1.) Enter Di'Angelos! Part 1!

The vast cosmos shows off an endless amount of stars within endless galaxies. Galaxies that make up the sum of countless universes they reside in. Universes that are a part of countless multiverses that fit into an even larger picture. Housing many civilizations that house an abundance of MANY different creatures and people. But… we aren't here to focus on this marvelous place just yet. At least… not the bigger picture, what we're here to focus on is in a much smaller part of this, here… verse.

In a small, distant universe. South of Gigato #1, On planetoid C35, Vonra 9. There was a certain event taking place. An entrance test being held by an anonymous stranger known as Hellblazer. It had seemed the planetoid was vacant, completely void of life. After a closer scan it seems the whole solar system is vacant, perfect for a battle between Gods!

At Vonra 9's center lies a massive desert which can be seen from the next planet over. A cloaked stranger, clad in a black cloak with a hood attached makes their way across the desert. The stranger had on slim fitted pants with white writing going down the side. Their shoes were the average black combat boot. One could only presume they were here for the test.

Cloaked Stranger: "Four blunts later and I'm still walking through this damn desert! Some test this turned out to be…. I'm gonna kill Hellblazer!"

The cloaked stranger continued walking through the vast desert, sparking his fifth blunt as he strides on. He walks beyond odd shaped cacti that sprout needles of iron rather than the usual. Each cactus would be seen to have faint red centers on each bulge, as if they had blood systems rather than the usual nucleus many plants contain. The stranger smashed skulls to bits as he treaded forward. He sighed heavily just before taking his first hit, only to be stopped by a vile presence.

Cloaked Stranger: "Heh, there's all kinds of killing intent floating about here. They're not even trying to hide their damn presence."

???1: "Why would we?"

???2: "Is he some sort of simpleton!?" *a black figure says while shaking his head and shrugging his shoulders*

Three clad black, humanoid beings appear atop a giant hill south of the cloaked stranger. They were all built up, yet bulky and ripped. One of which was slightly more toned than the rest, he even had a halo above his head that was of the God Class. His white trench coat flowed in the wind as he walked up behind the other three.

???: *Step* *step* "Nah, the fool's an overconfident idiot. We've seen that before!"

???1: "Boss…"


Cloaked Stranger: "those are?!?..."

???: "Indeed. We are Nymphylons, Low Nymphyan class. Of the black division, The name's Xader(X'Say-durr), and I'll be your exam proctor today. We've heard a lot about you, so don't disappoint us. Now begin!!!"

Cloaked Stranger: *Grin* "Heh… (Wait… the hell he call me earlier!?)"

Four Nymphyans pop up from the ground beneath him. Surrounding him from all sides as they land. They were all in the buff, luckily for the cloaked stranger, they were absent of any clear signs of genitalia.

Cloaked Stranger: (Thank prono these perverts don't have mating parts… though. I wonder if hitting there will still hurt?)

Lackey Nymphyan 1: "You're going down whore!! Get 'em!!!"

Cloaked Stranger: "Uh…"

All four Nymphylons began to bombard the cloaked stranger with a flurry of punches from all directions. Attempting to give him not even an inch of breathing room.

"Not impressed", the Cloaked Stranger says as he shows no effort in blocking the flurries. His speed was already being shown to be far greater than their own. But just like any group of imbeciles, this did not stop them from continuing to try.

Cloaked Stranger: "A random ass flurry of punches from a bunch of imbeciles won't cut it. Here… I'll show you "whores"."

The cloaked stranger began speeding up his parries until it seemed as though his arms were gone entirely….

*Thwack* *thwack* *thwack* *thwack*

Four heads go spiraling into the air, blood spewing from the bodies they were once attached to. Spilling all over the ground as the bodies drop like flies after they take a can of Raid to the face.

Cloaked Stranger: "HAHAHHAHA!!! A literal bloodbath!! Gotta love these fights to the death!!! Hoo hoo HOO!"

The stranger pulls off his hood, revealing a pale-skinned fellow with black eyes and red pupils. Pitch black, spiked up hair and a chinstrap-type beard. He looked rather young in the face and had a complete absence of blemishes.

Cloaked Stranger: "The name's Diablos, fellas. Please make this test fun for me. Tests of this caliber are never fun!"

Xader: "Hmmph. Quite the fighter we have here. Crew, take 'em down! Stop goofin' around and show him what's what!"

A small army of Nymphylons charge at Diablos. All intent on killing the man. There were some that had weapons and others who were using basic elements. There was even a gigantic one running at him but he could sense only a little bit of a higher battle power from him.

Xader: "(So you telling me this guy is one of the key pieces to Hellblazer's scheme. Interesting. To think this overconfident trash is supposed to lead us to the lost 2nd Gen Death God.) Hmm." Xader leaps down to get a closer look at the fray. Casually strolling towards Diablos who was exhibiting a huge amount of bloodlust.

