137.) Quake of the Young Gods and Goddesses!

As the war draws to an arousing start. We find ourselves taking a quick stroll back over to the odd world known as the Maze World. It encompasses the very nature of a maze and everything it has to offer within its concept. Leaving the famed children of many clans trapped within its clutches. Forced to travel through this massive labyrinth as they search for a way out. Upon doing so they stumble onto a lush field with all types of life within it. The field was bigger than NYC and Tokyo combined and housed a giant lake in its center. For it was here that the young Deities met with a group of enemies. A group that has been hunting them since they arrived in this massive labyrinth.

This group quickly found out that these Deities are nothing to scoff at. They had bore witness to their forces being wiped out by the dozen. Going up against the likes of these monsters draped in the appearance of mere children and young adults. It was puzzling for them to say the least. For they now had to witness a one-sided battle of unparalleled proportions. Everything was going in favor of Morpheus and the others. Each member having taken the life of three or more of these Trimptree Ghouls and Knights. All except Ellie who still had doubts about killing another so casually. It went against her morals, but in a verse like this. Just how long can such a compass last?

Anyway, as of now, the young Gods and Goddesses were now being chased by the Trimptree Leader. One could say he had a silent fury going about him. One that slowly got larger in ferocity as he closed in on the group that wiped out his forces. The likes of Young Strife and the Young Rebels were trying to gain distance from the brute by any means. For with him, was the famed sword created by a brilliant Blacksmith over in the Weapontoder Clan. A clan born with excess metals within their blood. They use these metals and their own bone marrow to create weapons with the help of their essence. The best users of this ability are able to become weapons themselves. Each weapon created by them and their essence is one of Special Grade value. They can become quite worrisome when in the wrong hands. In this case, the wrong hands just so happen to be turned towards the children. They had an unlikely savior come to their aid.

Morpheus: "L-Lancelin!?"

Lancinian: …

Lancelot: "I don't think that's him entirely… or even him at all. I mean just look at the white hair and extended, sharp nails. It has to be that beast-

Lancinian: "Oh it's me, alright. Trust me on that uncle Lancelot."

Maeli: "Well even if that's the case, we can't trust your control over the beast. Everyone stay ready for anything!"

She pulls out her weapon before getting into her stance. Aiming her focus of essence at both the cloaked man and Lancelin himself.

"Sorry about this." She says as she closes her eyes.

Lancinian: "Oh, that's quite alright, Maeli. It's a very logical move to be made here. That's why I'll be going back to sleep upon winning this battle."

Morpheus: "You don't have to go that far-

Lancinian: "I do… and I'll continue doing so until this beast succumbs to the new sealing formula. I'll be fine."

Kenny: "Very noble of you, but we'll be needing you on this little training arc of ours. You'll forever be a victim to that beast so long as you stay as you are now."

Lancinian: "Ah… alrighty then. I'll see what you can do for me after all this is said and done, mate."

Kenny: "Sounds good, now let's take care of that creep. He isn't that much stronger than us."

Lancinian: "Hmph, allow me to lead the charge!"

Maeli & Morpheus: "Sounds good, now let's go!"

Everyone: "RIGHT!!"

???: "Tch, these needlessly annoying brats think they can beat me!? The great Minoggib Fallimms? Tsss… we'll see." *Grip* … *WOOSH*

He tears away his cloak to reveal a shirtless man with green moss skin. He had brazen, tribal tree tattoos that covered his chest, arms, and back. His face was covered up to the nose in leaves and vines. His hair flowed out in long, forest green locks that resembled heavy tangled vines. His eyes were sharp, yellow, and absent of pupils. His waist was covered by a palm leaf-style fauld that hung to his ankles. He wore baggy pants that were stuffed into bracers that covered his ankles and shins. The same style of bracers could be found on his wrists and flowing up to his forearms. Golden bracers that hid an ominous essence within.

Minoggib: "Have at thee… lowly pests."

