135.) Decisions.

Morpheus: "Everyone get ready to run through these dumbass clowns. We don't have time to waste. This place is HUGE!"

Maeli: "I agree, so I say show no mercy. Be ready and willing to kill 'em. That's an order!"

Everyone: "RIGHT!"

Ellie: (Sheesh, kill??)

Susanne: "Your look says it all, girly. It's best not to hesitate… even if it's your first time."

Ellie: "R-Right, I'll make sure to do that Lady Susanne."

Susanne: "Good, now follow after me when this starts, ok?"

Ellie: "Yes ma'am!!!"

The group goes rushing towards the oncoming dangers. Every single one of them charged with their weapons at the ready, preparing to strike down any target that gets within range.

"Tear them to pieces, gibbit!!" Gibbit shouted as he commanded his troops. Making it clear that they were going for the kill in this fight.

Morpheus: "Kenny, my boy… let's show these lil bitches what's what."

Kenny: "You ain't saying nothing but a word. They're all lackluster, so I say-"

Nubia: "Let's hit them all with a wave of Presence."

Kenny: "Uh… yeah? Yeah, that's exactly what we're doing."

Nubia: "Good!"

All three: "Presence Zenchi!"

A huge wave of essence swept across the grassy plains of the lake view. Conquering each of the weaker individuals as they leapt forward. Separating them from their concepts so long as they remain in the trap with children. While they were busy trying to recollect themselves, Susanne led Elli, Amera, Luke, and Fong into a frontal assault on Gibbit's forces. Slashing as they ran through the forces and straight towards the few that actually seemed like strong individuals. The few enemies they missed were attacked by Maeli and the others that treaded behind Susanne's group.

Maeli: *SLASH* *SLASH* "Take those blokes down a peg, Susanne. Let's be done with the lot of 'em!"

She shouted as she stomped on a severed head whose eyes were still moving.

"These beings are all over the place when it comes to anatomy. None of them seem to share a skeletal structure that isn't a bit different from the others. They even have a few deformed four legged creatures amongst the ones with a bipedal's structure." Maeli thought to herself as she analyzed the army.

Susanne herself heard Maeli loud and clear and decided to mace the field with her control of gas. Creating a small dome around her, her team, and the enemy group's most powerful troops. Allowing Ellie and the others to strike within the low field of vision.

Ellie: "Alright! (Time to do this, time to take a life!)" *FWIP*

she leaps into the air and uses her Mental Zenchi to scan the area and make the best choices for her strikes. Coming down on all six of the leading troops within this small army. Kicking each one in the head and causing their necks to snap without much issue. A clean and swift victory for the Susanne group.

Morpheus: "Guess that takes care of that." *PRCH*

He uses his right fist to smash in the chest of a furry, deformed, werewolf looking man.

"Now for the heart." *Squish*

Kenny: "Hmm… ion think so, Morphy~bro."

Morpheus: "Huh?"

Drake: "Good… you can see it too." *SLASH*

He slices a four legged, hairless mutant with four eyes instead of two. The extra eyes were located on its back. The shoulder blades to be exact.

Morpheus: "Drake, right? What do you mean by that?"

Drake: "Yeah, the name's Drake. And what I mean is… Ellie is the weaker link amongst us."

Kenny & Morpheus: "Wait… WHAT!?"

Drake: "Don't get me wrong, she's strong as hell and has even more skill than a lot of us. It's just… the little chop's afraid. Afraid to take a life."

Susanne: "Ellie watch out!!!"

Ellie: "Huh, watch out for h'what- *WOOSH* HUH!?"


Ellie is sent flying into the benches they once sat at for their meals. Flying past the entire group as they watched in disbelief.

Trimptree Knight: "We are the six Knights of Fallimms, our fearless leader. We won't let a trifling pissant and her inability to finish the job get in our way. Your lives are for forfeit and we'll make sure of it by any means!"

He walked forward with five others. All of them were dressed in mossy green armor that resembled the Knights of Arthurian legend. This specific knight decided to blitz towards Ellie in an attempt to finish her off.


