Back to New York

But more applications are scratching her head. She was a scumbag before, and her science knowledge has long been returned to teachers in an indescribable country. Not to mention the original Daisy, every day the Old Testament, the New Testament recites, and sings hymns. Although the church school does not hate modern physics as much as it does to Darwin, there are few courses.

   Just like that time and space are often occupied by physical education classes, Daisy can often see this familiar scene in her memory.

   The physics teacher asked for leave, and the theology teacher pushed the door directly into the classroom and led everyone to read the Bible...

   In front of unclear things such as vibration, frequency, transverse wave, and string vibration, it can be said that whether it is the predecessor or the present, it is a face of confusion.

   Her knowledge of "both" combined is not as good as a diligent and studious junior high school student.

  Learning mathematics, physics and chemistry well, and not afraid to travel all over the world, Daisy finally realized the profound meaning of this sentence.

   She can only study again as a scumbag.

   Fortunately, in the Internet age, all kinds of knowledge can be basically searched for as long as you want to learn, without involving particularly cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements.

   As for how much you can learn, it depends on the individual.

   After taking a brief look at various academic theories, she got confused, and Daisy was going to go back and study it carefully.

   Putting away the notebook and lying on the bed, she now has a problem to face, that is her genetic defect.

  Like the black bat king, the boss of the alien race, he can flatten the city with just one word. His flaw is that he has no control. In order not to cause harm, he can only pretend to be dumb three hundred and sixty-five days a year.

   Daisy is aware of her problem. Her vibration is also harmful to herself. The effect of force is mutual. She causes the vibration, and this part of the vibration will also be fed back to her.

  The Daisy of the original time and space frequently used the ability, causing slight bone fractures in the arm bones, and even to the point where the ability to use the special medicine to treat the injury could be maintained.

   did not make a horizontal comparison, but Daisy ran all the way, she felt that she was stronger than the body of the original time and space, perhaps this is the advantage of her exclusive Terrigan Crystal Mist.

   In addition, she feels that her control of her abilities is more precise than the original time and space.

   Precise control gives her an extra ability, she can perceive the vibration frequency of people around.

   There was a scientist named David R. Hawkins who did an experiment. He used his own method to make a range of energy levels for all objects in the world, divided into one to one thousand.

   The value of a normal person is two hundred in this energy level.

   When this person is full of evil thoughts, indifference, fear, anxiety and other emotions, his vibration frequency will be reduced.

   When the person is optimistic, happy, and peaceful, the vibration frequency increases.

   Meeting a kind and noble person makes people feel comfortable, while evil is the opposite. This view is based on science.

   This scientific research records that the person with the highest vibration frequency is Mother Teresa, the woman who won the Nobel Peace Prize. Even if you don't have faith, you will feel warmth when you see her. From a humanistic point of view, it can be said to be charisma and dedication, but in the field of physics, Mother Teresa's vibration frequency is much higher than that of ordinary people.

   Daisy can now rely on this ability to judge the good and evil of people around him, just like the red and yellow names in the game...

   There is another advantage of precise control, which is to offset the recoil of the firearm.

   Women are naturally inferior in body size to men, and there is a gap in the strength of their wrists and arms. Many female agents hold guns in both hands. This is the effect of recoil.

   Daisy can now fire at will to counteract the shock ability of recoil, which has a small burden on the body, and at the same time, the precise control of abilities is also an exercise.

Her original high physical fitness, coupled with the greatly improved reflexes, speed, endurance and abilities after the bloodline is activated, her marksmanship is advancing by leaps and bounds, and it is difficult to run a hundred shots, but it is no problem to take a place in an amateur shooting competition. of.

   At the initial stage, she has a heavy burden on the body. She needs to pursue fineness and do the most things with the smallest ability.

   It's not difficult to make the air vibrate like a white beard, and let the sea split apart.

   Or wait for her to study and understand quantum mechanics, like the DC shock wave next door, open and cut off the dimensional channel, touch an object to perceive the other's position, these can be done.

   In short, the future is still very bright!

   The Puerto Rico incident came to an end. She played for two more days. After the local police said that her parents would be notified as soon as possible, she boarded the plane.

Two Glocks were not used, and even the guns and bullets were sold to the gun shop at a low price. The gun shop was really cautious about the U.S. passport. The repurchase price was not too harsh. With an income of 700 dollars, Daisy's savings broke through again. With four figures, I returned to New York in a happy mood.

   There is no gun, but when she returns to New York this time, Daisy has a very different mentality and she has a power!

   She can also send out short-distance shock waves like the original space-time, but she feels that it is a bit low and it is also relatively harmful to the body. Apart from being good-looking, she has no advantages.

   Facing the "Huang Ming" on the street, she felt safe from the bottom of her heart Back to the rental house, the black girl Angela was learning makeup techniques from a fashion magazine.

   I have to say that the predecessor chose this black girl as his best friend. They stood together and looked like Daisy like a fairy! Is it the common choice of all women to choose an ugly girl as a girlfriend?

   Daisy couldn't help but sighed.

   "Don't change it, that color doesn't suit you..." Hei Mei put on earphones, humming and putting on makeup, she didn't even know when she came in.

   "Ah, Daisy! You are back!" The black girl is very friendly, throwing away Daisy's nameless brush, and giving her a big hug.

   The black girl is really black, unlike the color that has lived in the United States for several generations. She is just like being caught by the Portuguese in the American continent. She is originally black, but she is Daisy's only friend now.

   Daisy put down her backpack and patted her shoulder: "Did those guys bully you these days?"

   Campus bullying is inevitable everywhere. The beauty team in this world, Spiderman, the Superman next door, and the Flash have all been bullied by children of the same age when they were young. The cultural atmosphere here is not against campus bullying, and it is faintly encouraging.

  As a minority, Daisy and Black Girl are natural bullies of white children.

  , her predecessor, started fighting against white children in an orphanage and has rich experience. As an immigrant family, Black Girl was not comfortable with this place at first. It was Daisy who used to pull the knife to help, and then she had friendship.

   Daisy can think of her being away for half a month, Black Girl must have been bullied again.

   However, Black Girl's words were a bit unexpected. She said with a serious tone: "No, no, they have been busy recently, do you know? Our school is about to close."