161.) From the House of Beel to the Clan Itself.

Lienhard: "T-The Fourth White KNIGHT!?" 

Leonard: "Wh-White knight? Wazzat, bruv?" 

Lienhard: "It's a legendary warrior meant to protect the clan as leadah of The Light." 

Leonard: "The focking LIGHT!?

Lienhard: "Yes, they're that powerful. She must be in training to take on her role in all this." 

Leonard: "Yeah, but this war is quite the detour to have to put up with." 

Aurorin: "Indeed it is." 

Lienhard: (Milady, how do you know of her origins and that she is, in fact, THE White Knight of this generation?)

He asked as he and Leonard stare at Meiliem. 

She was still busy taking on the three Illuma Triplets and they powerful formations. Each on would close in on her in succession of the last as they get fended off. Meiliem used her many years of combat training to keep from losing any ground. She could easily match the boxing skills of Lizelluxx. Bobbing and weaving her hooks and straight jabs with nothing more than a loose Philly Shell. Rolling her left shoulder to stop a nasty right hook from landing. The pressure shook the ground beneath them as it missed its mark. Meiliem countered with a swift right as she lunged in. Punching through Lizelluxx's guard and sending her flying back as Lizellynn charged in. 

Lienhard: "She certainly has the skills of one to be taking on ALL three of the Illuma Triplets."

Leonard: "Indeed, Captain." 

Berixan: (Allow me to explain, dear. Just connect me to all of our comrades.)

Aurorin: (Will do, but your opponent is even stronger than mine, you sure you can afford to tell us all such information while fighting the mighty Abiketh?)

Berixan: (I'll be fine, trust me.)

Aurorin: (Alright, you're connected!")

Berixan: (Good, I hope you all don't mind my interruption, but I must inform everyone of who that white warrior is. Though I expect Lady Hera'Lou and Sir Shaddus to already know. Please do not respond, focus on your fights and listen.) 

Shaddus: "Mhm… so he knows, huh?" 

Hera'Lou: "It looks like it."

Berixan: (As you all know, our great clan and our sister clan have heroes. Four generations of them at that. In our clan, we currently have Meiliem as the newest hero. She's supposedly kin to the third generation Knight, who also happens to be leadah of The Light. As all White Knights are. Our second generation Knight sits on one of the seats of our esteemed Grand Council. And the first was the co-founder of this great clan of ours. And if any of you are wondering how I know she's definitely the knight. It's her use of the White element. It's far more refined than Billiam's own White element. A characteristic in all knights, even Black Knights are supreme users of the Black element.) 

Tyyoest: "Hmph, so that's the situation here. How quaint that our corruptor would get his hands on the current White Knight. He's lucky to have gotten to her before she could become more refined." 

Janka-Jax: "He would've had to deal with her, which would've ended with his defeat. She's easily the most talented Knight we've ever encountered." 

Shaddus: "Hmph, you even know about that, huh? But no one seems to realize the fourth Black Knight is here as well. And that they were born with strength on par with the chaotic era children." 

Hera'Lou: "Just like Shii'Tania and Clarissa. Two Goddesses born at the tail end of the first chaotic era. And I know who our culprit is, they truly think they can mask that power during such a fight. Oh yeah." 

Shaddus: "Hm?" 

Hera'Lou: "The Narrator was wrong earlier. Or whoever stated it, anyways, the Dim-Ones are almost completely composed of nothing, but warriors in the 60s on the scale. What a truly powerful battalion they are." 

Shaddus: "Indeed, which is why that little monstah won't be able to hide themself forevah." 

Hera'Lou: "Indubl~deedy, darlin'." 

Nubia: "So the White Knight is here, huh? Mothah told me of her powah and skill. A true genius being held back by family ties and this clan's troubles." 

Maeli: "That white bitch just killed my mastah. I won't be satisfied until she's clobbered into the dirt!" 

Mackey: "Grrrgh!!" 

Nubia: "Maeli, dear… you must know that- *glare* ah." 

Maeli: "It DoeSn'T mattER tHe InTeNT, heR reaSonS, NOR hEr cIRcumStANces!!! She. WIlL… PAAAAAY!!!!" *Fwm* *PHWMP* *FWIP* … *POW* 

Her power shot through the ceiling as a response to her emotions.

Neezah: "Me…ri…duuuff? (Wh-Where have you… gone, love? Wh-Why have… why have you left… me? Why… why?) Why? 




Why?" *GLARE*


Bluumen: *PRCH* *PCH* "Hm?" 

Noellia: "GAAAH!? Damn, his feints and strikes are too closely mirrored to one another!" 

Bluumen: "Hmmm… *Stare* Neezah?" 

Waaay far off into the distance. Just beyond the spatial walls of Luminaria itself. There sat two combatants that could take titan forms that made them the size of multiverses themselves. It was there that these two mighty warriors duked it out, causing rips and tears within the void of space. They were using nothing more than their fists and feet to perform such feats. Such was the force they could generate. 

Upon closer looks, we notice that these two mighty warriors were wearing royal garbs in the form of a white unitard and a white combat dress. Two crowns could be seen that were made entirely of essence while their secondary crowns were their true sign of royalty. These two were none other than Queen Nagita and Lady Elizabeth. 

