71.) A Grand Eruption of Battle!!!

Many battles take place within the Gahwardian territory of Quadrant I. Each having a large effect on the outcome if it all. With everything heating up, one could only wonder what this Key they hope to gain can actually do. And one must also wonder of the strange coincidence it is… that one of the Phoenix combatants has a Key birthright within themself. Was that the target? Or would they lead Jollister and crew to the actual target. Truly… one could only wonder.

But enough pondering for one day. From what we last saw… Nekros was on the verge of transforming. But there was something that caught or… more so should have caught our attention. Haydes warned the big guy to do something so reckless. I do hope to find out just why that was a bad move.

Haydes: "This dumbass has no idea what he's doing. Mhm… (Blazer… be ready to go.)

Hellblazer: "Will do. *Nod*

Nekros' natural shadow began to stretch and take hold of his body. Whilst his essence did that, a strange light began to beam through on his chest. The light came from the direct spot where his heart could be found.

Nekros: "What… IS THIS!?"

Haydes: "The trap I set earlier. It ate away at your strength as the battle continued. Now it has the strength to crush a weakened you… and it took none of my essence. What. So. Everrr." *Grin*

Nekros: "As I said before… BLASPHEMYYYYYY!!!"

Nekros attempts to hasten his transformation's process. Forcing the shadows to begin an armor structure as they compress to his body. Haydes looks on in dread, just watching a dumbass take his own life.

"Your ridiculous claims of heart destruction seem fable. Now watch me ascend." Nekros stated while maximizing his output. Haydes looked onward and over at Hellblazer and gave him a simple nod of the head.

Nekros: "What're you nodding at!? No matter, your end is near-" *BLEHHCK!!!*

Haydes: "That's what I was nodding at."

Nekros: (H-He never moved!!! Th-then… it would have to have been-)

Nekros looks over to see a grinning HellBlazer whose being began to look as though it were disappearing.

Nekros: (D-Damn… they… got me!)

Over the central line that separates one cluster of Colossaverses from another. Into the negative zone, better to say into Negative Colossaverse 1. A verse filled with more malice as the Positive Colossaverses host more purity. There was a conquered clan that was taken over by a peculiar group.

???: "N-Ngh!? (Haydes!)

(HellBlazer: "Your mind is mine!")

Haydes: "And the scheme is a success. Their truth shall be exposed in due time. Good luck to ya Blazer. And now… to take in the essence of this avatar."

Haydes absorbs every ounce of essence that the Nekros Avatar held host to. Reinforcing himself for the battle ahead. He dashes off, heading towards the outskirts of the Phoenix Empire. Meanwhile, within that very empire was an even sided battle. It was Kimichi and Aiyama VS. Slith and Jabreeze. All four were tired and running on low. Gasping and hoping for a moment where they can take in some essence.

Jabreeze and Slith steady their breathing. They synchronize their rhythms, then speed off towards Kimichi and Aiyama. Who, might I add, were more than ready for their onslaught. Jabreeze takes the lead just before throwing a right hook with water essence around it. Kimichi leaps at the opportunity and matches him, tic for tac. She counters with a harsh left that's covered in Anti-Essence.

*PEWTEEEEWWWFFF* A grand explosion takes place and Kimichi, as well as Jabreeze, fly out of the smoke from the aftermath. Then began a barrage struggle, attempting to take the other.

Kimichi: "You need to stand down! Slith is my target and you're only getting in the way here you asshole!!!" *PRCH*

Jabreeze: "N-Nssk! (D-Damn… this one hurt a lot!)"

Kimichi manages to push Jabreeze back and take the upper hand. Whilst that was happeneing, Slith took his try at being truly underhanded. Aiming a large amount of venomous essence at Kimichi. His hand is grabbed and the act is interrupted by Aiyama. Aiyama pulls him in and tries to land a horribly, heavy roundhouse kick. *SMASH* Slith was just barely able to block. By summoning more snakes to act as a cushion for his arms. Aiyama notices and boosts his leg strength with a torrent of flames coming out the back of his leg. Slith wasn't prepared and was sent flying as a result.

