

"Actually I badly need your help with something",Midas said nervously.

Miss Loretta raised her brows.

"Which is?",She asked .

"It's about love", He replied.

Miss Loretta gave him a confused look.

"What do you mean?", She asked.

"There's a girl I love so much in my class and I want her to be my seatmate, cause I want her to fall in love with me",He said with a smile.

Miss Loretta gave him a neutral look and then giggled.

"Aren't you too young to fall in love?. Your education should be your priority for now", She said.

"Please...help me",Midas pleaded with a pout.

"Focus on your education and don't get distracted ",Miss Loretta said.

"I promise not to get distracted,so please help me, just this one time", Midas pleaded almost on his knees.

Miss Loretta rolled her eyes.

"Ok fine,so who is the girl you're crazy about?",She asked.

Midas moved closer to her and whispered into her ear.

"Oh ok...I don't know who she is, but I'll surely find out later and also consider your request", She said.

"Thank you Miss Loretta, you're the best", Midas said with a smile.

"You should get to class now, the next class is on", She said.

"Of course ma'am and I will also try to put my absolute best into my education", He said.

Miss Loretta nodded briefly and walked away.

Midas gave a smile of satisfaction and returned to class.

The biology teacher was in class already.

"Coming from where?", He asked.

"The restroom ", Midas lied.

Mr Coldstone glare at him for some moments. Midas almost peed in his pants.He is not scared of any teacher, but Mr Coldstone is an exemption. Everyone is scared of him. He has a deadly glare and he doesn't smile. Reason why he is called Mr Coldstone.

"Scram",He said coldly.

Midas rushed to his seat immediately.

"What is Homeostasis?",He asked.

No one raised his or her hand. This made him angry.

"I explained this topic last week and no one can tell me the meaning of HOMEOSTASIS. Are you this dumb?", He yelled.

"I hope I'm an exemption though", Someone said.

Mr Coldstone couldn't believe his ears.

"Who said that?",He asked.

No one answered.

"I said who uttered....

"Remington Emmett did", Remington said bluntly and stood up, cutting Mr Coldstone off his words.

Mr Coldstone glared at him.

"Don't you have manners?", Mr Coldstone asked.

"Well, I do and if you say I do not have manners,then I don't. The same thing is also applicable to you, cause a full grown man with manners, wouldn't say what you just said", Remington responded in a clear tone.

Everyone was surprised at his guts.

"Wow!, you have guts?", Mr Coldstone yelled.

"Of course I do, it's part of my manners", Remington replied him.

"Oh my... Remington please stop responding", Cadence said fearfully.

"No I won't, it's my right to speak up. Mr biology, your job is to teach us,you have no right to insult any of us in the name of teaching", Remington said.

The whole class gasped.

Mr Coldstone gave a mischievous laugh.

"Get out of my class now!!", Mr Coldstone screamed.

"It's better you secure your job", Remington said and strolled out.

Mr Coldstone glared at him till he was out of sight,then he faced the whole class again.

"You all should better burn midnight candles for your forthcoming examination, because some of you might end up crying blood", He said.

"Gosh, what type of teacher is this?, he is just too strict", Maximilian complained.

"He is such a sadist", Zendaya said.


Remington whistled as he walked,he bumped into a girl and she fell.

"Seems your eye sight is just as dark as you are", He mocked her.

"You bumped into me,you moron, aren't you supposed to apologize", Zendaya retorted.

Remington burst into laughter.

"You're too short and black for me to realize that there's a human being standing Infront of me.

Zendaya's brows crumpled.

"You truly don't have manners", Zendaya said and stood up.

"Do you mind teaching me?",He mocked.

"Keep your ego aside and apologize", She said.

"I don't apologize to people like you, your presence alone irritates me", Remington said with disgust.

"I also hate seeing your ugly face and you irritate me a lot", Zendaya replied him.

Cadence and Leonideus sighted them from a far and walked towards them.

"Aren't you tired of flirting around boys?", Cadence asked.

"She was trying to woo me stylishly", Remington said with a smirk.

Zendaya scoffed.

"Do you think you're handsome?", Zendaya asked.

"You're not blind to see that", Remington replied.

"Stop deceiving yourself, a Vulture has a better beauty than you do", Zendaya said.

Zendaya's words hit Remington really hard. He opened his mouth to talk,but he is tongue tied.

"A cheat like you shouldn't be in the position to insult someone", Cadence said.

*You're still pained about your loss. Your stupid rants won't change the fact that I won. And if you're not careful,I will keep winning, cause being a loser is your hobby", Zendaya said.

"Oh my gosh... I'm pressed. I can't believe my blabber is full, because I was wasting my time talking to fools like you", Zendaya said and walked away.

Cadence folded her fists angrily.

"Don't take her words seriously Babe", Leonideus said.

Cadence walked away angrily.

Remington gave him a disgusting look.

"Asshole,you couldn't even stand up for her and you're here counseling her, you're so useless", Remington said furiously.

"You could have done that also", Leonideus said.

"There's difference between us. You're her boyfriend and I'm her cousin. It's your duty to stand up for her", Remington said with a frown.

"You don't expect me to get into a fight with a girl", Leonideus said.

"I wonder why Cadence would date a fool like you. I have never liked you and I will never like you. If you break her heart,I will break every part of you", Remington warned and walked away.

Leonideus frowned and also walked away.


Maximilian picked a book from Zendaya's desk. He flipped the the pages and smiled as he stared at her handwriting. The memories of how they met flashed back into his head. His heart fluttered with excitement.

"Max, Is there a reason you are smiling at my book?", Zendaya whispered into his ear and sat down.

He was caught off guard.

"Huh!, I was... checking something", He stuttered.


"Your handwriting explains your beauty",He complimented and her cheeks turned crimson.

Blythe hissed loudly as she stared at them.

Miss Loretta walked into the class.

"Blythe Collymore, please stand up", Miss Loretta called.

"Why?", Blythe asked with a frown and folded her hands.

"Obey before complain", Miss Loretta replied.

Blythe stood up grumpily.

"Clover Brooke, please stand up", Miss Loretta called.

A boy sitting beside Midas stood up.

"You both should exchange seats", She said.

Blythe scoffed and her brows crumpled.

"I don't want to exchange my seat", Blythe said.

" You have no choice than to obey. Else,you will owe the principal an explanation", Miss Loretta said.

Blythe glared at her angrily. She packed her things and exchanged seats with Clover.

Midas heart leaped for joy.

"Hi, welcome to my Kingdom",Midas teased.

"You're annoying", Blythe replied.