
   New York, St. John's Mission School.

   This school is located on the west bank of the famous Manhattan Island, adjacent to the Hudson River, where it is commonly known as Hell's Kitchen.

  Although the bustling Manhattan is well known to everyone, it is not a good place to be called Hell's Kitchen by the name.

Walking across the narrow road, pushing open the rusty iron door, looking at the mottled walls and many old furnishings inside, everything in front of you is explained to outsiders. Don't look at the name of this church school. In fact, There are not even a hundred people in the local rankings, let alone the whole country.

   Against the backdrop of the dilapidated environment, the only highlight of this school is that the tuition is relatively cheap. There are gains and losses. The tuition is cheap, but there are many courses in theology, whether you like it or not.

"You will be strong and fearless, and you will forget your suffering. It will be brighter than noon. Even though there is darkness, it is still like morning. Amen." The old teacher ended today's lecture with a tone of several decades. .

   All the students under the stage immediately stood up, mellowed and frustrated, and replied with a long tone, "Amen..."

   Until the old teacher opened the door and walked into the distance, this not-so-wide classroom regained its vitality.

The sunlight from Hexi came out from the gaps in the windows. The students gathered in twos and threes to discuss what topics they were talking about. They either intentionally or unintentionally, isolated a corner of the southeast of the classroom, where the quietness and the surrounding noise are distinct. Compared.

The broken light shines on her long flax hair, the bridge of the nose is high, and the mixture of Chinese and Western blood makes her five senses more three-dimensional. The most striking thing is the pair of slightly raised eyes and the pale amber pupils. Think of words such as wildness and pride.

   "Skye! Let's go eat!" In the cold eyes, only one energetic black girl was kind enough to greet her.

The mixed-race beauty sighed helplessly. "I have told you three times. The name Skye is for those foster families to declare government subsidies. I am returning to my real name, Daisy Johnson, remember? Repeat? Again!"

   Black girl was used to being bullied by her, so she read it twice before she let it go.

   The beautiful woman named Daisy also walked out of the classroom very quickly. She wanted to use the library's network to check some materials.

   From a professional man who was a street writer to a woman sitting in the corner of the classroom and singing chants, it took a week for this mental journey to be officially reversed.

   She remembered that she had sorted out a lot of American comics, and she was so dizzy that she was going to sleep for a while, but she ended up here as soon as she fell asleep.

   All kinds of uncomfortable things, such as dressing, sleeping, language, eating, all need to adapt. Fortunately, the students have been isolating her, even if some abnormalities were not discovered.

   The three elements after crossing, time, place, and characters have all been investigated.

  The time is July 2006, and the location is naturally New York. Although it's a bit embarrassing for a man to become a woman, he didn't become a lizard, a big tree, or was not thrown to her in ancient times. The result is still acceptable, but there is something wrong with the world. This is a company with Captain America and Stark. The world, this is the Marvel world.

   This part of the character takes time to investigate. The so-called three minutes is doomed, seven points depend on hard work, and the remaining ninety points are given by parents. This is true in the Marvel world.

   Having a good background and pedigree is more important than anything else, at least for most people.

As a former writer of Manpu Street, after consulting countless materials and thoroughly understanding all the links, she hung up, and came to this world with her memories. The first time she traveled, she realized that her body might be different. Descent.

   Daisy Johnson, code-named Shock Girl, these memories are very clear.

   But is this Daisy wearing this body? She spent three days verifying from various materials and proving that she is herself.

Luckily, she found a sticky note from a few years ago, with her name clearly written on it, Daisy Johnson, but her predecessor had always resisted the name, so she jokingly gave herself a title of Skye, even the last name. nothing...

  'S real name is Daisy, who used to be Skye, and is of mixed blood. Although the parents of this body are still alive, the current family status is filled with orphans. In several comparisons, she is indeed a shock wave girl.

   In the crisis-ridden world of Marvel, there are two concepts of ability and no ability.

   But her ability is not triggered by age or emotional stimulation, but requires an alien technology product to guide the appearance of that part of the gene.

   Her blood came from the Kerry Empire, one of the three rogue empires in the universe. The Kerry people needed a lot of cannon fodder in the early wars. They used genetic technology to transform some of the people on Earth as their source of troops.

After   , these people on Earth got out of control and claimed to be aliens. Daisy's blood originated from aliens.

   Normally, there is no difference from ordinary people, only after a kind of activation called Terrigan crystal can have supernatural powers.

   The crystal was produced in a strange city, under Aslan. This city should be on the far side of the moon.

   Moon landing? This is an impossible task for Daisy, who has only one thousand five hundred dollars in savings. If she could easily land on the moon, what crystals and abilities would she need!

   Fortunately, there is a crystal that is left on the earth, and finally falls into the hands of SHIELD.

   Moon and which is simpler? She thinks it is the latter.

   In a dangerous world, she needs strength, for which she suppresses fear and prepares to plan an action.

The predecessor of    did not leave any combat-related abilities except for an anti-wolf electric shock device, but the hacking skills were good, the broiler, the server, and a lot of hands were mastered. This ability was completely inherited and was the only method currently available to Daisy.

   Three days later, everything was ready, she landed on the broiler quickly, and made layers of camouflage.

   Then through the Internet, he dialed the target's phone.

   Jasper Silverett is his goal.

   This Indian man with bald eyes, his identity is a United Nations staff member, but he is actually a new supervisor in the administrative division of S.H.I.E.L.D., and his identity is a middle-level cadre of Hydra.

   The Terrigan crystals that Daisy needs are stored in the special warehouse of S.H.I.E.L.D., and this bald-headed Sange is her important helper.

   As a good hacker, it is not difficult to find the secret phone number of Bald Brother.

   Daisy sorted out the whole process in her heart, and finally confirmed that it was correct. Opened his second-hand notebook, followed the location of his mobile phone, and found the location of Silvet. When he walked to a public place, he blacked out several nearby cameras and pointed them at the observable location. Then he dialed the phone.

  Silvert under the camera is a little confused. Few people know his private number, and he doesn't recognize the call now.

   looked around with some vigilance, hesitated a little, still connected to the phone.

   Daisy turned on the voice changer she had prepared in advance and turned into a somewhat thick man's voice.

   "Agent Silverett, Mr. Whitehall needs your help in something." She said straightforwardly.