104.) Fists of War!!!

Haydes, a man of many faces. One being that of an obsessed killer attempting to strike his own brother down without mercy. A mission he had been on since he deemed his role as Death to be a viable threat to freedom and peace. Through no means has he tried not to snuff Shiishii out, but failed at every turn. We find ourselves about to bear witness to yet another attempt. One where more than Shiishii's life hangs at the balance, for their siblings and Young gods were also at risk. Haydes had reached a point where not even that mattered to him anymore. He was completely… unhinged!

Haydes: "Leave no interference between Shii and I! If they wish to do so, put them down without fail and they go further than that? Snuff 'em out. Keh!" *SMILE*

ZeeArc: "Tch! Someone go and check if Shii is good. The rest of you- *PEW* What the!?"

Leygo: "Shut that dirty mouth of yours… Explode!"

ZeeShift: "Big brother!"


ZeeArc: (DAMMIT all!)" *kaBOOM*

ZeeArc was caught in a massive explosion that decimated the entirety of the park area they had been residing in. Everyone scatters as to not become collateral. Leygo himself couldn't be affected by his own essence and stayed in place. He shot up another shot as if to give out a signal. Everyone of the members of Haydes' battalion scattered into the same directions that the rest of Strife II did. Essentially showing that this whole thing was planned out ahead of time. Haydes was busy scheming quite a bit!

Haydes: "Scattering won't help you! Element+Study; War Contract: Heated War Missles!"

ZeeShift: "What!?"

Amiyama: "That bastard! I have to protect Shiimiya!" *PEW*

Everyone had to scatter further out as they watched a shower of blood red missiles rain down from the sky. Each was following an individual member, even the children were aimed at without discrimination. It was utter chaos and just as they predicted… Gaia coasted off to the side to watch. Haydes wouldn't know this, but it was the agreement made by Shiishii and Gaia. She was not to interfere with such a trivial matter and she couldn't agree more. She simply smiled and blew kisses at her younger cousin as she watched him cause hell on her planet.

Haydes: *Wave* "Good to see you! He's going down this time, apologies big cousin!"

Gaia: "No need for it, just watch the battlefield. Your attack is about to fail!" *Point*

Haydes: "What does she mean- Hm?"

ZeeArc: "You bitches must really be overconfident to believe something of that level would do a thing to me."

Leygo: (No effect after all huh? All I did was rip off his shirt.) "Hmph!" *SWISH*

ZeeArc: "Your time will come after this. *Reach* Absolute Annihilation: Auto-Lock Blitz!!!"

Leygo: "What kind of attack was- *kaBOOM**Boom* *BOOM* What!?" *GLARE*

Every single one of the blasts fired by Haydes were targeted simultaneously. Bursting before they could get to their desired targets, and disappearing right before their eyes.

Haydes: "All of my blasts were disintegrated without a trace. Are you telling me he's on mine and Shii's level as well? Tch! Leygo doesn't stand a chance!"

Shiishii: "And neither do you!"

Haydes: "Bleh, back already brother?"

Shiishii: "Hmph!" *pewTEWF*

Haydes: "Hm- *SMASH* (What the hell was that!?)"

Haydes was struck in the jaw by an invisible force. It was fast enough to escape his high levels of perception and strong enough to blow him away without fail. Shiishii smirks ever so slightly while slowly advancing towards his younger brother.

Leygo: "What a technique! So this is ZeeArc eh- *SMACK* DOH!"

ZeeArc: "Pay attention you little bitch! You and your pathetic forces are gonna be snuffed out here and now!"

Leygo: "Yeah right. You lot will die by my Gamma Radiation well before any of you can get the upper hand!"

ZeeArc: "Gamma Radiation? Really? That won't work on me, Annihilating such a feeble thing is child's play." *Tsss*

Leygo: "Guh!? (I knew something was up!)"

ZeeArc: "Now come at me- Hm?" *GLARE*

Leygo: "Greh!" *Smirk*

And to his surprise, ZeeArc could see something that looked close to that of a black carpet slowly approaching over the scorched lands. It was a small army of Nymphians charging at him with full speed. Molting and fusing together as they began to move in a malformed type of manner. ZeeArc turned his attention to them, but just as he did, Leygo charged him. But he was stunned when he found himself running into a wall of ZeeArc's condensed essence.

