Prologue Part 2

Normal talking = " This will be fun " .

Thinking = hey buddy.

Herrscher thinking = "what a fool".

Herrscher talking = Good human .

God talking = WhAt A pItY.

Author Note : Tell me if there should be any changes in comments.


{ 3rd pov }

We see our MC floating in white void and in front of him is a throne on it sat a being who has white hair and purple eyes and on her body and dress are symbols like tattoos glowing in purple colour as if she has been claimed by some higher being who's beauty is on par of beautiful xianxia female character while looking at our MC and waiting for him to wakeup with a bored expression.





Leo : Eh? Where the heck am i ?.

The last thing I remember i was pierced by a knife through heart then shouldn't I be dead then how can I think and what is this place it looks like a reddish black Abyss but how did i end up here ?. A person after death should either go to heaven or hell or should enter the cycle of reincarnation then why am I floating in the middle of nowhere somehow. I feel like an idiot wait i see a white dot in the distance and it seems to be expanding and it's brightness is increasing aaa my eyes. Wow my surroundings totally changed from black to white wait i see a white throne and someone seems to be sitting on it.

Holy shit is this the typical isekai scenario where mc gets reincarnated? . If possible then I want to reborn in guns girlz and save herrscher of the End Kiana and  herrscher of thunder ⚡ MEI RAIDEN .

??God?? : PiTiFuL hUmAn. WhO gOt IsOlAtEd AnD hAvE tRuSt IsSuEs. SuCh A sAd PaSt. YeT yOu EnDuReD tIlL tHe EnD aNd KePt A cHeCkMaTe To ThAt WoRm 🐛 A sHaMe ThAt YoUr SiStEr Is A cOwArD.

Leo : " uh hello are you God ? ".

What the hell?, her voice is creepy it's like 100s of people are talking together.

??God?? : No PiTiFuL hUmAn I aM

kNoWn As HeRrScHeR oF ReInCaRnAtIoN aNd WiShEs. BuT mY nAmE yOu CaN cAlL mE 'EVE'.

Leo : " WHAT? " .

No way that means Hoyoverse is real. But this isn't how it should be right?. Don't God appear before a person when he or she dies then what kind of fucked up situation is this?. And why does it feels as if she was excited to see me.

Eve : ThAt WaS hOw It ShOuLd Be As FaR aS i KnOw BuT bEfOrE yOuR dEaTh YoU kEpT mUtTeRiNg AbOuT gOiNg To HoYoVeRsE tHaT tHe WiLl oF hOnKaI hEaRd iT aNd GaVe YoU a ChAnCe. Of CoUrSe YoU hAvE tO rEpAy It. As FoR rEpAyInG yOu WiLl KnOw It In ThE fUtUrE. NoW tHaT iT's OuT oF oUr WaY lEt'S sTaRt YoUr 3 WiShEs SeLeCtIoN aNd ReInCaRtIoN.

Leo : shit she can read me mind and have i really keep whispering about going to honkai impact world that the will of honkai heard it and rescued me unbelievable and going to get reincarnated with wishes wait before that I have some questions

Leo : " uh.. before that can you tell me what will happen if i refuse or what do you me i will know how to repay the will of honkai in future " .

Eve : If YoU wErE tO ReFuSe YoU wIlL bE sEnT tO tHe AbYsS a PlAcE WhErE yOu CaMe FrOm aNd FlOaT tHeRe TiLl ThE eNd Of TiMe AnD aS fOr RePaYiNg YoU wIlL gEt QuEsTs In YoUr SyStEm.

Leo : seems like i messed up big time.

Leo : " ok it looks like i have no choice huh. Well as for my wishes

1. All of Lucia Crimson Abyss and Lucia Lotus skills,techniques and powers along with her life memories as well as merge my soul with her.

2. As for my second wish give me skills of prince of Persia triology and vector game Parkour skills and if possible give me dimensional jump ability so that I can go to different fictional worlds and also knowledge of creating different katana designs and get all favourite cars i purchased in asphalt Nitro mod game in system inventory.

3. Give me photographic memory , memory recall and memory library also make it so that if i want i can bind others to system.Also as a selfish request of mine can you bind herrscher of end Kiana and herrscher of thunder MEI RAIDEN to system when they reach their end of journey " .

Eve : i said only 3 wishes yet this worm 🐛 wishes for 4 wishes dammit even the will of honkai told me to give only one wish and here I took pity on this vermin gave him 3 wishes yet he haah and will of honkai also desperately asked me to make him accept this offer if not i  would have thrown him into void well i can have my revenge kukuku...hehehehehahaha i will use loophole in your wishes.

Leo : why do I feel a chill run my spine seeing that creepy smile wait did i wish for anything wrong I hope not .

Eve : It ShAlL bE dONe TheN lEtS gEt ThIs OvEr WiTh.

Leo : huh it's that easy but how will I merg- why do I feel like ants crawling and biting all over my body and  - -







Leo : " you should have warned merging of souls hurts like bitch. What would have Luna done in my place ".