Lancinian: "What a wretched use of speech. Let me show you… My true might!" *FWIP*

Morpheus: "He's going slow on purpose. Everyone halt for now. I wish to see something."

Luke: "You aren't the only one."

Kenny: "Indeed."

Lancelin took a quick leap towards Minoggib. Swinging his nunchucks downwards with enough force to rattle the cosmos around them. This forced Minoggib to block the attack head on rather than dodge. For it was laced with Presence Zenchi and an odd amount of Light elemental essence. It was meant to cause an explosive wave laced with the power to instill light into his very core. He quickly canceled it out and sheathed his sword once more. Pulling it back out almost instantly with his left hand. Lancelin took notice of this and brought both ends of the nunchucks together for an easy block.


Their clashing essence sent a shockwave out that forced the group back a few meters. The floor beneath them caved in a few feet. Lancelin goes into a swinging frenzy as he swings his nunchucks from hand to hand. Forcing Minoggib to twirl his sword about as he sways back and forth from left to right. By the time he could transfer his sword to his right hand, he was already being battered down by the rapid swings of Lancelin and his nunchucks. His sword was stuffed into the floor, then hammered in deeper by two more mighty swings.

Lancinian: "Your face is mine!"

Minoggib: "Ugh, do you even hear yourself, boy!?" *WOOSH*

Minoggib lands a mighty overhead right to the chest of Lancelin. Throttling him back a few meters. Minoggib grabbed hold of his sword as he spun around and stepped forward. He leaned in and twirled around as he planted his feet firmly with his left being at the lead. His swing came in heavy and fast. Lancelin took heed of this and spun on his toes as he leaned in and swung his nunchucks about. He laced his weapon with Armored and Physical Zenchi to stiffen it up. This allowed it to withstand the brunt of the attack. Their clashing forces brought about a massive wave that swept across more than half the galaxy they resided within. The walls around them shook and rattled as if they were going to topple over.

Minoggib: "How can a child hold such power!?"

Lancinian: "We are no mere child, fledgling!" *SWISH*

Minoggib: "V'what!?"

Lancelin swung the kontei of his weapon and grabbed hold of the chukon-bu. The weapon hit Minoggib square in his chin. Forcing him off balance and vulnerable. Lancelin swung his nunchucks in a downwards swing a number of times. Smacking Minoggib in the head with each swing without fail. Forcing his face into the floor before stomping on it with his right leg. The force from the strike disrupted the structure of every wall within the maze for more than one-hundred thousand miles.

Lancelin: "Heh! *Smirk* Gates of Chaos."

Lancelin wrapped essence around his weapon and repeatedly slammed it into the back of Minoggib. Mind you, he was already smashed into the ground quite thoroughly. His essence transferred into the body of Minoggib as it stirred. Lancelin forced it to burst open with a final swing that had all his strength put behind it for a mere second. A glimpse into the reservoir, sort of speaking. The essence burst open and instantly spread further than the galaxy could see. Distorting the very structure with his essence. This same wave left the walls that he throttled earlier in a state of… "no more". The team was left stunned.

Morpheus: "Did he just…"

Kenny: "Single Handedly beat the weird moss guy and open a path for us? Yes, yes he did."

Maeli: "That's insane!"

Sammy: "My mind has been boggled."

Morpheus: "Wow man, I'm astounded right now. A splendid feat to say the least."

Lancinian: "Hey GUUUUYS, didja see that, huh? Didja!?" *WOOSH*

Lancelin flew up to his comrades with a ray of sunshine brimming on his face. He was truly ecstatic about his victory and the style he was able to claim it in. It had the team jumping with excitement.

Lancinian: "Now we can try that strategy of yours, Kenny."

Kenny: "Hell yeah, it should work well too. It's one my father used on me while I was being throttled by Merlin. He may be benevolent, but not even he wanted to be stuck within a child from a lower species."