The two of them were beyond anything else seen on the battlefield. Their very strikes, while wrapped in Zenchi of course, were so devastating that they could warp space itself. One can only assume that both these Goddesses were amongst those that have conquered the Spatial concept with their Zenchi

Nagita: "Hmph, who would've known my sister-in-law would be this tough in battle. Even more surprising to see that you've learned to form a titan." 

Elizabeth: "That was your mistake, Nagita, dear. You expected nothing more from me when you should've expected everything. And let's not kid ourselves, love. It's a great pleasure to be able to stretch our true bodies out. Compressing everything into a more suitable, mortal-looking form is quite the chore." 

Nagita: "Indeed, now let's see what else you can do!" *Fwip* 

Both Goddesses commence an incredible, all-out frenzy of strikes while in their titan forms. Nagita uses her traveling ability to force her fists to travel towards the areas she wished to cause harm to. A bombardment of large fists trounced and pounced upon Elizabeth. She dodged and blocked appropriately, avoiding all strikes that aimed for vital spots. Elizabeth then brushed Nagita's straight right to the side, countering with a solid uppercut to Nagita's ribcage. You could hear her bones crack from the blow. 

"Tch, why you little!" 

Elizabeth: "Hrngh!?" 


Elizabeth was sent flying from a swift backhand by Nagita. Nagita made her own fist 'travel' to Elizabeth's person. Smashing her from every direction as she keeps her guard up. Her position was slowly shifting downwards as she guards against Nagita's assault. Nagita could see she was making progress and increased her power and speed. The punches, even though they were being blocked, made horrific impact noises as they landed. The sounds could be heard even within the warring grounds of the main clan. Those within the grounds of the Beel's house have their battles interrupted by the vibrations of her massive strikes. Elizabeth could barely believe the power she was feeling. 

Elizabeth: "What the hell is this, strength!? How obscene and truly stupefying this strength of yours is!" 

Elizabeth summons a small wave of essence above her person. Using it as a shield to push back the flurry of fists coming her way. 

*crick* *CRACK* … *FwiSHIIIING* 

"Oh wow, I completely forgot that you're an ice user!" Nagita states. 

She looked down at her fists to notice that they had been completely frozen over with ice. She smiled at Elizabeth who was well on her way back up for a rousing counter strike. Nagita flipped her radiant hair as it glistened as if it were the very rainbow spectrum itself. Then she uttered a few words, words that stopped Elizabeth in her tracks. 

"Travel, My Black Light." 

And from Nagita's hands came an odd light like no other. It smashed her ice to bits just before vanishing. Elizabeth merely flinched at the occurrence before being struck by both blasts at point blank range. 


Elizabeth was blown right back where she had originally taken flight from. She looked up to witness Nagita wrapping herself in Physical Zenchi and Black Light. Zapping about as she approaches Elizabeth with unmatched speed. Elizabeth could barely see her as she ripped past the many universes sitting within the void alongside them. Elizabeth forms a large wall of ice that briefly halts Nagita as she slashes through it. Giving Elizabeth enough time to analyze her technique and avoid it all at once. It took Nagita a large amount of effort to stop herself, allowing Elizabeth to form a mirror of ice in front of herself and behind herself, but well into the distance of the large multiverse they now fight within. An empty cusp of space that's used for trade and managing relations. 

"Hmph… how peculiar." Nagita states as she watches Elizabeth walk into the mirror. Her reflection could be seen in both mirrors simultaneously, regardless of her sitting in front of them or not. Nagita glared at the mirror Elizabeth entered and began building essence within. 

"Black Ball… Travel!" 

Nagita blasted at the mirror with a ball of black light made using her right eye. It instantly blasted the very molecules of the mirror Elizabeth had entered. Nagita looked beyond and stared into the mirror where Elizabeth's reflection could still be seen. Elizabeth stepped out with golden locks dancing within her flow of essence. 

Nagita: "Lovely locked coils you got going with your hair. Plus that technique is quite the marvelous trick!"

Elizabeth: "Heh, why thank you, Nagi! It's a nice little trick that allows me to be reflected in any and all mirrors I create so long as I enter a single one. Once within, I walts through an icy dimension I can create thanks to my Zenchi.

She preaches her technique while creating dozens of other mirrors. 

Nagita: "Hoooo? How marvelous indeed, you've conquered the concept of Dimensions with your Zenchi. *FWIP* How wonderful, little sister-in-law."


Nagita had shot a raging ball of black light with her finger tips. Elizabeth could see that it was still a little too fast for her eyes. She quickly brought a mirror in front of her person. Reflecting the light into every other mirror, building its speed and power as her essence continuously wrapped itself around the ball. Though, every mirror vanished as the ball bounced off of them. Nagita watches, waiting for the moment Elizabeth would send the powered up ball right back at her. The ball had finally reached the final mirror and entered it instead of bouncing off the reflection. Nagita was stunned, for it had still vanished. But unbeknownst to her, Elizabeth had formed a mirror behind her where the blast could now exit. 

