※ Chapter 19 ※

Meihua's POV "☆●

I join Rosy outside the mansion to have a private conversation, far enough that none can eavesdrop.

"Something wrong?" I ask her as soon as I approach her.

"This is a confidential matter so we don't talk about it, but you live with us now. Sooner or later, you'll have to deal with many unnatural situations. I think it's best I make you aware of it so you can prepare yourself," she sighs deeply as if composing herself, "You're aware of vampires, aren't you?"

I nod and prompt her to continue.

She narrows her eyes, "Well, in this realm, vampires have been existing for a long time, almost as long as human civilization.

The residency of supernatural creatures in China began when a pure blooded vampire marked his territory on the farthest corner of Mingluan. In his lifetime, he was an influential Greek man, namely Gaius."

I can see where it's going. I gasp, "So House Gaius is run by a vampire?"

Her eyes widen as she hushes me putting a finger over her lips, "Not so loud! Yes, technically it is. But most people know Gaius as dead. Even if they didn't, he wouldn't risk appearing in public view as people will be aware of his immortality. Besides, he's claiming authority all over the world, not in China only. So he keeps personal identity secret. He has never been the head of House Gaius. He finds the strongest, bravest and smartest men in the country, transforms them and appoints them that position."

"If he's just gonna let someone else have the power, what's his benefit?" I frown.

"This way, in every country, the rule of vampires will exist. Vampires do this with powerful people around the world, building communities. So that they can hold a strong ground on their existence and have the upper hand in any type of battle. That's why no other species succeeded to co-rule with humans like them," her lips curve into a smile, "Well, before us. Thanks to my dad's brilliant mind, we didn't even hurt people to get here. We believe in peace, unlike them."

"They hurt humans for this?" My hands ball into a fist, "Depending on everything you said, they sound dangerously evil and their authority is a threat to every other species. If you guys know these, why don't you expose them?"

She sighs dully, "Because that'd risk our exposure to humans too."

I shrug, "So? If you don't hurt people like vampires, why'd people knowing about your existence be a problem?"

"Smart question," she smiles, "You doubt us. I like that. You shouldn't trust anyone easily. But to answer your question.." she takes a few step forward, passing by me, "We can't reveal ourselves because humans will freak out by the powers we have and the idea of us coexisting with them. They won't care to wait around for us to prove we're not harmful."

"Fair point," I nod understandingly, "Is House Gaius not here because you guys didn't invite?

She shakes her head, "They haven't appeared in the court since we've became a noble house. So luckily we didn't have to face them yet."

"Who's the current Head of House Gaius?" I ask.

"They haven't made an appearance in a considerably long time. If they return, they'll have to come with a new Head," she frowns in worry, "Which I think they'll, soon. I doubt they'll silently watch another supernatural species rule on the throne. Being Head of a House is one thing, but being the King is massive. They're not gonna sit back and let werewolves have that power."

"Se has legal right to the throne. They can't do anything about it," I assure her, "And if they try to come back, I'll hunt down the bastard who tries to cause any harm to Se or any of you."

She grins, "One would think you've got supernatural powers."

I laugh with her, but she has hit me somewhere she didn't intend to. The existential thoughts again come swirling to my mind. I'm still unaware of what exactly I am? It's killing me to live with this uncertainty.

"Enough serious talk. I'm starving and we're missing out all the fun! Let's go back," she grabs my hand, dragging me back inside where a quartet of musicians lift their instruments and begin to play. Servants swirl around with dishes, tending to every noble's appetite. A servant brushes by me with a covered plate.

I sniff as a delicious smell hits my nostrils, "What's that heavenly smell?"

"Fougasse, a type of olive bread imported only to Mingluan from the South," Rosy informs. I forgot bread has types. Back in bunker, there isn't much option for food. I've been surviving on burned meat and fruits for a long time. Rosy flags down the servant, who bows while offering me a slice of fresh, buttered bread.

"Try it," Rosy prompts as I take a slice of bread from the plate and savor it. My eyes immediately shut close by the flavour.

"Where has this been the past decade!" I mutter while chewing.

Rosy chuckles, "Try to blend in a little. Nobody else is fawning over a slice of bread. It's very common here, they'd know you're a foreigner."

The music changes to a playful tune and nobles of the court line up on the dance floor. Rosy turns to me, "This is where we must part. I've promised a dance to someone."

"Someone special?" I raise an eyebrow, smirking.

"I haven't decided yet. Ask me again in the morning," she winks, shocking me again with her bluntness.

"Kidding! I'm married, you know?" she raises her right hand, pointing at her ring finger with the other hand, "I only have some courtly matters to discuss about."

I dismiss her as she walks away to disappear into the dancing crowd. I walk over to the appetizer table to find more bread when I notice Se brushing past a circle of women and moving across the floor toward me.

"Missed you," he bows deeply as soon as he arrives.

I return the bow, laughing, "Missed me or using me as an escape from your fangirls?"

"Why not both?" he stretches his hand towards me, "Now that it's only us two, shall we?"