(Tsss… this bastard isn't letting up and she's got Jabreeze backed.) Slith thought to himself while rebounding from the blow. He stumbles a few steps after stopping his momentum. Aiyama tries to blitz him and turns into an ocean of flames that stretches out 10,000 miles wide. From it, came a slew of Phoenix of many proportions. Slith held out his hand in order to continuously shoot out domination essence. His goal was to make the attack more suitable for manipulation by dominating and leaving his mark ahead of time.

Aiyama took notice of this and decided to split the attack and some of the Phoenix over to Jabreeze. Who was busy trying his best to make sure Kimichi doesn't land another blow. In the midst of his struggle, he noticed a creeping power coming up behind him. In his small panic he burst open a rush of power and kicked Kimichi in the jaw before sending her flying with a smashing right fist. He then turns to face the flames.

Slith: (I can't have Jabreeze wasting energy when dealing with who he's dealing with right now.) "Maximum Domination!!!"

Jabreeze: "What!?"

The flames were extinguished in an instant, or so you would think. They were actually all moved to Aiyama's person, simultaneously at that. But Aiyama had long moved from where he casted the technique. The reason for Jabreeze's surprise was not due to Slith's technique, something he had seen once before. But for the sudden appearance of Aiyama, who had separated himself from his flames right after he heard Slith's technique name.

"Oh SHIT-" *SMASH* A rousing right pushes Jabreeze away and leaves him wide open for a strike from Kimichi. Who had just gotten up from the last blow.

Slith: "Shit! Damn them both! Snake Form! *SQUIRM* HSSSSS!!!"

The snake zaps and wraps around Kimichi before she could land her kick. She struggles to get free, getting more irritated with every second that's gone by. Jabreeze regains himself thanks to this and grabs hold of Aiyama's right flaming fist. It sizzles while in his hand, that's when Aiyana finally notices it. Jabreeze was using his control of water to transform his own cells and molecules to the same as that of water.

"Gah, AAAHHH!!! Let. Me. GOOO!!!!" , yelled Kimichi just before bursting out a raging torrent of essence. Her strength shot up ten fold, allowing her to break free. Slith splits into many little serpents and heads straight for Aiyama. Reforming just before tackling him and rolling , no tumbling on the floor for at least a mile. Jabreeze avoids the fiasco, letting go of Aiyama just as he's tackled.

Jabreeze: "That surely was close. *SWISH* Seems you missed."

Kimichi: "Grrr!"

Kimichi misses her sneak attack, her fist went straight through a hole created by Jabreeze. Jabreeze turns around and kicks her away. She stops herself almost immediately after and blocks an oncoming strike from Jabreeze's right arm. He then throws a left jab that's blocked by Kimichi's right arm. She then counters with a knee to the chin from her left leg. That then turns into a spartan kick to Jabreeze's chest.

(I've gotta hurry and end this!) Kimichi thinks to herself right before jumping. She does a front flipping dropkick that's blocked by Jabreeze. He then flips her over his shoulder and into the ground. As she tries to roll out of it, Jabreeze kicks her stomach and sends her flying a bit. She rebounds and leaps right back into battle after a bit of stumbling. Jabreeze leaps forward as well with a fist full of ice and snow. Kimchi reaches her right arm across her chest as they close in on the other.

Kimichi: "You've got, got this time!"

Jabreeze: "What the-" *FWISHHHK*

Jabreeze's right arm is cut off by Kimichi's returned blade. Jabreeze regenerates his arm and forms a flaming blade that can draw from the lily garden. He blocks her second vertical strike. Then a spinning back slash is blocked. He then attempts a slanted slash going down. Kimichi takes her blade and performs a slash in the opposite direction. They clash and then repel each other. Kimichi is a bit quicker on her second approach and spins her sword backward to get an uphill momentum. Forcing Jabreeze back with her force as they clash once more. She attempts to bring her blade down again but Jabreeze is on the up and up and counters with a similar strike.

Jabreeze: "Your prowess is truly impressive. But it won't get you much further!"

