144.), The Peak of Violence!

Gaia-Minéttia… a place of flourishing, lush plant life and many different lifeforms. It had many trees and gigantic bushes that act as the universe's and multiverses. A variety of other plant-like lifeforms act as the galaxies, solar systems, and even the damn stars and planets. Making the gigantic clan look like the most humongous forest to ever exist. The citizens there enjoy living in harmony with their living civilization. They do not need to order many ingredients and other necessities from other clans due to their limitless lifeforms count. 

They can make their own herbs for medicines and other needs. Ingredients of all sorts including many wildlife creatures that can feed each other and the many citizens. This made it one of the few clans that can easily house every type of major race within the Omniverse. That includes God's, Goddesses, Celestials, Demigods, Non-Mortals, Mortals, Beasts, and even Divine Beasts. A true utopia only second to the Spiritual Utopian Clan. 

It was here that we found ourselves tailing Kitiro and three Gods that look very similar to a STRIFE member we all know. He and the younger Gods went to the Great Tree that could be found in the center of the clan. They entered to flow to the top where they were met by none other than, Flourescent Rosalina Senkozen. She was the younger twin sister to Gaia II, the oldest out of sextuplets. Rosalina was also the mother of Kitiro himself and the Auntie to Kareezim and his brothers. 

Kitiro: "Wait… what!?" 

Rosalina: "I think you heard me, Kiti." 

Power Scale Level: 75(Sealed away scale)

Birthright: Borrower 

Element: Terra(Life Variant)

Study: Terra/Earth Embodiment

Age: 1,510,998

Kitiro: "Mhm… I don't be too sure about da ting you be talkin' bout, ma~maa. Please explain." 

???: "It's pretty damn simple, my guy. Your Birthright is more than just some Birthright." 

A man dressed in a black, fur puffer jacket strolled into the room from the shadows. He had on white, baggy jeans with a golden rope-style chain attached to the left side. He was in a Senkozen branded, button down shirt underneath hjs jacket with some beige Timberland-style boots. He had two dreads hanging over his face with the rest of his white hair sitting in a large, slightly messy afro. His large, golden studded earrings let off a dazzling gleam in the light, same with his two golden chains around his neck. His skin was milky brown and his nose was pierced on the right side. He was none other than…

Khaleed: "Big bro, Kareez? What're you doing here!?" 

Kareezim: "Pops and Auntie Rosa over here let me in on the lit secret. It happened after my lil run in with Auntie Clarissa. She's on some nut shit, I'll tell you that much." 

Power Scale Level: 65(Sealed Rating)

Birthright: Tracer

Element: Lightning 

Study: Fusion Class(Trace/Origin) 

Age: 205,953

Rosalina: "Danks for coming, Reezy." 

Kareezim: "No problem aunt Rosa, it's my pleasure, yaheard?" 

Rosalina: "Indeed, now I need everyone to take a seat and allow us two Gahdians to explain, ok?" 

Kitiro: "Will do, my mudda. Come on gwamgods, take a seat wid meh." 

Rosalina: (Mudda, huh? Why couldn't he just choose the African accent, he just had to be Jamaican? Well at least he's calmed down now.) "Alright… allow meh to begin da explanation." 

Khalif: (This atmosphere is weird. I've never seen my big brother look like that before…) 

He glares at Kareezim, seeing a look of worry and anxiety. Whatever this subject was, Kareezim viewed it as bad news through and through. 

Rosalina: "Alright so simply enough, et is said to be six Keys in total out dere. Dese keys play a majoh role in unlocking a secret within this Omniverse. One dat can threaten the very existence of our home itself. So… in ordah to stop this from happening, my motha, aunt, and uncle took their team and found all six. Then hid dhem even bettah than the Keys could hide themselves. Dee method dey used to hide five of them was to turn them, along with countless othah concepts into what we know as Birthrights today. Dhey're a great value version of Studies and are used to reflect more of our origin concepts dat can't be reflected through our elemental prowess." 