"The King-regent came to offer me a dance, how can I say no?" I smile and accept his hand. He presses his lips against the back of my hand before guiding my arm into a ballroom stance.

He glides me along the dance floor and soon, he's following my steps into the rhythm. I smile, resting my hand on his shoulder,

"Where did you learn to dance like that?"

"Being trained all life to impress a King does teach you such things," he puts his hand around my corset and lifts me into the air, holding me up long enough to look out over the ballroom, then he brings me down against his chest.

"Can I plea something?" I ask as we spin around together.

"Depends," he mutters as he twirls me around his arm.

"If I'm to plan reclaiming my Kingdom, will you, as the King of Mingluan, support me?" I ask hesitantly as I glide against him and finish the spin in his embrace.

I feel his arm tensing around me which makes me lose hope for a second. But moments later, he nods with a slight smile, "I will, but.."

Of course, there's a but.

"I'm not the King's heir, so it's better if you have the minimum support from other Houses in this matter, because technically, they're our allies and we need to confirm new alliances with them," he finishes.

"I understand, I'll try my best to make a positive impression on them," my eyes drift behind him as I notice Gabrielle standing alone, eyeing Luhan desperately. I believe I've just noticed an opportunity.

"So, tonight you become King. Do you have any plans for the future?" I ask as we slowly move with the rhythm of the music.

"If it's dad's way, nothing would change. The only thing he'd celebrate after my ascension is his name on the throne," he scoffs as he quickly spins me in a circle.

When we turn face to face again, I look up to see his face, "You don't get along with him?"

He breaks into a spontaneous laugh, which he quickly contains, "Dad can be a difficult man. I'm sure you'll learn first hand before long."

"And Rosy? She seems supportive," I comment.

He nods, "Yeah. She could be in this position too, you know. She's skilled but.."

"She's a she?" I ask as we both take a step back with the beat. He looks down apologetically.

"It's not your fault. It's how it is everywhere. Which is why I say my father is different," I smile, reminiscing the sweetest smile of father, "And as for Rosy, she knows you'll be a magnificent King. Only a tyrant would seek personal power when the realm had been promised a King like you."

As the music winds down, he dips me back, then pulls me into a light but momentarily embrace. While his lips are close to my ears, he whispers, "Angel, there's something I need to tell you-"

Before he can finish, the music changes, cueing everyone to switch partners. Many of the women I'd seen fawning over Se, watch him hungrily, poised to strike the moment I release him.

"I wish our dance could've lasted the night," he sighs as we reach near the end of our dance.

I laugh silently, gesturing toward those women, "From the look of your admirers, you may be alone in that thought."

"Guess I have no choice," he sighs in defeat and releases me to take his next partner. I excuse myself as I curtsy away from the dance to approach Gabrielle, whose longing eyes are still locked to Luhan. She doesn't even notice me standing right in front of her."

I clear my throat to draw her attention, "Fancy meeting you, Lady Gabrielle."

She jumps when I say her name, as if caught somewhere she isn't supposed to be. Her hand accidentally slaps into the tray of a passing servant, and a goblet of wine pours down the front of her hanfu.

I quickly reach out to her, "Please, let me help with that," I plead urgently as I watch the awful red stain clearly contrasting her blue hanfu. I panic and begin to feel guilty.

"Impossible, my hanfu is ruined forever," she sighs sadly, almost as if she's about to tear up. I came here in hope of impressing her and did the exact opposite immediately, great.

She removes a delicately embroidered handkerchief from her dress and waves it casually in front of her gown. I frown, in confusion and surprise, as the wine stain on her dress disappears. Noticing my shock, she rolls her eyes, "What?"

"You just said it was ruined, but there's no sign of the stain!" I mutter.

She sighs again in disappointment, "But I know the stain was there, and isn't that just as bad if you really think about it?"

"I think once a problem is solved, it ceases to be a problem. Besides, you can't be sad. You either have a stain-proof gown or a magic hanky!" I mutter, still surprised by how easily a wine stain got removed.

She shrugs, looking a bit lost, "And what of it? Should I also be thankful for the roof over my head and the food I eat?"

"Some people would say so, yes," I say.

"You've been speaking with servants, haven't you?" she pats my shoulder like she's sympathizing me for having common sense. And for a moment, I don't understand if it's confusion or shock that drops my jaw, nor do I understand what's wrong with everyone here, but I do remember Rosy's advice about Gabrielle, and I follow that.

"Truthfully, the beauty of your dress couldn't be dulled by a thousand stains," I smile at her.

Her sorrowful face immediately beams into a bright smile, like her entire mood flipped around with one compliment, "Do you really think so? Of course you do. Everyone's thinking this, why'd it be strange for someone to voice it out aloud? It's not strange at all!"

I nod, "Even if someone saw the stain, they'd probably take it as a sign of some new fashion and seek to imitate you at the first opportunity."

She grasps both my hands, "Yes! That's exactly what I was thinking too, even before you said it!"

