Chapter 26: Master Boreas

As they all were tired after school, they relaxed in the living room.

Now that everyone was home, they decided to talk about the day. Thus, Hiroki threw Aiko off the sofa, as he wanted to have that spot for himself.

"Ouch! What was that Hiroki?"

Hiroki ignored the cries of his friend.

After that, Hiroki and Gaia were occupying most of the space on the sofa. That's because Hiroki was laying with the back of his head on Gaia's soft and warm thighs, as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. He was on the edge of dozing off. Yasuo was forced to squeeze himself in between the ending of the sofa and Hiroki's feet, as Eichi and Aiko were sitting on the two armchairs.

As they were sitting/laying there, in the living room, they talked about all sorts of things. How the first day was. Their impressions of the academy building and their classmates. And most importantly they talked about the various girls that they had spotted during the day.

That talk kind of annoyed Gaia, though she didn't say a word.

Suddenly Eichi stood up, his eyes were shining as if he was going through an enlightening thought process.

"I have the best idea guys. How about we go to the city and Hiroki shows us around? Wouldn't that be nice?" Aiko told his friends about that idea.

All of his friends watched him in disappointment, as they frowned in disapproval. They didn't like the idea, because they had no desire to go back to the city again and walk around there for the whole evening. Hiroki agreed, but there was also another crucial point, as to why he disapproved.

"No, we cannot do that."

"Why not? We don't have anything better to do at the moment anyways…", Aiko tried to convince his friend.

"No dude. That is impossible.

Do you know why? It's because plot.

As of now, there was still no real plot development. We need more action and finally, start the leveling journey. If we were to go to the city and stroll around like some kind of tourists and waste a full chapter, then the readers might drop dead!" said Hiroki.

"What readers" Eichi intervened.

"Just forget it. It's not that important." Hiroki tried to distract him.

"Anyways. We will stay here, go to sleep and then go to school tomorrow. There we will, hopefully, finally learn how that damned system works and how to level up." Hiroki reminded them once again, that they should stay here and make this day end as soon as possible.

As they could not say anything against Hiroki's words, they just agreed. Thus, they stayed inside the whole evening. Aiko and Eichi used the house's gym, Yasuo went to his room and there he did all kinds of things, that are not worth mentioning. Hiroki and Gaia stayed on the sofa, enjoying each other's presence.

At a certain point, Hiroki dozed off. Gaia gently lifted his head from her lap. After she placed a pillow underneath his head, she softly kissed his forehead and went to the kitchen. There she prepared dinner for everybody.

Hiroki woke up at the exact same moment, when Gaia wanted to wake him up, as she was about to tell him to gather his friends because the dinner was cooked and ready to be served. He sat up from his laying position and greeted Gaia with a passionate kiss.

Then he went on to call for his friends. After they arrived, they gathered around the table and started eating. The food was delicious, as expected from the cooking skills of a goddess. After eating they did the dishes together and around 2 hours later, they went to bed. At least Aiko and Yasuo did that. Hiroki and Gaia were doing their usual thing in their room and Eichi wasn't able to go to sleep, as he was very busy dealing with an old elf.


Eichi's room


"Old man, why can't you just leave me alone?", Eichi was tired of the old man, who was bothering him until now.

The elf Boreas had wanted to talk to him all this time. He was telling him stories about his, what he called a great and wonderful past in which he had much fun with elven women. Though Eichi didn't want to listen to those kinds of stories, as some of them were really crazy and disgusting.

"Stop it old fart. I'm not something like your granddaughter, who wants to hear stories from her grandpa. Just go to sleep." said Eichi.

He was already laying in his bed, covered by the sheets. As he saw the old man in silence, holding his chin with his hand, as if he was thinking something through, Eichi closed his eyes. He was happy, finally being able to rest and sleep. Though his happiness lasted only for about twenty seconds, as Boreas the elf started talking again.

"Ohhh granddaughter… yes, yes. I do have a granddaughter. Ok, listen here boy, if you listen to my stories and perform well, I will give you my granddaughter's hand in marriage.

And let me tell you, boy, my granddaughter got the looks."

Boreas was holding his two hands in front of his chest as if he was holding breasts. He indicated to Eichi that his granddaughter had huge bonkers.

As he said that, Eichi immediately jumped out of bed and fixated on Boreas with his, now wide-open, eyes. As he saw Boreas' hand gestures, he could not help but imagine a beautiful blonde elf girl with breasts as huge as Boreas indicated him. Drool started running down from the right side of his mouth.

Eichi wiped off the drool and then he fell to his knees. He bowed down as if he was worshipping a god.

"O, great master grandpa. I will listen to all your stories full of glory and I will follow your teachings for the rest of my life!" he promised Boreas.

Boreas was amused at the sight he was just seeing. It pleased him to see that boy worshipping him so much. Not because he liked being worshipped, but instead, he was happy to finally have gained his first-ever disciple. To sacrifice his granddaughter for that didn't make him feel bad. Quite the opposite, he was happy to have secured Eichi as his granddaughter's future husband.

'Gotcha boy! Having you marry my granddaughter was such a smart move… as expected of a great king like myself. You are bound to get unimaginably strong, as you are the companion of such a horrific being like Mr. Hiroki. This might be a big blessing for the elven race's future.' thought Boreas.

After that, Boreas didn't bother him with any more of his stories and let Eichi go to sleep. He also thought that he had earned himself a good portion of sleep.