Neptune turns around and lets the wave down slowly, easing the water back to its calm state. He then looks at us expectantly while rubbing his hands together. "So, what's the plan?" Everyone looks at Mariana, this is her idea so she might as well explain it to him. "I want to bargain with William to get my family in exchange for me. He won't know about you, who would be helping me get away while my family is out of reach. There is a chance that we could be captured but I have a contingency plan for that." She says shortly and it makes Logan huff. Neptune looks between the two, probably sensing the disagreement. With a question on his face he asks, "What kind of contingency plan?"

"That is for me to know." Mariana states simply. It's most likely something risky, which could be why she won't share that little detail. "Yeah, she's pretty vague with that one. Almost like she plans on getting caught." Logan comments which earns him a glare from her. "Okay, so long as you live then it's fine by me." Neptune replies. Logan's mouth falls open in disbelief. "Seriously?! She's your granddaughter, aren't you the least bit afraid for her?" Neptune shrugs and walks past him, patting him on the shoulder. "I've learned just to have faith in her. I've been watching over her for a long time, even heard all her prayers..." Mariana blushes when he mentions her prayers, what did she pray about? " just relax and trust her. She knows what she's doing. Besides, she probably keeps it a secret because you might try to stop her."

"So now what?" I ask again. We have a plan, not the best plan but still, we have one. A literal ocean God is with us, all we need to do is get started. "Now, we go eat." Neptune replies. Huh? Eat? "Yeah, I'm starving, let's go." Mariana marches past me like a soldier following an order. Okay so firts we eat and then we go kick some villainous ass. Brilliant.

"You realize that you have to wait an hour after eating before you can swim?!" I yell after them. Ironic enough, Neptune and Mariana are the ones who yell back, "That's a myth!"