The musicians finish their set, and Gabrielle excuses herself. A few moments later, Rosy approaches me.

"Did I just see you spending time alone with Gabrielle?" Rosy gasps dramatically putting a hand over her chest, "And people say I'm brave."

I nod, "If I'm to live with you guys, I'd have to form a relationship with all the court, Gabrielle included."

"Well said, as a matter of fact, I noticed you haven't met Yangyang yet," she takes my arms, "Let's fix that!"

Rosy walks me away from the main hall to the parlor where I find Head of House Yang. He hurries past other lords and ladies as we approach, like he has something really interesting to tell Rosy.

"Lady Rosy, this is a solidly constructed mansion. You should be proud of your craftsmen," he says with a bright smile and bows. The way he walked over seemed like he had something romantic to say. I didn't expect this enthusiasm to be about estate structure.

"Right.." Rosy laughs awkwardly and bows back, "Anyway, Lady Meihua was just telling me some of her fascinating opinions on discrepancies in Chinese Property Law."

"I was?" I frown at Rosy who glares at me and pinches me from the back, I blurt out instinctively, "I mean, yes I was! You know, discrepancies..they're an issue in many, erm..laws."

Yangyang's attention draws to me as he smiles politely, "Everyone else here seems determined to speak of nothing but rumours and courtly intrigues. Finally, a chance for some exciting conversation!"

What did I do to Rosy for her to trap me in this? Regardless of that, I'm officially busted. Think, Meihua, think.. I must've read something about this!

I jog my memory and blurt out an information that pops in my brain, "Lord Yangyang, did you know that almost a thousand years ago, a dynasty imposed a law that women couldn't hold property directly and, for land to stay in the same family, it had to pass between male heirs following the rule of primogeniture?"

He nods, "Ah, the Sui dynasty. It was a short-lived imperial dynasty of China of pivotal significance. How did you come across this topic?"

"I believe it was in a collection of essays by Master Ziwen," I answer.

He goes silent for a moment and stares at me in awe, then quickly recovers, "How ingenious of you to look for obscure legal documentation inside a manuscript about dirt!"

I smile, "You honour me."

"That was my conversation capacity. Conversation dismissed," he bows deeply to both of us, "Have a good day."

As soon as he goes out of sight, I grab Rosy's elbow, glaring at her, "Why'd you do that!"

"Relax!" she laughs, "That went well, see? He was impressed."

I roll my eyes as I take a deep breath, a dull pain building in my head, "You're surrounded by such..unique people."

She giggles, "They already gave you a headache? Would you like some tea? I'm excellent at making tea."

"That might help," I mutter.

She nods, "I can make hongcha, heicha, huangcha, lucha, baicha and so on. Tell me what's your poison?"

"I've always had a taste for hongcha," I say, to which she nods and walks out of the room asking me to wait. I take sit on a chair and rub my forehead, trying to soothe the pain that was gradually building its way to my head.


About ten minutes later, she returns with two blue and white porcelain cups, Se and Luhan appears behind her.

"Look who I found wandering around like lost puppies," she gestures at Se and Luhan as she hands one of the cups to me, keeping the other to herself.

"Listen to that, Lu. She likens us to dogs and neglects us to offer tea," Se crosses his arms.

"I'm not sure which one's worse," Luhan shakes his head in disappointment.

"Gongzhu has earned her cup, which is more than I can say for you. You shirk your duties, gege," Rosy pouts.

"Ah, that's right!" Luhan mutters, "Are you ready to take the crown?"

"I wanna know what Her Royal Highness thinks first," Se smiles, locking eyes with me.

"You want me to honor you with my opinion? Well then.." I take a long sip of my tea and smile at him, "Se, I haven't known this you for long. Yet I can sense there's something about you, something good.. I see it, and everyone will see it. I find you earnest, clever and more worthy to be royalty than most who already do."

"I.." he takes a deep breath, "I thank you."

"That settles it then," Rosy squeals, "I say this calls for a celebration."

Luhan coughs, "The last time you said that, half the pack woke up in other half's pants."

"How funny, I don't remember that at all," she acts surprised in a way it's hard to tell if she's acting or is genuinely shocked.

Se rolls his eyes, "Considering the state you were in? No, you wouldn't."

"I guess it's time I make half the court wake up in other half's pants then," she giggles mischievously which honestly gives me a fright. That sounds horrifying.

Rosy excitedly summons a servant with a wave. As the servant rushes towards us, she grins, "We'll need ten bottles of wine, a deck of playing cards, the largest goblet in the state, and as many pillows as the staff can carry."

"I don't think I'm old enough to drink," I mutter hesitantly gripping the sleeves of my hanfu.

"Old enough? Since when drinking have age barriers?" Rosy glances at me, confused.

"King Wu was strict about these. He used to be mad at me because I made her drink ale when we were kids," Se adds. I laugh silently reminiscing that. I'd almost forgotten that.

"Aw, poor thing," Rosy pats my head, "Now it's time you see how we party."

To Be Continued »☆●