
Inside the class Damon was browsing the internet as usual while sometimes glancing at Nathan who was smiling like a fool the whole time giving out some creepy vibes which even scared the teachers and students around him.

Damon was busy comparing both of the world and pointing out various things which are yet to be introduced in this world.


The class bell rang notifying the teachers and students at the end of the period.

The teacher left the class and instead of him another middle aged teacher entered the class who was responsible for the physical education or simply the games period for which he took the class to the indoor basketball court.

The girls formed their group and took the half court and same did the boys and started playing.

Nathan also happily played with them and surprised everyone by showing his overwhelming dominance in the court which is all thanks to his supernatural physique getting a lot of cheers from the others.

Damon just stood at the side watching everyone play the game but his entire mind was trying to scheme some plans against the protagonist.

Honestly he was getting frustrated by what to do and asked the system for some advice once again.

[Sigh host, you may be the most disappointing villain ever]

'Its not like I was born villain or recieved some training for this, Heck this is my first time scheming something like this'

[Host I think you are forgetting that in the past life you schemed a lot of 'accidents' of your rivals]

'That's a different thing. It was just directly killing them not playing till I extracted their all luck'

[Sigh Host, do whatever you want just to make the protagonist feel despair and eventually break down]

'Break down? can I just simply torture them to draw out their luck and kill them'

[ could host, as long as you don't kill the protagonist with luck value higher than the host you could do anything you wish to do with them]

'It's that simple?'

[Yes host]

'Why didn't you say this to me earlier?'

[..This is what I was speaking of from the start!]

'Sigh you are really bad at explaining things'

[No! I'm not bad at explaining things. You are an idiot, asshole]

Disregarding the system's last statement Damon looked at Nathan with an evil grin plastered at his face.

Nathan who was enjoying being the centre felt a shiver running through his back and his body trembled unconsciously.

'What is this feeling I'm getting?'

Nathan who was playing basketball just stopped in his tracks as he felt uncomfortable for some reasons.

"Nathan Catch"

As he was thinking his teammate just passed him the ball which he caught and went for a running shot gaining his team another two points.

"What the heck are you doing?"

On the other side, the things weren't looking good for the opposite team as the leader of the team screamed at his teammates.

The team leader of the opposite team was a handsome young man wearing glasses.

He was Jeremy Grey, the smartest boy of the class as he assumed himself to be and is the heir of the Grey Family a Behemoth of the Eastern Federation.

In the whole school he is one of few people whose family background could be comparable to Damon himself and could be considered equal.

Jeremy didn't like to lose to anyone and has always assumed himself as someone superior to others and even to Damon.

Losing to the team of losers more importantly the biggest loser of the class and the infamous waste was nothing less than a tight slap across his face.

"Damn these idiots they are really good for nothing, it would be better if there was even a decent player to team up with me"

Jeremy muttered to himself as he was pissed at his teammates.

He looked around and saw Damon resting on one of the benches looking at the match.

Damon and Jeremy weren't friends but also were not any kind of enemies.

During the school years Jeremy and Damon had almost no interaction at all and outside too as Damon never attended any social gatherings.

Jeremy always thought of Damon as his rival and always tried to compete against him by himself.

He looked at Damon for a second and a thought appeared for a moment.

'Maybe he could provide a good assistance if he plays'

With this thought in mind Jeremy approached Damon and asked him to join his team in a straightforward manner.

"Hey Damon wanna join the team?"


[Quest Triggered..]