He dashed forward in a blur only to be intercepted by Susanne as she called out to Ellie.

"Ellie!!! Are you okay!?" She shouted as she pushed the knight back with a dagger in hand. Forcing his knight's longsword to go flowing back in a crescent shape-like motion. The edge of his sword was smashed into the floor. Leaving the knight to stare at Susanne as she taunted him with her dagger. Smiling as if she wasn't even taking him seriously.

Ellie: "Ugh… *Cough* *COUGH* Yes, ma'am… I'm all good over here! That was a good stoppage right there, yes, that it was."

She stands up and dusts off her armor. Staring at the Trimptree knight with fury in her eyes.

Susanne: "Good, glad you liked it. Now that fury in your eyes should be properly used. I say use it on this hobknockah right here and show 'em what's for!"

Susanne shouts proudly to Ellie just before smacking the oncoming Trimptree Knight back a few feet.

He smashed into a few of his subordinates that had been cut up by Zoshen and Billard Jr. Billard Jr made sure to invigorate their arms to make them lighter with a boost to their strength and speed. Allowing cuts that even the victims wouldn't be able to feel. Hence them falling apart chunk by chunk as they pile on top of the crashing Trimptree Knight.

Trimptree Knight 2: "Tch, are you alright, brother Onesii(Won•see)?" *TING*

He crosses blades with the towering Zelibus as he marches forward in his assault on the knight

Onesii: "Yeah… I'm all good, brother Twonnic(Toon•nick)."

Susanne: "You won't be for long!"

"What!?" Onesii stumbles to his feet with blood and guts falling off his body. Painting the green hues over with red.

Susanne thrusts at him with her dagger wrapped in stardust. Combusting the dust with heat caused by the molecules rapidly rubbing against each other in an endless stream leading towards the other Knights. Onesii sits in confusion as the dust explodes around him, rather than on him and blowing him away.

"Hm… how peculiar." He says as he readies his sword and leaps forward. Susanne smiles and signals someone to come forth. Onesii was convinced either Fong or Luke would leap forward. But instead, it was Ellie with her short sword wrapped in golden Chakra.

Onesii: "What can a weakling like you do? You can't even kill me without hesitating!" *SWISH* *SWIP*

He swings his sword at Ellie with a ton of aggression behind it.

Ellie: "Nrgh!!"

She blocks while gritting her teeth. Gaining a bit of frustration as she stares into the eyes of the masked Onesii.

Susanne: "You can do this Ellie. Weigh the odds and morals of you and him. He's trying to take your life for no good reason. It doesn't compare to you taking his life to protect yourself from him and his hostility! You've got nothing to worry about, he's just weak enough for someone as strong as you to one-shot him!!!"

Onesii: "What!? You believe this sniveling piece of shit can stop me! You're sorely mistaken, you little bitch!"

He looks over at Susanne as he knocks Ellie back.

Ellie drags her heels across the dirt while planting her short sword into the floor. She looks up to see that Onesii is still not paying attention to her. It sets her soul ablaze as her pride comes to take over. With that newfound anger, she rises up to her feet and aims her sword at the knight. Charging a ray of light into the blade.

"Source switch: Chakra." She muttered in a surprisingly calm voice.

Ellie: "Hey! Pay attention during a fight! It can cost you your life!"

Onesii: "Heh, my life is of no consequence when dealing with a weakling such as yourself!"

Ellie: "Glad you think so… Stream!"

Onesii: "Oh SHI-"

Ellie fires a large beam of pure, burning light at the knight known as Onesii. He gets taken by surprise and faces the brunt of the blast head on with no defensive action being taken. It left him in a puzzled state as his body was engulfed with little more for him to do, besides yell and scream at the top of his lungs. The blast ripped through many walls and paths of the maze until it traveled off world and into the rift. The space that remains in limbo as it keeps this pocket reality separate from the real one. Everyone present simply looked on as they stood before a carpet of corpses. Shaking their heads, because this outcome was the only one they could see with their insight. One misguided and arrogant fool taking on a feeble yet powerful warrior of light. Showing that her inability to kill was not a good reassurance that someone like him could last in a fight with someone like her.