"Dammit!" He yelled as he watched ZeeArc ready a charged ball of essence into his right hand. He sat back and waited for the army to get close. It was only then that he let out a roaring battle cry that made his hair stand up from the jolt. The first Nymphian swung and lunged out at ZeeArc. ZeeArc clenched his teeth and smiled in a sinister way as he too, lunged forward. Their fists clash and a flash is let out in the direction that the Nymphians came from.

Leygo: "What the?"

ZeeArc : "Hrmn! Annihilation: Chain-Flow… Barrage Class!"

Leygo: "No… way!"

A blur began to repeatedly show itself on ZeeArc's right side. One could even hear the sound of repetitive swift-like noises as the flash continued to grow. It was ZeeArc constantly punching the swarm of Nymphians head on and extending the flash like a long wave of rapid rushing water. Swallowing the army whole and giving them no room to escape. As Leygo watched on, he could see ZeeArc turn around and glare at him ferociously. Just as he was to instinctively jump back, ZeeArc stopped his fist and lunged at Leygo while holding his right arm back.

"No way!?" Leygo said as he watched ZeeArc close in on him. The flash of light that was created by ZeeArc began to condense onto a ball. As it shrank, there could be no trace of Nymphians found where they once were. Instead, you could sense them within the blast. They were turned into minerals and fused with the particles found in ZeeArc's annihilation techniques. Leygo summons a shield of Gamma type essence and attempts to cancel what was coming. ZeeArc pulled his right arm forward as he fully pivoted towards Leygo's general direction. Another flash enveloped the lands, then and only then would one hear ZeeArc go…

ZeeArc: "Mass Nymphic Annihilation!!"

Leygo: "Holy…"

Haydes: "Tch! Damn him! *PewTEWF*

Shiishii: (ZeeArc, be ready to follow up. Haydes has interfered.)

ZeeArc: "Heh! (Alright, sounds good to me. It'd be boring to finish his ass off this early.)"

Shiishii: "Heh! (Right on.)"

Haydes: "What's so funny?"

Shiishii: "Your defeat."

Haydes: "Tuh!? W-Why youu!"

Shiishii: "Bu-Bu-Bup! Hold that thought, because your End can already be seen as clear as day!"

Haydes: "Hm… I see. Well fate isn't something we gods are controlled by so easily. *Swish* My Sin Zinfist style will show you that."

Shiishii: "Oh? Well then… I can't wait, little brother. *WOOSH* Bring it on!"

The two of them dash at each other with zero amounts of holding back. For this was their battle to settle everything they've been through thus far. Meanwhile, ZeeArc as well as many of the others were being forced into battles with Haydes' forces. The 10 Generals of TRUTH made quick to go after who Haydes said would be best for them. Though Leygo was the slight mess up within their schemes, he was still a good fit for ZeeArc as an opponent. Why else would Haydes waste essence saving 'em?

Gaia: "Hm? I was wondering when you'd come over here, Kareezim."

Kareezim: *Step* *step* "Mhm, I found no reason to interfere b. It's Ten VS Ten as far as big hitters go. Then you have those two extras that went after the kids, alongside them were the remaining Nymphian that ZeeArc didn't sweep. They should be good for now."

Gaia: "Hm, you're right. Two Young Strife members should be more than enough for who Haydes sent after them. Though I can sense Haydes' essence riddled all over the both of them."

Kareezim: "Mind control perhaps?"

Gaia: "I'm certain that is the case here."

Kareezim: "Mhm… this should be quite entertaining then."

Gaia: "Indeed."

ZeeArc: "So you're back for more huh?"

Leygo: "Fuck you bitch. You caught me off guard with that combo of techniques. It was monstrous to say the least. So I'll return the favor by using my Gamma in a different way."

ZeeArc: "Hm? (What's this armored freak talking about?)

Leygo: "My body had become VERY accustomed to the effects of Gamma. So I can use it in a few ways that can help the body. Similar to The Hulk from comics found on Earth 52. Teh! Humans love to think they're just writing fiction, but it's actually all truth. Just gotta pump the Gamma through my blood and muscle system. Then pump them to the highest degree, allowing me to gain five times the size and every hit being packed with force created by the unstable nature of GAMMA!!!"

ZeeArc: "Mhm… ok."


Leygo began to grow just as he explained with his fists and feet glowing a blackish green through his gauntlets and greaves. His eyes began to glow as well and Radiation started to ooze from him at great amounts. It fused to his essence and became a gross enigma of flowing essence. It resembled massive, thick stink lines similar to those you'd see in a cartoon.