Eve : hmm his soul has changed colour from sky blue to silver looks like will of Lucia is stronger than this worms will and it even influenced his personality by a large margin.

Eve : HuMpH YoU DiDn'T aSk. Ho I fOrGoT As YoU bEcOmE sTRoNgEr. yOu WiLl FoRm A HeRrScHeR CoRe So I gUeSs ThIs iS gOoDbYe.

Leo : what the heck is she angry for ? . Well I guess this is really good bye i just hope when I do become herrscher i won't have worst herrscher personality sirin.

Leo : " i hope the herrscher core won't be a problem ".

Eve : DoN't SwEaT iT. WeLl GoOd ByE LuCiA.

Leo : " waiiiii- ".

Leo : what the fuck she mean Lucia and did i seriously get flushed out of void rather than going through portal damn you.

( A/n : think of hajime and his team gets flushed out from risen Labrinth in Arifureta ).

Eve : oh and i am going to twik you wishes and give you some good skills along with your wishes bye.

( A/n : Eve talks looks like it coming from afar so our MC won't listen double words )

Eve : i forgot to tell him shit he will get intercepted by that dimension honkai will well i will apologize later .

( A/n : such a lazy herrscher.

From here on mc name will be Lucia not Leo. )

( Mc pov )

Lucia : damn her why did she abruptly flushed me into the portal ehh i can see my reflection on the wall of portal and why do I look like Lucia when she is three or four years old.

Lucia : wait a minute i am a girl now damn it when I see her she will have hell to go through. It seems it will be a long time before i reach the otherside well let's sleep at least.

{ Time skip bought to you by chibi Lucia being toyed by Eve. }

Lucia : Why does it feels itchy all over but mainly it's coming from my left hand let's see.

When I open my eyes i see my whole left hand covered in somekind of purple cubes and it seems to slowly devour my whole body.

Lucia : " What the hell is happening. I should span randomly in nagazora and in same timeline as Kiana and mei then why is taking so long and --. "








Shit why am I suddenly falling in the same white void again if this is one of her doings i swear.

When i land i see a humanoid white figure sitting on throne.

Lucia : wait a minute why i am i feeling deja vu wait isn't this the scene where sirin meets will of honkai then why am I the only one here.

Suddenly the pressure came crashed on to me making me kneel.

Lucia : am i taking sirins place here huh it disappeared but why huh the will of honkai pointing it's righthand forefinger towards me.

Just when i look at her pointing her finger a portal opens below me send me into black void i swear when I wake up i will curse her so much even she will blush from embarrassment.

When I open my eyes first thing i see is i am 8n somekind of luxurious room just then i hear a knock on the door to this room.

??? : Lucia-chan are you awake.

Lucia : " yes i am awake come in. "

Why does the voice feel familiar.

The door opens and in comes....


( A/n : hehe not so fast i will be cutting the story here like

Cliff Hanger so you could see some bonus scene well read i mean well cya you will see next chapter in random though i will try to complete faster when i am not busy though you may check on weekends so bye ciao. )

Bonus scene : ( from guns girlz dlc storymode )

( 3rd pov )

We see 3 people on a tower looks like they their fight coming to a conclusion they are

Kiana: " Thank you... Houraiji Kyuusyou. "

Kiana: " It's finally time to wake up from the dream-

This is... my last wish forty-two thousand years ago...

Please... Bring hope to this desperate world. "

Slowly both God Kiana and MEI RAIDEN disappear into light particles as the moon light throne also disappear. Their vision turn black after some time when they open their eyes they find themselves infront of an unknown herrscher and it looks like

Sitting on her throne and looking at God Kiana and RAIDEN MEI.


GOD KIANA : Who are you? And didn't we die then why are we here also are you herrscher ?


Mei stays silent and prays in her heart that this will soon end and they reach eternal rest but little did they know that her prayers are for nothing.

??? : Wha? Hey calm down first and ask single question at a time and stop firing those questions in rapid succession.

??? : Let me introduce myself. My name is Eve and i am known as herrscher of reincarnation and wishes and you both did die and you have reached here to my domain for passage to cycle of reincarnation.

God Kiana : So your name is Eve and your here to reincarnate us huh.

Eve : well normally someone decided to save you from your sad life and gave you a chance to travel along with them so be great full to that person when you meet them alright.

God Kiana : Tell me who is that person i want to ask some questions.

MEI RAIDEN : So this person sacrificed his wish for us but why we don't deserve this.

Eve : Kiana i can't tell that person's name but you will find out soon also MEI RAIDEN stop blaming everything on both of yourselves he gave up his wish for you because he knows your past both of you and he knows you deserve a good life both of you. Well i will send you on your way bye.

God Kiana : wait what do you mean i will know in future and we don't need your pity and AHhhhhhhhh... damn you.

As God Kiana speaking both God Kiana and MEI RAIDEN fall into the portal the size of 5 times of a man hole.

Eve : hehehe i always enjoy their priceless expression when they fall well i have fullfiled my end of deal i hope you have good life in this new beginning.

( A/n : well that's it folks for now so enjoy the story and tell me if i should change any thing and bye cya)