Susanne: "You go, girly. I love to see it in you, though… that's very dark to say."

Mackey: "Eh, who cares. It's an eat or be eaten type of verse out there and we're just a small part. We have to ensure our survival by any means so that small part becomes an astronomical one. Don't you agree, mate?"

Susanne: "Indeed I do."

In the meantime, we travel back into the Clan of Luminaria. More specifically, we'll be traveling all the way to the realm of the three lead houses. Here we'll find the Rebellion's leading forces, Shiishii, Gaia and the members of the House of Murdicc. They were all busy discussing what to do next. Seeing as their initial strategy didn't work and they now find themselves left with little options left.

Maliik: "As was said earlier, we made our way to the location that was supposed to contain the Beel realm itself. But what we found was the corrupted Illustrod. We managed to liberate its grounds with the militia team we had at the ready. But now… we find ourselves in even deeper difficult waters."

Queen Nagita: "Now we have the two teams of children who were supposed to be in Illustrod, but instead they're lost to the cosmos, eh?"

Gaia: "More than likely not."

Dawn: "I agree."

Queen Nagita: "Oh yes, I definitely agree with that as well. Since Illustrod is where the House of Beel was supposed to be."

Aurorin: "It's safe to assume that the House of Beel is where Illustrod used to be. If that's the case, the children are in major trouble!" *THUD*

She smacks her hand on the table out of fustration.

King Luu: "So I assume we'll want to pull our forces together in order to wage battle on the grounds of the House of Beel."

Shiishii: "I would hope so."

Maliik: "Of course we will, we have to save the children and-"

???: "That may not be for the best as of right now!"

A voice states from the darkened portion of the room. One could feel him and two others sitting at the dark end of the table.

Queen Nagita: "Elder Tadeus? What do you mean?"

Shiishii: "Yeah I'd love to hear this. Most of us here have family amongst those children!" *Tap*

Gaia: "Calm yourself, brother Shii."

She places her hand on his shoulder.

Elder Mopee: "We understand that, Lord Shiishii. It's just the fact that we can't overlook what this is. Which is the simple fact that it's obviously a trap!"

He brightens their side of the room to reveal three older deities. All wearing formal, navy blue robes with white trimming flowing all over it.

Queen Nagita: "A trap you say?"

Berixan: "I wouldn't be surprised seeing as I can still feel my children through our connected Aurora crystals."

Gaia: "Ah, makes sense. So… if they're all still alive, we can assume that the Beel members wish to lure us in?"

Dawn: "It makes sense seeing as none of the kids are strong enough to take on this threat."

Gaia: "I'd agree if Young STRIFE weren't with them."

Maliik: "Hm?"

King Luu: "Are you saying there's someone within that group that's even more powerful than you or Shiishii over here?"

Gaia looked at the room with a hint of silence as she slowly revealed a grin.

"Well yes there is, actually. Do you all know of the first born son of the legendary warrior, Xebeel?" She asked as she stood up to walk around the room.

Queen Nagita: "Are you saying that Kenny Vermilli was on that team?!"

Shiishii: "Yeah, as well as Soi Flametress' daughter, the current Dragon Clan King's youngest son, and even kids to Li'Ricio and his brother, the Salt King. The team is quite stacked."

Elder Draud: "Even so… I'm certain they're all still in danger. And yes, we are well aware of those possessed by Stuliathans. We have one of our own within this clan, after all. A vessel made by Lancelot himself. The leader of the Light and youngest son to Lady Xenophia."

Shiishii: "Wait, I- I'm terribly sorry, but this is the first we're hearing of this. Nagita… does he jest?"

Queen Nagita: "No he does not, so this is not a lie."

Maliik: "I know all of those young Deities on that team. Mother, who is it that holds the beast within?"

Gaia: "And what Stuliathan is it? Your answer will decide what we'll be doing as we move forward."