ZeeArc: "Hmph, not bad. But how much of a difference did it make- *FWOOSH* HRM!?"

Leygo: *Electricity sounds* "Gamma Burst Fist!!!"

ZeeArc: "Crap! *SWISH* Annihilation Fist!"

They both swing their right arms at full force. They clash and a gigantic explosion bursts forth, sending both flying in opposite directions. Though Leygo seemed to have taken the low end of the blow. ZeeArc continues flying back until he crashes into someone behind him. It was ZeeShift, who had also been pushed back by his opponent.

ZeeShift: "Damn that bastard! Hm? *Turn* Big brother??"

ZeeArc: "Tch! Watch out! *SWISH* HA! *SMASH* (Heavy body on this one!)"

???: "Impressive block."

ZeeArc: "Hmph! *WOOSH* HYAA! Go ZeeShift!"

ZeeShift: "Right, Devastate!"

ZeeShift sends a ray of Devastating essence towards an approaching Leygo. Then, without skipping a beat, he pulls off a full one-hundred eighty degree turn and blitzes the big armored fella that knocked him away before. And with Leygo having his tempo thrown off in order to dodge the oncoming attack. ZeeArc was able to blitz him as well, both brothers kicking their opponent away with a leaping round-house.

Both: "HYAAA!"

Leygo & ???: "Shit!"

ZeeArc: (They're both wearing full body armor riddled with essence. They even have similar markings, and both resemble a traditional knight's design. Leygo wears a rose gold version, while the big guy looks like black alloy.) "Hmm… are you two from the WeaponToder Clan?"

Leygo: "Hmph! So what if we are!"

ZeeArc: "I see… (Shift… watch it with these two. If we allow it, they'll combine by having one take the full form of a weapon. We'll be in trouble if that happens!)"

ZeeShift: "Oh? (Gotcha!)"

They both dash towards their opponents to keep them from teaming up. To do this successfully, ZeeArc played into the hands of Leygo and began to match him blow for blow in a barrage struggle. Leygo had been slow to notice, but ZeeArc was simply reading his every move in order to match each hit at the moment it's thrown. It was a highly impressive display of control and perception. He used force generated by his annihilation to push their attacks off world. It was there that one would notice the actual destruction they were causing. Whole galaxies being erased with ease as the annihilative Gamma spurts made contact.

(He's… pushing me back!?) Leygo thought to himself as his essence platform began to crack. ZeeArc finally decided to take the upper hand and used his Annihilo fist style to break Leygo. Little by little while countering his flurry of Gamma techniques.

Leygo: "HRAAAAUUGH!!! Gamma-Nova!!!"

ZeeArc: "Annihilate!"

Leygo: "Wha- *PRCH* DOH! Tch! Full Gamma BURST!!!"

ZeeArc: *SWISH* "Annihilate!" *WOOSH* *PRCH*

Leygo: "GAH! Drhuh- GRAAUUGH!! Gamma Burst Barrage!!!"

ZeeArc: "Hmph! Foolish, *WOOSH* Auto-Lock Blitz!!"

Leygo: "Again!?"

???: *PRCH* *PSH* … *THUD* (Seems as though Leygo is losing ground. He'd better up his Gamma flow!) *PRCH*

ZeeShift: "Hmph! (Kick his ass big brother, ZeeArc!)" *Swish* *prch* *TEWF*

ZeeArc: "Do you not see? Your Gamma can't bypass my Annihilation."

Leygo: "You say that now, but my potency isn't at maximum."

ZeeArc: "... Ok."

Leygo: "GRRRGH! You cheeky bastard! Presence Zenchi!"

ZeeArc: "What? Presence Zenchi!"

Their core essence signals clash head on, causing a huge eruption of force to come crashing out. It completely leveled more than half the forest that was surrounding the park area. Leygo took this opportunity to increase his Gamma potency to the max. ZeeArc increased his output a bit to cause a burst, which would cancel out their clash. Leygo had already finished his increase, dashing at ZeeArc just as the clash was broken up.

ZeeArc: *FWIP* "Woah… (He's fast, maybe even twenty times that of light with a body like that to handle such strain.) *SMASH* Gaaaah!!"

Leygo: "Leygo Blitz!"

ZeeArc: "Tehe… teHEEHEhaahaHAA! Good going bitch! Thought you were nothing but a washed up toder!"

Leygo: "Man, you're one irritating person."