Lancinian: "Mhm… that makes a lot of sense. Well seeing as my beast was wary of Merlin. I'd say it should work swimmingly, mate!"

Morpheus: "Perfect now all we need to do is-

Ellie: "Hey?"

She floats ahead of everyone as she scopes out the ground.

Nubia: "What is it, Ellie?"

Susanne: "Oh, CRAP!"

Ellie: "His body is gone!"

Lancinian: "H'WHAT!?"

Minoggib: "Surprise you peewee mutherfuckers!" *SWISH*

He swung his sword downwards just as Lancelin turned to face him.

Susanne: "Damn, Lancelin!" *PEW*

She raced over to Lancelin's aid. She felt an odd pressure now coming from Minoggib's sword.

Lancelin: "Dammit all!" *Fwip* *SWISH*

He swung his nunchucks about as a defensive maneuver against Minoggib's oncoming assault.

Susanne appeared behind Lancelin in a flash and placed her battle gauntlet on his nunchuck. Making sure to add to his defensive prowess in the process. He had wondered as to why she felt she needed to do so, only to bear witness to a nasty nick in the base of his chukon-bu. It left him perplexed and slightly frustrated. Luckily, their combined might was able to thwart any damage that would've been done had Susanne not taken notice in time.

Minoggib: "That was some quick thinking there, wittle baby bitch."

Susanne: "What a foul mouth for such an unkempt ruffian. Let's teach 'em some manners!"

Minoggib: "Try meh!" *SWIP*

Both Lancelin and Susanne vanished into the atmosphere just as Minoggib swung his blade outward. He predicted a flank from his six, but failed to realize Susanne wasn't just addressing Lancelin in her last statement. As a result, he was throttled back into the ground by a dual hammer fist strike from the staturing Zelibus.

Zelibus: "You're wide open!"

Susanne: *FWIP* "GAH… There's something off about him now. His power rose and the abilities of the sword have done so as well."

Lancinian: "Ah, so that's why you leapt in the way you did. Makes a lot of sense now."

Susanne: "Mhm hmm."

Minoggib: "So you caught wind of the results paid forward by my Birthright, eh? Nice! I have the power to evolve further onto new levels depending on the damage I take. And it pains me to admit this, but… I DID NOT let that brat do that to me for this."

Susanne: "What a troublesome ability he has."

Nubia: "Yeah, this may surprise you all, but I know the ability well. It's one that I've seen before, and it's name is Injury's Redo. An ability that builds a meter based on the damage you take. Once it reaches its max, you'll end up forcibly evolving and healing from all previous injuries. It takes three small evolutions before it can achieve a true Evolutionary state. One that'll even change your appearance as if you've awakened to your Drive state! (Though… him having it is odd.)"

Minoggib: "Heh, so the little Devojinnian knows her stuff. Well, yes, she is correct. My ability is just that! Let's see how you sniveling brats deal with it!"

Power Scale Level: 32

Birthright: Injury's Redo

Element: Wind

Study: Classified.

Age: Unknown.

Lancinian: "We'll show you exactly how we deal with troublesome Neanderthals such as yourself." *VWIMP*

Power Scale Level: 30

Birthright: Chaos

Element: Absolute Light

Study(ies): Domain Embodiment, Illumination Dominion, and Temperature Manipulation.

Age: 16

Zelibus: "Let's not go about this in a foolish manner. Lancelin, we'll back you up for sure. But I'd rather our main hitters stay back and allow a small platoon to assist Lance."

Power Scale Level: 24.5

Birthright: Metal Land

Element: Emerald

Study: None

Age: 19

Maeli: "Who do you have in mind?"

Zelibus: "Heh, including myself, we'll have Billiard."

Billiard Jr: "Roger!"

Power Scale Level: 24

Birthright: Status

Element: Vibration Metal

Study: None

Age: 18

Zelibus: "Lancelot."

Lancelot: "Will do!"