Kitiro: "Wait… am I too understand that meh Birthright be…" 

Kareezim: "Yeah, son… your Birthright is indeed one of the six Keys. Have you ever found it odd that four others have the exact same Birthright as yours?" 

Kitiro: "It never even crossed dis rasta's mind." 

Rosalina: "Mhm… well truth is, you're a vital playah in dis Omniverse, and… a key component to bringing et to its inevitable end. With that being said, Gaia told meh it'd be a good idea to let you know." 

Kitiro: "To let meh know dis ting rightchea?" 

Kareezim: "Nah, son. It's to let you know that you're a target for the TRUTH, like… deadass my guy." 

He walked over and stood next to Rosa with a nasty glare in his eyes. One could tell he was very angry from the situation. Kitiro was his younger cousin after all.

Khaleed: "Woah… you mean them nut ass dudes that attacked Auntie Gaia's world like three months ago?!" 

Khalid: "Oh shit, foreal!?" 

They both stared at their aunt and brother, showing signs of worry for their elder cousin. 

"What does this mean for our cousin!?" They asked in unison. 

Staring into the eyes of the two Guardians with looks that said 'we demand an answer', and answers they got. 

Rosalina: "Mhm… et is best to say it in da most blunt way dhat I can. My son, my beloved son… if we let dem take you and your friends away from us. Dhey will use your Key Birthrights in a way only othahs can. You see, your Birthright allows othahs to use you and your friends like literal Keys. Once that sequence is done for the only object that it works on…" 

Kareezim: "You… will all die." 

Kitiro: *GULP*

Khaleed: "N-No… No way, there's just no way!" 

Khalid: "Y-You're deadass right now, aren't you!?"

Kareezim & Rosalina: "Yes, sadly." 

Shiitania: "So it's true then, Rissa? You plan to kill my children and three others to prevent our imminent doom?" 

Clarissa: "Mhm… *Nod* Yes." 

Shiitania: "Tch! At least have rhe fucking comman decency to look me in my damn eyes, you bitch. You had better bring them back, ALL of them!" 

Clarissa: "You have my word, but… please do watch your tone. You of all people should know why this has to happen. You saw what I saw that day in real time, you just didn't see the vision. But you say what they did!" 

Her fists were balled up with rage and fury from the thoughts of a past event. One that seems to haunt the force of cosmic nature, that is, Clarissa. 

Shiitania: "Tuh, my apologies, but as a fellow mother. You should know how much this hurts me. Even if I know they'll come back. Just follow me, please Rissa, and let's not discuss this any further." 

Clarissa: "Yes, I see that as the best course of action. I'm truly sorry, Shiita. I love you, you're my best friend along with Xenoshaa and Zeramera." 

Shiitania: "It's ok Rissa, it's OK. I love you more than anything in this lifetime, because you're right. You truly are my best friend. Just don't falter nor damage yourself in pursuit of this. The Inventor wouldn't like that, and neither would I." 

Clarissa: "Mhm, will do!" 

They both leave the hidden hallway where they spoke. Going towards Grimmnota's meeting hall to get a word from her Ten Contractors. In the shadows could be seen Gna who hadn't fully been informed of what would happen. She shed a tear, because she herself could feel that Clarissa had already begun to damage herself with her actions. The weight behind them affects her greatly, and it's Gna's wish that her mother remains this humane Goddess. For she is one of the few who have witnessed the monster Clarissa can become when she loses that nature. 

Gna: (Mom, you had better not go down that path. Grandma warned me of your other personality already.) *Step* *STEP* "Plus… who would've known that Sonya and the others would be sacrifices." *CLENCH* 

With the weight of heavy loads of information being dropped on everyone. We go all the way back over yonder, breaking through the many walls of spatial distortion and shielding. Traveling allll the way over to the territory of Luminaria and back into the depths of the most infamous house from the Clan. The House of Beel, and the deeds of its current lead, Billiam "Baby" Beel. He's a powerful individual with an odd Study that has little to offer as far as information on it. But it had one thing known about it, and that's the simple fact that it's a Storage Class Study and one concept it stored was Mazes. 