ZeeArc: "I know." *FWIP*

Leygo: "Hm!" *FWIP*


ZeeArc and Leygo throw massive strikes at one another, breaking the Spatial wall ever so slightly with each blow. They clash with a heightened intensity that goes beyond what was let out before. The clash sends both flying back a bit with Leygo being the first to counterattack. He sends a barrage of condensed Gamma Rays at ZeeArc. ZeeArc counters with a pinpoint Annihilation blitz. The rays burst apart and vanish as both ZeeArc, and Leygo rush in once more.

"Take this!" , yelled Leygo as he threw an overhead right at ZeeArc. ZeeArc dodges to the left with minimal movement, shifting his weight the same way as his right hand comes forward. *SMACK* Leygo gets a face full of fist from that beautiful, yet simple counter. He holds strong and counters with a strong left hook that rocks ZeeArc. Then they both land a blow simultaneously as their arms cross in the follow up.


They're stunned heavily in the cross as a result. A smile creeps across their faces and they let out another barrage of strikes that were dodged and blocked as they moved along the atmosphere of Gaia's planet. As they move along, Leygo slips up and throws a sloppy right. ZeeArc isn't so nice as to allow an opportunity to slip by him and counters with a harsh kick. Leygo is sent flying into the ground like a meteorite.

ZeeArc: "Ho? He's already coming back? Well we're far enough for me to use this without much worry for everyone else. HMPH! *SWISH* (ZeeShift, send that big guy my way and go help Curti, his opponent's abnormal. REALLY abnormal! I can handle these two on my own!)"

ZeeShift: "Alright!"

???: "Hm? Where are you looking!?" *FWISH*

ZeeShift: *Glare* "Annihilo Mark! *Prch* Now go up above, to your personal purgatory!"

???: "Why you little bitch-" *FWIP*

ZeeArc: "Good!"

Leygo: "What the!? (Teyliigo? Where did he come from!?)"

Teyliigo: "Huh? But you're…"

ZeeArc: "I… Welcome the two of you to… Annihilation's Paradise! Burst open the Realm!"

Both: "Gah!"

ZeeArc summons a realm with a shell the size of Mars. But within, it looked like an endless land of carnage. Shadows and silhouettes were being evaporated and ashed away at a constant. The air felt unbearable, almost like breathing in the center of a supernova. Teyliigo and Leygo were being brought to their knees just from standing there. But the worst was yet to come when they locked eyes with ZeeArc. He was dressed in divine attire, being shirtless with a golden chain necklace hanging from his neck. His hair had turned crimson red as well as the tattoos on his body. His pants become baggy martial arts attire with traditional Qipao shoes to boot. He had huge Buddha beads wrapped around his waist with a loincloth underneath. Lastly, but surely not the least, he had a God's sash floating around his body.

ZeeArc: "You Fools Don't Stand A Chance In Hell Here! Prepare To Become One With The Cosmos In The Worst Way Possible."

Teyliigo: "Shit! I guess this is where I come in handy, along with our Zenchi"

Leygo: "Let's get to it then. If we don't, he's going to kill us!"

Teyliigo: "Yeah, let's do it then. Purify: Annihilation." *FWAHSSss*

ZeeArc: (Good, again… it would be boring if they just killed over. That seems to always happen when I use this ability.) "Hurry along now."

Leygo: "Bastard is too cocky!"

Teyliigo: "Then let's show him what we're made of, Brother!"

Both: "Anti-Annihilation, Full-Body Armored Zenchi!"

ZeeArc: "Oh? You'd Been Better Off Entering Your Clan Forms As Well. This Ain't No Shonen And Y'all Aren't Main Characters. This Will Be The Last Mistake You Two Ever Make!"

As ZeeArc takes control of his battle with Leygo and Teyliigo. The other battles began to erupt to higher scales. Explosions were going off all over the Planet. Each member from both sides making sure to give it their all in the attempt to snuff out the opposing side. One could even feel ridiculously high pressures of Zenchi being thrown about like it was nothing. One specific battle had a higher count of focused essence there than any other though. It was even higher than what ZeeArc was exhibiting on Leygo and his brother. The person responsible was the opponent Kishin had the fortune of taking on. After all, they came beaming at Kishin with open arms, hoping for a quaking battle of high proportions.

Kishin: "You impress me. You're able to keep up with me when I'm using my real speed. Maybe not my highest, but still… Impressive all the same!"

???: "That's why I was chosen to take you on. Someone needed to keep your speed in check so you don't blitz the battle fields with your Plague. So let's have some fun, why don't we?"

