Chance encounter

Frank's matter is over, at least it has nothing to do with her.

   She didn't know that Frank had been observing her silently all the way from her "car wash" to the final visit.

   I looked at it carefully in terms of age, appearance, height, and way of doing things.

   Frank dialed a call after she had gone away.

   There was a deep voice on the other side, "Old man, I have heard about you. I'm sorry, there is no warning in advance. I need to do anything, just speak up."

   Frank was still expressionless, and after a long time, he said hoarsely: "Leave me alone."

   His words have several meanings, he refused the help of the other party and did not want to be interfered by the official.

   The other side understood what he meant, "Okay, I promise you."

   Both sides fell silent. Just when the other party was about to hang up, Frank said again: "Nick, I saw a woman who met your adjutant standards."

   "I have found a candidate." The opponent refused him in a strong tone.

   "I tell you the information, it's up to you." Frank quickly talked about a lot of identity information, then hung up the phone, looked at Baiyun, and remembered the infinite sadness in his family.

   Daisy didn't know that her information was written on the desk by someone who was interested. The poor she really didn't know where to go, so she could only go back to school.

   However, after staying for ten minutes, he ran out again.

   She was born with these white girls, and her predecessor was able to converge. Now with the ability, the Russian gangsters can kill them back and forth. How many girls count as a fart!

   Daisy's daily dress is cropped trousers, socks, and canvas shoes, showing a section of ankles, showing long legs and adding a bit of skinny. Ten years later, both men and women will dress like this on the street. She feels that it is normal.

   But in the eyes of those white girls, they look very different. They are still in the age of big fat pants, hip-hop style, stockings, and platform shoes.

   A certain white girl felt that her dress did not conform to school regulations and wanted to talk to her "rules."

   Daisy swung her big mouth with a "pop", and then, relying on her strong physical fitness, knocked down a person with three punches and two feet, and walked out carrying her bag.

   strolling on the street, and rumbling through his wallet again, is it really going to work?

   Facing the bustling streets of Manhattan and watching the crowded streets, she didn't know where to go for a while.

   Going to the convenience store where the black girl works, Daisy has no psychological burden, and prepares to invite her girlfriend to treat her at noon and have a good meal.

   Just passing a corner, I saw a Japanese restaurant run out of four women like crazy, and there were more men chasing after them with knives and sticks.

   Daisy can only understand a few words, such as Paga. As for other Japanese, it is just like a heavenly book.

   Coincidentally, her position is on the only way for several people.

   The woman who ran away desperately gestured to her to make her run.

   The Japanese at the back were there, yelling.

  Hands together? Her first reaction was to put her hands together, but it didn't look like it. The Japanese men didn't look like they had been rigorously trained, their footsteps were vacant, their breathing was disordered, and they looked like they were hollowed out by alcohol.

   was the first to run away. The woman's clothes were messy, her face was pretty good, but there was a palm print on her face and blood on the corner of her mouth, but she still insisted on running out, and the remaining women were also in various embarrassments.

   "Ba Ga!" I saw a small flat head grabbing the hair of the woman who fell in the end, slamming her down, lifting the bat in his hand and hitting it.

It's not appropriate for Daisy to watch the excitement again. She flew forward, kicked her head and picked up the opponent's bat. She didn't have much fighting skills, but it's easy to play a few small Japan with her strengthened physical fitness. of.

  With smashing and kicking, the Japanese are not opponents at all, they lie on the floor all the time.

   "Go!" Seeing that someone was about to rush out, Daisy heard the sound of the bullet being loaded, and she hurriedly summoned a few women to run with her.

   As a native of Hell's Kitchen, she is very familiar with the terrain. She took a few Japanese women around and avoided chasing soldiers before stopping.

   "It's safe for the time being." She can run in the underground city for a whole day without interruption. This amount of exercise is not even a warm-up for her, but it is considered high-intensity exercise for a few Japanese women.

   Several people hugged each other, unable to believe the fact that they were saved.

   The headed woman saw Daisy's eyes with a trace of worship. She squatted to thank her in English, said a word and bowed.

   Daisy can only nod her head in return. The woman's English is not very good. Even with her gestures, she finally understands the ins and outs.

   I have to say that the Japanese are cruel to outsiders and to their own people. Several college students who dreamed of the American dream were deceived here to be unreasonable.

   They saw something wrong and ran away.

As a result, they were discovered as soon as they ran to the gate. Several people struggled to remove the debris at the door. When they ran out, there were already chasing soldiers behind. If Daisy was not there today, they would definitely be caught back. The beatings would not be able to escape. The sad reminder is yet to come.

   Daisy asked the leading woman a little strangely: "You said your name is Maki? Maki Matsumoto?"

   "Yes, UU Reading was really ashamed to export his previous name, I am calling this name now, please take care of me." Maki bowed again.

   "What major do you study? Have you graduated?"

"The legal profession."

   Daisy was a little surprised, this guy is a celebrity in the future.

   Maki Matsumoto, lawyer, can't afford to offend, all three points fit the characteristics. If there was no Daisy today, she would have witnessed Jin He's wanton hacking by the bullseye one day in the future. From then on, she was crazy infatuated with the bullseye and claimed to be Miss Bullseye.

Although    is not as good as the shockwave girl, she is also a second-line figure.

   But now she doesn't have that experience. Whether she can become a cold-blooded killer, she has to put a question mark.

   Daisy sent a few people to the Japanese embassy. As for whether to return to China or whatever, it has nothing to do with her.

   The remaining three Japanese women bowed and thanked her, leaving her addresses one by one, hoping that if she went to Japan, she would give a few people a chance to thank them.

   Only Maki Maki stayed where she was, and she bowed deeply to Daisy.

   "Something?" She is now afraid that the other party will take care of her borrowing money, it would be too embarrassing.

   "Miss Johnson, I am willing to stay and be your retainer!" Her voice was loud, and several Japanese women and consuls who had not gone far showed such expressions.

   Daisy has a mouthful of old blood that hasn't come out, what age is it, and still a retainer?

   She put her hands together, "I'm just an ordinary person, there is nothing worth working for, you should go back to China according to the arrangements of Mr. Consul, your parents are worried about you too."

   Maki Maki bowed again, "I am a shame to the family. I have eyes and no beads. I am a fool who can only daydream. Please take me in!"

   It was another ninety degree bow, and then I stopped getting up.