A multiverse that can be shrank and compacted into a singular planet is now the host to the many young Deities of the team of Young STRIFE and The Rebellion. They're being held as hostages where they fight for their very lives against a TRUTH General known as, Gibbit Beel. He faces off against Susong'nn in her powered up form. Clashing about as they rip this multiverse a new one. Susong'nn can be seen turning up the heat with a gigantic circle of fire and rune writing. Plaguing the very space around her as Gibbit closes in. 

Gibbit: "Her Disease ability has grown tenfold since she donned that form. A troublesome twerp indeed, gibbiiit!" 

Susaung'nno: "You're about to find out why I was so confident from the second I came into existence, Gibbit!!" 

Gibbit: "Tch… what is this ominous feeling!?" 

Susaung'nno: "You see… Susanne does indeed have a study. Infected Flux of Nothing: Plagued to None!" 

Gibbit: "WHAT!?" 

Morpheus: "I knew I sensed a study on her. I wonder what class it is." 

Kenny: "The Study of None, huh? (Merlin, what do you know?)" 

(Merlin: "From what I can sense… It's  a Legendary Weapon-Class Study. Her gauntlets were the Study this entire time. She just didn't use it.") 

Kenny: "Hm… alright." 

Maeli: "What a powerful technique. (Just what did you do in Gahwardia, Susanne!?)" 

Nubia: "Hmph!" *Smirk* 

They all watch as the infected Gibbit has his essence shaved away by her ravenous technique. Before he could recover, he was rushed by her onslaught of fists. Barely able to block properly, due to sudden fatigue, he was rocketed by more than thirty punches. Gibbit was sent flying through the layers of the multiverse where he quickly used his hidden clones to replenish his essence. 

Gibbit: "Finally some breathing room. (She hit hard enough to affect my nasal cavity. My cheek bones are fractured, and my brows, lips, and forehead got split open.) I'll have to heal it all in one go, gibbit- *FLASH* 

Susaung'nno: "Took me a bit to track you, but I won't be allowing you to do that!" *SWOOSH* 


She kicks Gibbit down, sending him crashing into a nearby universe. His body peaked essence that acted as a physical shell that smashes the universe to pieces. Gibbit tore himself out of the carnage as it imploded on itself. Susaung'nno came crashing in with a foot full of Infected Demonic Flames. Gibbit created a shield made of the five base elements within nature. Created a wall that could withstand her attack. He slowly healed his wounds and bided his time. 

Gibbit: "I'll have to use my clon- 

Susaung'nno: "I told you didn't I?! I won't allow you to HEAL!!! Stat Stacker: Comet PUNCH!!!" 

She infused her fist with a boost that made her fist five times more powerful than she herself. She broke through the shield and grabbed Gibbit by the throat. In return, he grabbed her by the throat as well. She set him ablaze with her fire that followed the light spectrum for intensity. The white flames left him screaming as the universe withered away. He used his control of wind and lightning to electrocute and slice her endlessly. To his surprise, she laughed maniacally at the pain. Bubauno had joined her for control and set her malicious side ablaze. They made Gibbit suffer as a result of this. For she was already a sadist thanks to the demonic influence. 


Susaung'nno: "GraHAHAAA!!! Wat a dick you hopping son of a bitch. I'll make sure you never lay a hand on any of those guys down there!!!" *SMASH* 

She smashed her fist into his face and inflicted further injury. She laced his body with her essence for a continuous flame infliction. He copied her and did the same, but with her throwing fists at this close a range. He was stuck, unable to use his clones at this time. He just wasn't fast enough. 

Gibbit: "Grrrgh, you won't be getting anymore freebies you dirty little BIIIITTTCH, gibbiiit!!!" 

He flexed his entire muscle system and allowed his essence to fluctuate through the roof. Forcing her off of him, but not away. She continued throwing her wild strikes with a smile from ear to ear, showing an array of sharp teeth. Gibbit shouted about and retaliated with his own flurry of strikes. Neither one of them giving the other time to dodge, so they had no choice but to take the brunt of the other's onslaught. Each one allows their healing factors to take the wheel as they focus on tearing the other apart. 