Nagita: "I can feel its power from… BEHIND!?" *FWI-


Nagita could barely block the attack in time. Being engulfed by the full brunt of the blast as it explodes and decimates several universes in its quake. Causing a storm to occur within the very void of space itself. The thunder that boomed within this darkened cloud of frost and suds could be heard throughout the clan and even neighboring clans could hear it if one lived near the edges. Lightning of red and purple hues danced about within the thickness of the cloud. Elizabeth stared within to see if Nagita would make a move or not. 

"My Mental Zenchi shows me that she's still in one piece. Her clothes are even in one piece." Elizabeth thinks to herself 

She continued watching as the smoke morphed and flowed within the endless void. 


A sudden gust was formed and a hole revealed itself within the cloud. Elizabeth's own keen instincts and peripheral vision betrayed her, forcing her to look towards the hole. It leaves her wide open for the attack coming from her seven. 

Elizabeth: "NRGH!? *GLARE* (I've bonked up!!)" 

She turns to seen Nagita, in all her radiance and confidence as she brings forth the mighty kick she had charged up just as she rushed in. 


Elizabeth was sent flying into tons of nearby universes that were obliterated by her colossal body. By the time she destroyed her tenth one, she went into a flurry of flips, stopping her momentum. Once slowed, she dug the heels of her stilettos into the foundation of the void. Gripping the space itself as she stopped herself. She looked up at Nagita with blood running down her chin as it leaked from her mouth. 

"Wowzah… quite the powerful shot ya landed there, darling. Exactly what I'd expect from my elder sistah." *wipe*

She wiped the blood off of her mouth and chin. Smiling as she rose, staring at Nagita who looked down from above. 

Nagita: (I wondah how my home and dear Eldahs are doing. It'll be their first time leading and fighting in battle in thousands of years.) "They had bettah not have lost their touch after all this time. But never mind that now, I must hold this sistah of mine at bay!" *PEW* 

Elizabeth: "Hmph, apologies Billiam, but nothing you've got going on mattahs now, not even this whole TRUTH business. I get to fight my eldah sister-in-law and I couldn't be HAPPIAAAAH!!!" *PEW*


As their fists clash head on, a light spreads across the endless cosmos for what could be as far as a large multiverse's full length. It donned its brazen light on the clan, blinding those that fought for the freedom of the corrupted. The Three Elders could feel their mistress's essence, using it as a linchpin for their stride forward against the corrupted houses. Elder Tadeus himself stood at the helm alongside his two brothers. One should know that the Three Elders all specialize in one thing over the other two while being even in every other field and aspect. Tadeus himself was a war mind and prodigy on the battlefield. Which is why he is the only one of the three who can reflect a younger version of himself. One that has the look and body of a prime man within their early thirties. As compared to their usual elderly appearance. 

Elder Tadeus: "We will take this stand here and now, brothers. Mopee, we'll need you to make use of your mage arts and be our backup. Draud will be with me along with our six sons. The rest of you… lead our brethren Houses into this battle and gain our freedom!!" 

Power Scale Level: 75 

Birthright: Commander(Seal)

Element: Fire

Study: None

Age: 10,006,789

United Luminarian Forces: "YEAAAAAH!!" 

Elder Draud: "Sounds good, brothah Tadeus. Let us show these youngins that they will not prevail here." 

Power Scale Level: 70(Seal)

Birthright: Saint

Element: Water

Study: None

Age: 10,006,789

Elder Mopee: "Indeed, I'll make sure they never land a shot as you all advance. Let's make sure Lady Nagita and the boys have a home to return to in victory, yeah?" 

Power Scale Level: 69(Seal)

Birthright: Mage 

Element: Wind

Study: None

Age: 10,006,789

Elder Tadeus: "Heh… yeah, brothah." 

From their keep, they stare at none other than the corrupted king himself, William Lumiairess-Beel. He sat on his throne as it floated above the current main House of the clan. He and his mightiest Corrupted soldiers sat within the skies of the Clan's capital, looking down on the opposing houses that band together to help the Murdicc House. One house in particular seemed to have caught his attention more than any other amongst them, even the Murdiccs. 

William: "Hm… with all the information I've gather from Beel and the libraries of the clan. That house there will be as much of a threat as the Murdiccs themselves, Joshua. 

Joshua Joseph: "Indeed, but what house is that exactly? And who is that Woman standing there?" 

William: "Mhm…" 

Elder Tadeus: "Both armies have gathered, so it's as best a time as any. May the blessings of this Clan's founder be with us today. United Luminarian Forces… CHAAAAARRGE!!!" 

United Luminarian Forces: "RAAUGH!!!"

William: "Seems it's starting. But let me tell you all this one thing. The House to be wary of is known as the House of Azrufal. And the Goddess you see down there is known as Dannadise Azrufal, she's the true Leadah of that House!" 

Dannadise: "Hmph." 

 The war continues to rage on with the White Knight now donning herself on the battlefield. Upon other developments rising, we make our way to the main grounds of the clan. Just how will their fight develop as the Civil War rages on!?

Next Chapter: Civil War Within

the Capital!