Kishin: "Sure thing, but I find it a bit rude for you to know of me. But… you haven't even had the courtesy to introduce yourself to little ol' me."

???: "Ah my apologies, let me take this silly masquerade mask off. *Slip* Ah, much better."

Kishin: "A mask that projects a complete disguise huh? So… you're a woman after all eh?"

???: "Yes, and as you can probably tell from my attire, I reign from the Chi Clan. My name is Daphne Chi-hii, and yes… I am royalty from the third temple of Chi-Galla. It's my Pleasure Lord Kishin." *Bow*

Kishin: "Daphne Chi-Hii?! No way, why are you even a general for the TRUTH. They're no good, plus… they made YOU a general!?"

Daphne: "Aha! I thank you for such praise, but I am a humble person. As for my involvement with The TRUTH? I wish not to say until later, for now. You'll have to take my honest fist as my best Truth to what I have going on. Please… trust it Lord Kishin "

Kishin: "Tch! fine… let's continue then and I'll trust you on your word. And whatever it is your fists have to say!" *FWISH*

Daphne: "Thank you. *Slip* Now let us continue." *FWISH*

Daphne stomps on the floor and brings up a heap of magma from the floor. Kishin leaps into the air to avoid the sudden attack. But as he dashes up, Daphne smiles and forms a hand out of that same created Magma deposit. Kishin accelerates but he notices the distance hasn't closed one bit. He looks down to notice Daphne swaying her left arm each and every way he flies. Seems as though he won't get away if he can't outpace her perception. But seeing as he wanted to hold off on using his Study, Kishin instead summons forth a huge array of Annihilation-type essence.

"What trick could he have now?" Daphne said to herself as she watched the atmosphere around him begin to warp. Then, in a sudden twist… the Spatial distortion and the "space" it was effecting were both decimated without a trace. Even the invisible distance between them seemed to be blown away, because Kishin was right in her face. Yet there was no trace of any real movement.

Kishin: "Hey there."

Daphne: "Impressive, but how?? Are you truly that fast?"

Kishin: "Naw… that's a little trick I learned from ZeeArc. It's called Annihilate the Distance."

Daphne: "Hm… Impressive still, but no dice!" *FWISH*

Kishin: "We'll see about that!!" *SWISH*

They begin to blitz one another with crazed amounts of strikes and combinations. Kishin steadily used his knowledge of martial arts to counter Daphne. Keeping her at bay while he schemed a way for his Plague to work. Meanwhile, Thermias was busy fighting alongside Alec. Their opponent was also of a higher class than the rest, just as Daphne was. Both could be measured to be at least 32s on the Power Scale. Alec and Thermias were at a clear disadvantage here when it came to actual stature. With that being said… *kaBLOOOM* both were sent flying into the dirt head first.

Alec: "Wh-What the hell did he hit us with!?"

Thermias: "Not sure bruh, this bastard didn't even move when he attacked us!"

Alec: "Damn, it's been like this the entire time!"

???: "That's because of my control over the forces of nature. As well as my element, Nuclear."

Thermias: "What an annoying combination!"

Alec: "Throw in Zenchi and he can be torture's living incarnate."

???: "Indeed, Sir Thermias and Alec. I shall now formally introduce myself, I am Rremus(Ray•Muss) Robulkuh(Row•Bulk•uh) of the Might Clan."

Thermias: "Pleasure to meet you!"

Alec: "Whoahooo! I always wanted to fight the Might Clansmen. Alright Mightopian, Rremus… let's see what you can do." *FWIP*

Rremus: "How Vulgar your approach is, young God. Push!"

Alec: "Hrmn!? *POW* GAH!!"

Thermias: "Tch! I still couldn't see that shit even now. Damn man!!" *FWIP*

Alec crashes into the floor yet again after another invisible force hits him head on. Thermias blasts up towards Rremus while appraising himself. He adds a huge boost to his physical stats to make for a better offensive rush. Rremus smiles onward at Thermias as he approaches. He then repeats his earlier command, "Push!" But just as he does this, Thermias suddenly jumps in speed and skips past the invisible force that was sent at him. Rremus is nothing more than pleased with this development.

"So the rumors were true, the third Prince of Beasmera is crafty indeed." Rremus says as he swiftly weaves to the right of Thermias' overhead left. Thermias is a bit surprised by his quick adaptability, but that didn't stop him from following up with a right legged round-house kick. Rremus glides back a bit then resets himself. Thermias speeds up once more as he brings his leg back down and morphs his right arm into that of a Gorilla's.

