Worlds End... Online!

Hey everyone! This is an advance chapter I ended up making for {When the Worlds End, What Will You Do?} being put on the {Fresh Stories}, along with the following chapter. Chapters are still going to be worked on this weekend. Enjoy! ~Leafen


Inside of the capsule, Wick laid silent, his mind dragged to the operations page of the Full Dive Menu. An avatar that looked like him appeared slowly on a calm field of grass and lavender. Wick took a deep breath, loving the smells that he never believed Virtual Reality could never complete, before opening his Jade-like eyes, raising his hand before uttering a "Menu" from his lips.

A Black screen popped up in front of him, as it was set to dark mode since light mode hurt his eyes. He deftly used his fingers to select {Games}, ignoring the test game that he had gotten, to test just how good a Full dive capsule was, a game based in cultivation named A Tigerlily Mistaken for a weed. It was alright for a single player game but… the creator of the game… They cared more about looking good, because the story was literally broken right near the start, explaining why the game was free. Lamenting the wasted potential, Wick sighed, before going to {Owned Games}, and selecting {Worlds End}. The lock that used to be on the game was gone, replaced with {Enter or say the Start Words of the game} This was to prevent Piracy, as every player who bought the game received a special start phrase tied to their account.

Wick closed his eyes, his black hair slightly waving in the wind as he took a breath, before snapping open his eyes wide, Yelling out "Worlds End... Online!" Followed by... a few seconds of awkwardness with naught but the sound of rustling wind before a robotic voice spoke up.

"Ah, yes, sorry! A tad late I am! Welcome to the world of Forj!" The robotic voice spoke, surprisingly having an excited tinge to its voice.

Wick looked around, curious to where the voice came from, before his vision went dark, before being put down into a chair in a dark room, with a table with an orb and a chair next to it in front of him.

It was then that he noticed. He was... Naked? 'W...what?!?!' He quickly looked around, his face red as a tomato. The mosaic censoring over his little Wickley was barely enough to let him calm down.

Wick looked around, curious, wondering why there's no Opening Video to the game, before a square in the dark wall slid down, as a Radiant shine showed up, and a feminine body robed in robes that seemed to be made out of giant wings wrapped around them, and a halo above their head. They slowly sauntered forward, before lightly sitting into the chair behind the table, placing their hands on their lap, before opening their mouth.

"Hello there, mortal. My name is Michael. I am the one who will help you and your fellow Children of Man unlock your bloodlines, as well as help you choose your class and the name you will be under." A light, airy voice flowed out, tickling Wicks ears, as he stared for a bit, stunned at the appearance of the being in front of him.

"U-uhm.. are you.. A legitimate angel...?" Wick stuttered out, his eyes widening as he stared at Michael, before looking down in embarrassment in front of such a holy looking figure. The fact that he was naked... It left him feeling a tad vulnerable.

"Oh my... Yes, Childe of man. I am an angel indeed." They said, as they raised a fair hand to fix their long red hair behind them. "But I am not the focus here, Childe. You are. Come, come. What would you like to start with? Your name, your class, or your bloodline?" Michael said softly, placing their hands above the crystal ball.

After thinking a bit, after getting over his embarrassment, he tilted his head in confusion, scratching his head. "So... How do you determine your race? The many varied mythical races were one of the big selling points of the game... Ah, and after you answer the question, I'd like to do my name first." He said, settling himself into the chair.

Michael nodded, tapping a long finger onto their red lips for a second, before speaking. "Hmm, is that how it's portrayed there?... In any case, your race is actually determined by your bloodline. For instance if someone awakens the bloodline of the Qilin, they will get the opportunity to choose between a humanoid form or an animalistic form. Or if someone was a Griffin, they could either choose to have the head, arms, and legs of a griffin, or they could choose to be a non-capturable Mythical Griffin. Although choosing an animalistic form would be hard to get adjusted to for a bipedal being, and it would affect the jobs you could have. That's all I feel like speaking about it. In any case, please, what's your name you wish to use?

Wick absorbed the information quietly, being surprised that this was how the game treated getting races. He nodded, before opening his mouth, "Ah yes, my name is Hei Yun." He always used this name, that meant Black Halo in almost all games he's played. After all, it's the name he used when he used to play games with his father. His father had taught him about a few thing relating to different countries, including the Panda nation. In fact, he had came up with a set of usernames for both him and his son. Hei Yun, for his son, and Hei Chibang, meaning Black Wings, for him. Although, anytime his fathers military friend from Panda Country heard these names, he'd give him an earful since Wicks' father never used the tone marks for those words, which could make people mistake Hei Yun's name for Black Cloud, or any number of other combinations.

He then looked again at a screen that had popped up, telling him he had to choose a two word name, with the first name needing to be that of a color. This was... 'Well, I guess it's a good thing both text and speech work for name choice, and that the name already starts with a color.' Wickley thought to himself in pleasant surprise.

Michael looked at Wickley, no, Hei Yun, in slight surprise, before nodding, a light laugh appearing at her lips, causing Wickley to look indignant, before they covered their mouth. "Mm, sorry. I had just peeked at your Bloodline earlier, and I must say. It's a fitting name. Hei Yun, your name is accepted. In the world of Forj, you shall be known by this name. Others cannot refer to you by your Earth name, as it will only come out as a jumbled mess from their mouth. You cannot refer to others by their earthling name either, but by their Children of Man name. Next, are you ready to start to unlock your bloodline?"