"Aaaaaaaah" , scream the fallen Nymphylons that have been "darkened" by Diablos' power. It leaves them immobilized and crippled as he dashes past them.

Diablos: "Heh. Not a single one of you can stand up to my "Dark Corrupter"!

Dark Corrupter

(A touch based ability that uses the power of darkness and hints of pure manipulation. It allows the user to corrupt and diminish the target's most vital organs.)

Left, right, left, right, goes Diablos as he proceeds to mow down the army. Essentially painting the desert black as he advances. He leaves no one alive.

20 head touches leaves 20 Nymphylons without a brain.

Another 15 chest shots and 15 hearts, pitch black and non-functional.

15 back slaps, and 30 lungs no longer useful for breathing. Causing 50 Nymphylons dropped in less than 5 seconds.

Diablos: " C'mon Xader. Your signature is the last black class I can sense. There's white classes here but they seem to be dropping like flies as well. Now come! You seem powerful!"

Xader: "Very well whore! This'll be your last fight in the living plain."

Xader dashes at Diablos with speed almost equal to light. A black, clad fist meets him head on. The clash causes the desert to erupt with tornados forming across the land.

Xader uses his control of "Force" to push Diablos down into the sand. But the attack is nullified by the darkness. It corrupts the "Force" which is then redirected towards Xader.

Xader swiftly cancels it out using "Force cancellation". Diablos blitzes Xader with a flurry of Dark imbued punches and kicks while he's distracted. But Xader counters with his own offensive onslaught.

The two begin dashing across the planet. Trying their hardest to get their blows to connect.

Diablos: "OH yeahhhh!!! You're all kinds of strong Xader! But I need more if you wanna actually beat this "whore"!"

Xader: "N-Nrgh!!"

A destructive force that shifts and reshapes the surface of Vonra 9 bursts forth. Their speed gradually picks up as they easily circle the planet 4 times within a single second. As they make their way into the 5th lap, Diablos begins to speed up his blows. Slowly causing Xader to lose track of his fists.

Xader: "(I'm starting to get pushed back. I can barely see his damn punches now!)"

Diablos: "I'll show you a nice little technique I've got."

Xader: "WHA…..!"

Diablos vanishes from Xader's view…. NO, from Xader's radar altogether.

"Show yourself bastard!", Xader yells in a panicked voice.

"Left. Right. Up. Down. Behind me even?!?"

Diablos: "No. Right below you!"

Xader: "Wh…."

"Black Severance!"

Xader's body seems to go limp as his vision becomes lop-sided. His eyes leaning and falling away from one another. Xader's body splits in half and is engulfed by a black heinous flame.

Diablos: "You see Xader, you were just far too below my level to ever stand a chance. Learn to read your opponents better in your next life "whore"."

Xader's body is erased. The black particles left behind are then absorbed by Diablos. Boosting his stats ever so slightly as he adapts to the new essence.

Diablos: "Preciate the addition to my strength. Your death here will serve to push me. Pffft… I sound corny as fuck! Hehehe, now then. On to you….. Angelos!"

"Gyaaaa!" A white figure emerges from behind the fallen, white class Nymphylon. A man who wore a white, hooded war cloak. His skin was brown, almost like caramel, mocha-like shade if brown. He had gray eyes with blue pupils and white-ish grey hair with a sky blue halo-like ring around his head. His pants were a mirror version of Diablos' own and so were his shoes. They were simply just white instead of black.

Angelos: "Long time no see brotha. Ready to lose to me again?"

Diablos: "I'll have you know. We're tied for wins AND losses brotha. But no, losing isn't my forte, so you can take the loss this time.

Angelos: "We'll see about that. I guess a serious spar between siblings will fill the time while we wait for Hellblazer."

The two get into their respective stances, weighing each other up. Hoping to show the results of all the training they had undergone.

Step….. step, Angelos readies himself. Diablos settles in as he shifts his weight and leans forward.

Diablos: "Heh!... RAAAAAGH!!!" *FWIP*

Angelos: "GYAAAAA!!!" *FWIP*

*BOOOOOM!!!*, a massive explosion that nearly clears the desert, erupts as their fists clash head on! A shockwave leaves the planet, sending a gust through the cosmos

???: *WOOSH* "Whaaaaat?!? This is quite the surprise. There was nothing about them fighting each other! Hehehe. Guess I can enjoy the show, before I drop in and tame my two new, wild recruits. Hehe!"

Diablos and Angelos show up for a test set up by an anonymous stranger that goes by Hellblazer. All the while a mysterious figure shows itself on Vonra 9 as the entrance test heats up with them colliding! Just who are they!?

Next Chapter: Enter, Di'Angelo!!! Part 2!