Kimichi: "We'll see about that!" *Prch*

The back of Kimichi's left leg is kicked and she's forced to kneel. She blocks a strike from Jabreeze with her sword in a horizontal manner. She uses Anti-Essence to repel the strike and counter with a slash aimed at Jabreeze's chest. He leaps back and out the way, but Kimichi chases after him. Meanwhile, Slith is busy dodging a combo from Aiyama. Only to be struck in the chin by what Aiyama thought would be a flaming fist. The water on his hand blocked it from activating and Slith is able to withstand the strike. He kicks Aiyama in the stomach with a harsh toe kick.

"Gah! Damn… WATER!!!" , yelled Aiyama as his right fist began to sizzle and form steam. He burns through the dense water and evaporates it just before summoning more fire. He throws a right, overhead punch while Slith throws the same, but with Venomous Essence riddled all over it. The two fists collide and a great wall of colliding forces is formed. The universe they were in shook to its core as the two upped the ante and caused a major explosion to occur.

Now at the same time, a similar explosion occurs elsewhere. And from its remnants comes a grinning Gaia with a frustrated Jollister chasing after her. He throws a jab with his index knuckle sticking out. She blocks with the back of her left hand. He tries to kick with a sharp toe strike, but Gaia blocks that with the heel of her foot. Jollister then leaps up and attempts a dropkick with a cloud of death around it. Gaia simply makes a peace sign and closes the two fingers, which in turn, causes a massive amount of the cosmos to form two fists and try to smash Jolli. He draws his dual viking blades of Mischief, and blocks the strikes with the edges of both blades. Using a trick veil that reflects the attack on itself so long as the user does not realise.

Jollister leaves his blades there to hold still the fist technique. He gives a go at blitzing Gaia, but is literally cut off the second he leaps. Gaia wastes no time in punching Jollister in his face. Then she attacks him with a low sweep, which leaves him floating in place. Only for that same left foot that tripped him to come back around, and deliver a swift kick to his side. Gaia makes Jolli twirl as he slowly ascends higher. She raises her leg to the highest position and brings it back down. Directly into Jollister's stomach.

Gaia: "Oh… Zenchi huh? Good way to protect yourself, but your guard needs work. That bastard leader of yours not letting you train. Or…"

Jollister: "M-Mhrrm. *he rubs his head while getting up* No… that's not it at all."

Gaia: "Oh… so you're slacking!?"

Jollister: "What!? No no no!"

Gaia rushes him and tries to blow him away with a full powered side kick from her mighty left leg. But to her surprise, he had blocked the attack with a near perfect 'X' guard.

"Well I'll be damned. You have been training." Gaia says while lowering her leg. Jollister's face had sweat all over it and the sleeves to his fur coat were torn asunder. His arms were slightly scratched and bruised from the kick. Which, by the way, blew literally everything away for 20 universe radius. Those that were left unconscious were only knocked back a few astronomical units thanks to the orbs Jollister created.

Jollister: "That's what I was trying to tell you, you big idiot! I just got a slower start unlike Shiishii over there mayne! Like GaahDAYUMMM!!!"

Gaia: "My bad… hehe!" *She rubs her head and waves apologetically in an awkward manner*

Jollister: "Nah FUCK THAT! My TURN!!"

Gaia readies herself as a fist with the shadow of a multiverse was coming right for her. She had simply extended her left arm and blocked the punch with literal ease. With that disturbance… only 20 universes were affected once more. Knocking the unconscious back another few astronomical units. Gaia's armor wasn't of her caliber in her current state and broke the armor all the way up to the elbow. Leaving burns all over her forearm. She pulls Jollister in and they both coat their foreheads in Physical & Armored Zenchi. They bash their heads together and created a burst of static that glows of forest green and blackened red.

Gaia: "This is what I want from the two of you! We need to help him at all costs!"

Jollister: "I know that, but I've got my own goals to complete as well, Master!"

Gaia: "So do I! Remember where your loyalty lies, you ungrateful WHELP!!!" *SMASH*

A harsh uppercut is delivered to the area where one would find Jollister's kidney. He spits up a bit of blood and grows irritated at her response. He steals himself and makes eye contact just before bursting into a rage. He punches her in the jaw with a message to be heard.

"I know where the hell I stand, woman. I've got him like he had me!" Jollister yelled while summoning his Stars of the Inventor(just a better name, don't ya think?) The shuriken were thrown before they were commanded to create and take shape. He scores a single shuriken blow on every limb, then he commands them to become billion ton weights.