Susaung'nno smiled as her facial tissue and muscle went flying about. Blood spewing from her exposed white meat and nervous system. It healed slowly as she continued her ecstatic brawl with Gibbit. Her fists sent his torso into chaos as she caved it open with four big blows. His ribs were shattered, his heart and lungs exposed to the viewing eye. She went as far as to make sure she hit him there every now and again to keep it exposed. Note that this continued for a literal two minutes. Enough time for two deities of their caliber to throw billions of strikes. 

Each of their eyes had popped out more than a thousand times, this was the body part that healed the fastest. Their faces were completely skinned thousands of times and even stayed that way for three quarters of a minute. Susaung'nno had her breasts burst open or ripped off with her chest meat countless times. She returned the favor by rupturing Gibbit's spleen several times over. Their assaults came to a haunting end when she boosted her stats and lowered his for a split second. Allowing her to smash him back into the lower layers of the multiverse. 

Gibbit: "God DAMMMIIIIIT!!!" 

Susaung'nno: "If I had enough time to heal, so did he. That means I'll have to end him with this little move I put together!!" *FLASH*

Gibbit: "Tch, I won't let you, giiiirl. *FLASH* Gibbiiiit!!" 

Susaung'nno went crashing into the platform they created a while back. Gibbit jumped away, using his ability to leap off of anything to become similar to a bouncing ball stuck in a box. Susaung'nno had her arms ripped off ten times before she finally caught him and infected the very concept of Leaping for ol' Gibbit. He lost his ability to jump which allowed her drop kick him into her newly created platform. Where she stomped on his chest and pummeled him with downward swings and hammer fists. It left his body flattened, but his essence was about to stir a storm and force her away. Giving him enough time to regenerate once more. 

Susaung'nno: (Tch, using nature to delete the wounds is a crazy feat. But I'll smash you to pieces nonetheless!) 

She wipes her face off which was covered in Gibbit's blood. 

Gibbit: "What an annoying girl. No matter, it's high time you face the… Clonocalypse!" 

Susaung'nno: "Hm!?" 

Sammy: "That's insane…" 

Billard: "It shouldn't even be possible!" 

Ju'Mosi: "But here we are staring at it, brah."

Morpheus & Nubia: "Right." 

Susaung'nno found herself surrounded by more than a trillion Gibbit clones and their many different structures. There were even a few she could see were imbued with the Concepts he had collected over the years. But where most would be nervous or even feeling overwhelmed. Susaung'nno simply smiled devilishly. 

Gibbit: "Are you ready to except your loss, gibbit?" 

Susaung'nno: "Tuh… yeah right. You haven't summoned enough for all that, lil bitch. Now… BRING IIIIIIT!!" *kaBLOOOM*

Her power blew up and her essence engulfed the entirety of Gibbit's army. 

The truth has been revealed and the secret of the Keys is no more. With the many learning of what this Omniverse holds, the children continue their fight against the Beels. How will Susaung'nno VS Gibbit conclude as the Civil War Begins!?

Billiam: "These kids are definitely more than I bargained for." 

Lancelin: "With a good chunk of them having a good read on what they need to do to improve. And the others having Senkozen or Gahwardian blood. All you're doing is making them stronger and a force to be used against us when the Rebels arrive… idiot." 

Billiam: "Tch…" 

Elizabeth: "Downright stupid." 

Billiam: "Nnrgh!?" 

Christian: "You're losing your edge, dumbass." 

Billiam: (Him too!?)

Noel: "Oh… yeah, get your shit together, yeah?" 

Billiam: "Tssssk- GAAAAH, that's it, mates! Morris!!" 

Morris: "What's going on, idiot?" 

Billiam: *SMACK* "Take your ass into the maze and tame those brats!" 

Morris: "Ow… *Rub* Ha, alright, will do, Billiam." *Smirk* 

Next Chapter: Enter Morris