Thermias: "Thundering Ape Palm!"

Rremus: "Hoho? Nuclear Big Palm."

Their attacks clash and yet again, even with nuclear traces added, Rremus' attack remains invisible. But this one did cause quite the massive explosion. It was as if he split the atom with the nuclear essence added to his attack. Thermias is sent flying into Alec as he gets back up. They create a huge crater with the crash, but just as Rremus could reset. A flurry of shining Star shaped feathers flew at him. But as usual, he smiled and purposely went into evasive maneuvers to up the fun. He danced about in the sky as Thermias and Alec gave chase.

Hideaki: "Those guys seem like they can handle themselves. Now for you, you seem to have similar abilities to that guy facing Thermias. Is he your birthright twin?"

???: "You know it."

Hideaki: "Hm… I see you have a Might tattoo on that gorgeous face of yours too. You Mightopian as well?"

???: "Indeed I am. I see you still have questions so keep going. Haydes said you may be a Death God, but he can't bring himself to actually befall you harm. Unless you force my hand."

Hideaki: "Oh no worries, we're definitely fighting. But for both of you to be Mightopian makes me wonder… you're Generals of Miitto's faction aren't you?"

???: "Mhm… *Glare* How do you know of my elder brother?"

Hideaki: "I-I do my research, b-but… did you just say… BROTHER!?"

???: "Yes, I am Meiza Mighty of Mightopia, third and youngest child to the Chief."

It is custom for the Mightopian people to stay shirtless most of the time to show off their hard work through training. Meiza and Rremus were of the same following. Though it is not law to do so, you can see a lot of them actually cover their torsos every now and then. Meiza herself wore a studded, black sports bra to cover her chest. She had a diamond encrusted bone necklace that hung below her chest. She also proudly wore her tiara which matched the necklace to the 'T'. She had a white fur pelt over her black leggings that had Mightopian tribal markings down the sides(Written in white of course.) She had black heels on with traditional black, female warrior arm sleeves. Rremus wore a similar outfit, but without the jewelry. His pants were excessively baggy and tucked into his combat boots. Thick golden arm bands sat on his wrists and covered at least half of his forearms. Both had pitch black hair.

Hideaki: "Y-You're Meiza!? (Damn I didn't expect this to be her. I thought she'd be a brute-ish one, but she looks more like a thick, muscular supermodel!) Sheesh you're beautiful- Oh!"

Meiza: "Ahahahaaa, why thank you. But I could've sworn you just said something about fighting me today. Would you really damage a face like this?" *she smiles widely while poking her left cheek*

Hideaki: "We can heal… by all means I'd do so. I mean, you don't seem like you'd hesitate to do me dirty either."

Meiza: "Hmph, you're right, but I've studied you and your work. I have to say that I'm quite fond of it all honestly, so I'd rather not fight you seriously, Lord Hideaki."

Hideaki: "Alright then let's have a little spar then. Royalty versus royalty, Lady Meiza."

Meiza: "Sounds good to me. After all, I'm a necromancer study user as well. We both have two of the four copies present right now." *FWISH*

Hideaki: "Ah, no wonder I felt a familiar presence on you. Sheesh, this'll be tough indeed." *Swish*

The battles proceed as Strife II gets pushed in this onslaught. Even the likes of Vashjai and Ebon were being pressed by their opponents. It was the same for Dante and Zo'Elgor Jr. Morpheus and the others ran into the two mystery fighters clad in black robes. Just as Gaia and Kareezim had once mentioned before. But what was false about their predictions was the actual match ups for the youngins. They were being pushed back a considerable amount in a struggle to keep their enemies stationed. For if they lose here… Strife II would start to lose ground as they get teamed up on.

Morpheus: "Kenny, we gotta do something quick about his fire. If we don't, we'll lose and he'll go after Vashjai as he said before. We can't allow that!"

Kenny: "Yeah, then let's show him what a Magician's Mayhem looks like!" *FWIP*

Morpheus: "Now you're talkin'!" *FUEIRR*

???: "Fools, the both of you. Your pretentious little game of "we can do it" won't help you here. Die!" *PHEWWWW*

The battle between Haydes and Shii commences with a bang. Both sides having their forces pushed as they tear apart Gaia's planet and the universe she houses altogether. The battle intensifies as Morpheus and Kenny fight to stop the worst from passing.

Next Chapter: The Embers of Mayhem &