Jollister: (I've got her in place! This is my best chance!)

Gaia: "I respect that…"

Jollister is taken aback by her response but doesn't waiver on his strength within his next blow. Which had Death and Presence Zenchi wrapped around it. His right fist makes contact with her head but there was a hardened and cold exterior there. Opposite of the warmth that Gaia carries with her. It was her famed Elemental Life Armor.

Jollister: "Damn… she got me! Her Life essence levels are higher than my own Death essence levels."

Gaia: "I respect your decision and what you stand for. *She glares up at him menacingly* Now show me your resolve!!!"

Gaia brings her left arm to the firing position with no struggle at all. The weights meant nothing to her, and mind you, she doesn't get a stat boost from most of her armors. This is her base strength at work. She swings at Jollister with blitzing speed and lands a clean one on his jaw. Sending him flying and breaking the weight in her arm completely. The others are snapped off by her simply flexing her muscles. She bends down a bit and leaps with enough force to break the universe's dimensional wall. A seed of life essence sows it back in no time.

Jollister rebounds and ups his speed variable by more than a hundred the base needed for light speed. He then brings out his death mask that looks like that of a jester skull. A sharpened smile casted across the face. His black shroud of death particles and darkness wrapped around him like a hooded cloak. His death Scythe came to his side along with his Scythe of the Jester. A weapon that was created by storing the Jester Embodiment study into his main study. He dashes forward and he and Gaia clash head on, Her Scepter of Life VS his Scythes.

The clash causes a breakdown of cosmic proportions never seen before. Meanwhile, Slith and Jabreeze had successfully pushed the likes of Aiyama and Kimichi back. The two were stuck in their minds, thinking of many ways to take the advantage again. But it seems like Jabreeze and Slith weren't about to give them much time. They rushed at them only for two unknowns to strike the back of their heads. They're thrown off balance and left wide open for two fatal strikes from Aiyama and Kimichi.

Slith: "Just who the hell hit… us."

Jabreeze: "I-Its them! (Those two brats got free!!?)"

Looks as though Demetri and Yolmi were able to break free and regain consciousness finally. Surprise attacking both Slith and Jabreeze just before moving out the way of their strikes. The strikes of Kimichi and Aiyama that is. The two big beams of light were charged heavily and aimed at Jabreeze and Slith who were floating in place. They tried to regain their balance but it was far too late. The blasts were let off and were right in their faces. They both had no time to dodge even if their footing was regained. Their gamble was to see if they could tank it.

"I just can't let that happen." , a voice said in the distance just before the two blasts were cancelled. And right before them was… Uriyah, he finally made it to the battlefield. He wasted no time and opened up a spatial domain field! But… he too was in for a rude awakening.

Amiyama: "Absolute Cancel!!!"

His domain shatters just then, and amongst the shattered pieces were the two of them staring one another down. Amiyama was sitting at a whopping 27. She progressed further than Aiyama, Shiishii and the others that were at the same level as here three months ago. But would it even make a dent in Uriyah who was now a 32 on the scale. And quickly approaching the level of Multiversal.

We look back over in the plaines and see Yelhana and Clareice with even more concern on their faces than before.

Yelhana: "Amiyama has arrived, but… just who in the world is this other person!?"

Clariece: "I don't know, but it would seem his level might be too high for Amiyama. I hope she can hold out."

Yelhana: "I'll have to call in reinforcements."

Clariece: "Yeah."

Amiyama: "Hmm!" .

Uriyah: "The next queen is here huh? Let's have some fun!"

Both: "Presence Zenchi!!!" *pewTUFFFFF*

A great blast engulfs the entire field of lilies that Aiyama had summoned forth. The battle raged away and the others were holding still in the face of power that far surpassed them. The tides of battle shall turn!

Amiyama and Uriyah interrupt the battle in style. Using their Zenchi to burst open the field of play. With Jollister holding Gaia off, there's only a matter of time before the Key is theirs. But Flametress draws near, the clock is against them as the battle for the Key continues…

Next Chapter: This Battle is Won!!!