Power Scale Level: 25

Birthright: Sound

Element: Ice

Study: "Sound Board"

Age: 18

Zelibus: "That boy, Luke."

Luke: "Roger roger!"

Power Scale Rating: 21

Birthright: Chakra

Element: Light

Study: Scroll Master Necklace

Age: 16

Zelibus: "Fong will be a single heavy hitter. I can guess what must be done and you've got the abilities for it."

Fong: "Say no more, Zeli, big bro."

Power Scale Level: 24

Birthright: Demon

Elements: Disease & Blazing Phoenix Fire.

Studies: Bubauno(asleep.)

Age: 17

Morpheus: "Alright. Let's see y'all get it done. May you bring terror within this grand quake."

Kenny & Nubia: "Now go!"

Zelibus's Group: "RIGHT!!"

They dash off towards Minoggib as he readies his sword. He slashes at Zelibus as he crashes down. Zelibus shed his emerald Scale and shifted to the side as it made contact with the blade. Minoggib took heed of this and began to step towards Zelibus before he was hit by a stray fireball. Then he was hit by a huge chunk of ice that was enhanced by Chakra.

Minoggib: "Grrgh! You stupid focks!"

He took a few steps back and swung his sword with a flashing dash behind it. Billiard coated his weapon and body in Presence, Physical, and Armored Zenchi. Then proceeded to clash with Minoggib as he swayed to the side. Lancelot and his Helbram followed close behind him and did the same. Then came in Luke and Fong as they crash down to complete the circle surrounding Minoggib.

Minoggib: "How cheeky… Vacuum!"

Zelibus: "Hmph! Gigantic Emerald Forge! Sphere FORM!"

Zelibus surrounded them with a dome made of emeralds and a metal similar to wartanium. Only… it had scales covering its surface. He single handedly canceled out the effects of the vacuum by ridding Minoggib of any source to inhale. They were all still being pulled in, but the dome itself couldn't be budged. This inability within the ability made it slowly stall on itself. Leaving an opening to strike from all sides. But Minoggib didn't make anything easy for them in the slightest.

Minoggib: "I can still produce wind in any and all manners. Prepare to be blown away the second one of you ingrates focks up!"

Fong: "In your dreams, MinOGgIB! Tch, dumbass name I say." *WOOSH*

Fong took charge and swung her Sickles with the chains attached to them. Looping them around and whipping them at Minoggib endlessly. At the same time, Zelibus and the others charged in at full force. Lancelot being the biggest threat with his use of reach with his helbram. Minoggib was forced to defend from all sides as he fought them head on. Managing to somehow keep them all at bay, but it quickly became a situation where the tables were truly turned. For he was now the one who couldn't afford to slip up!

Minoggib: "RAAAAUUUGH!!!!"

Fong: "Don't lose yourself in an attempt to prolong the inevitable!"

Lancinian: "Your time has come!" *fri-fwoop* *SWISH*


Lancelin landed a nasty blow to the back of Minoggib's noodle. It knocked him off his rocker just as he twirled about and switched hands with his sword planted in the floor. One could say it was the perfect timing, because he was about to swing that sword outward with enough force behind it to slash through all of their weapons. Minoggib tried his best to counter the oncoming strikes. Blocking Lancelot and pushing him away before kicking Zelibus in the head with a high kick. Then trapping Fong by allowing her to wrap her Sickles around his blade. Forcing her to come in close. Holding her there as he fends off a blow to his blind spot with his forearm. Repelling the nunchucks of Lancelin with just his Armored Zenchi enhanced forearm.

Minoggib: "Heh!"

Luke: "You're worried about the wrong ones!" *WOOSH*

Minoggib: "Wha- *SMACK*

He was rocked into the air by a swift upward swing from Luke's bowstaff.

Luke: "I use more than one weapon!"

Billiard: "I'm not really one to use weapons much. My powers are my go to."