Elder Mopee: "Tuh! I beg your pardon, Lady Gaia. But hold your tongue, we will not be going along with what you say here. We have a clan to protect-"

Queen Nagita: "Mopee, hush!"

The room grew silent from her outburst. Everyone around her could easily tell she was highly upset from the topic at hand. For it was one she did not like talking about in the slightest.

Queen Nagita: "That's fine by me, I always intended to go there anyway. Regardless of the dangers or if it's a trap. And you'll find out why, right here… right now. For you see… a boy on that team is also a Beel. One that was put through quite the hellish experience as he grew up with that beast inside him. The lit~tle buggah was and still is a kind hearted boy. But my husband, Lancelot, did not care and I couldn't say a word. He implanted a Stuliathan with the prowess of a primordial being. A dominant beast who represents light amongst the Stuliathans. It was placed within one of my own grandchildren, Lancelin Jr."

Beeso: "What…"

Dwayne: "Little Lancelin!?"

Maliik: "You mean to tell me my nephew is stuck on that cosmic rock they call a house with that damned terrorist!!?"

Queen Nagita: "Yes…"

Maliik: "Why didn't you ever tell us!?'

Queen Nagita: "Lancelot and I agreed that only his parents should know. Meaning only Lancelin, your brother was allowed to know. Along with his wife of course."

Maliik: "Tch… then there's only one thing to decide here. Right, Shiishii, Gaia… Dante?"

He stood up from his seat with his essence swelling to its limits. The building shook violently and left even the powerful three elders in a state of shock. He placed his hand on the table and began to turn it into dust ever so slowly. Dante, Shiishii, and Gaia simply glared at him as they too, stood up.

Dante: "I think you know exactly what I have to say, mate. Isn't that right, Shii… Gaia?"

Everyone looked towards Shiishii who now had flaming, purple eyes full of passionate anger and fury. They could easily tell what he was going to say.

Shiishii: "My brother and his precious friends are on that team. Your children are on that team so I know you all feel the same way."

Gaia: "We also know that the elders DO have a point. They very much do, but that point will not stand here!"

Both: "What's our word, you ask? Heh… to arms!"

Queen Nagita: "To arms."

Maliik: "To arms."

Aurorin and Berixan: "To arms."

Billard Sr & Myne: "To arms!"

Doc-Martin & Lizellite: "To arms!

Elder Tadeus: "Tch, oh fock it.

Three Elders: "To ARMS!!!"

Queen Nagita: "We should all know what this means then, right?"

???: "It means we go to war, and you'll be needing our help."

Shiishii: "Wait… who is that?"

Gaia: "I know him, but that's simply an avatar."

???: "Indeed it is, but I'm more than capable in this form alongside this lady's avatar."

The strange man dressed in an all white suit states as he waltzes forward. Pointing at the lady dressed in a white and gold battle-dress.

Aurorin: "Well then… the always busy lead to the House of Marr-Vel has finally joined us. Hmph."

Shiishii: "House of Marr-Vel? You mean one of the five houses that exists above the clan?? No fucking way!"

Queen Nagita: "Yes, the house of Marr-Vel is the only one of the five that's responsible for assisting the clan directly on all accounts. But I never expected its leader to want to jump in."

???: "Heh, what can I say?"

He shrugs his shoulders while smiling at the group.

Queen Nagita: "Shiishii, Gaia and everyone else. I'd like you all to meet the leader of the Marr-Vel house. He's known for being one of the smartest minds within our home. A Legendary warrior who can use the light element almost as well as my eldest son here. He is a known member of the Light and a dear friend. Say hello to Shaddus Marr-Vel and his partner in crime, Hera'lou Sueyerd."

Shaddus & Hera'lou: "To arms it is! Time to take back our home!"

Everyone: "TO WAAAR!!!"

With the young Gods and Goddesses of STRIFE and the Rebellion army still being trapped. We find them in the middle of the biggest fight of their lives yet. The Rebels have come together to make their decision. With the lives of many on the line, a war is about to ensue!!

Next Chapter: Preparation.