Minoggib: "Nrgh, yo-you lousy… brat!"

Billiard: "Lower the Defense stats; Heighten my offensive stats, x10. Metal Vibration: Quake fist!" *WOOSH*


Minoggib was throttled into the floor where we watched as his body caved the floor at least three miles deep. His body rapidly shot up with his sword as they both were stuck in the essence of Billiard. It kept them rattling in place as their cores shook to no end. Zelibus, Lancelot, Lancelin, and Luke all leapt forward to put an end to this Trimptree Commander of sorts. Minoggib took notice of this and his instincts took over. His body shot out and he grabbed his sword, repelling and blocking every attack that came his way. Kicking Zelibus away as he swayed the bowstaff of Luke down to his side. Stepping on the staff as he chins Luke to the floor with the butt of his sword. We can then see him spin around and parry Lancelin and Lancelot all at once. His spin continued and a roundhouse kick tossed both boys to the floor. He then turned to face Fong…


Minoggib: "GAAAUUURGH!!!"

Minoggib was slashed from the right side of his waist all the way up to his left shoulder. The attack had enough grip in his flesh and force behind it to lift him off his feet. His blood spewed out like a lawn sprinkler. Even then, this man did nothing more than smile.

Minoggib: "My meter is filling up rapidly! You brats sure pack a punch!"

Fong: *FUER* "Nah, THIS is the end if the line for you. (Appreciate the help, Bubauno!)"

(Bubauno: "Just end the man's existence and take his essence in exchange.")

Fong: "Will do… Now take this. Sick Man's Arrow!" *PEWWF*

She shot an arrow that pierced the chest of Minoggib. It flashed beyond the distance with a lethal amount of force. Tearing into the ground and ripping it asunder as it went onward. It buried itself into his chest and shot straight through. Leaving a hole nearly as big as a basketball. His face wore an expression that told us he wasn't prepared for such events to unfold. His confident smile had vanished entirely and he was left motionless. His body hitting the floor as his blood splattered a few feet behind his head. Quickly forming a puddle around him.

Fong: "That's all she wrote for you. I'm guessing a quick death is the easiest way to avoid aiding in his evolution, right?"

Zelibus: "That's right. It was our only way to win, and I didn't want him evolving further to the point that the others would need to join."

Luke: "Nice, I can tell he's really out of here."

Morpheus: "Impressive work, and yeah. I can see the literal life leaving his body. And the signs of death lingering over the body. (Though…)"

Minoggib: (How can a bunch of weak children do this to me!?)

Lancelot: "Good, we can continue onward without having to do so much. I just want to explore this place without my life being in danger."

Lancelin: "Likewise, it'd be a blessing to do so, mates. (Glad I was able to cut Lluminian's power off without consequence.)"

(Lluminian: "Hmph!")

Fong: "It's high time I take in a bit of his essence for Bubauno. I like to keep my word."

Maeli: "Guess that means we're done here."

Susanne: "Mhm… yeah, let's go."

She stares at the body of Minoggib and begins to wonder.

"This feeling…"

Nubia: (I don't like this feeling.)

Minoggib: *Twitch*

The members of Young STRIFE and the Rebellion make their mark within the Maze. Wiping out Minoggib and his forces with ease. Only to be left with an ominous feeling upon claiming victory. Just what comes next as the Civil War begins!

???: "Make sure you capture the ones known as Lancelin, Kenny and Morpheus. The others can be disposed of if you wish it to be so, Gibbit."

Gibbit: "I will make certain of it. Is there anything else you will need before I proceed?"

???: "No, that should be all. Billiam thinks they're no longer needed now that he's extracted what he needed. They're of no interest to us anymore."

Gibbit: "Kehe! Sounds good to meh, sir. Allow Gibbit to get it done."

???: "Good, report your results when done." *CLICK*

Gibbit: "Will do." *Smirk*

Next Chapter: The True Trimptree!