The Dark Side

People went missing all the time. Even if the Don wanted to keep his nose clean, dealing in weapons, drugs, and trafficking was quite common. So was death. Enforcers answered directly to the Don and would 'bump' or 'clip' any of his enemies. Some of the biggest Enforcers in the family were the Earners, though. They could be more dangerous than anyone, since they had extra money at their disposal.

Sometimes lower ranking Soldati would answer to those two groups if it didn't collide with what the Don wanted. This was how I learned most Mafia families functioned. Nicolo was different. He would often check in with the Soldati at the barracks and ask how they were with no provocation. The Don was well loved by all in his employ. Those fortunate to go into business with him would earn money quickly under his management.

"That makes three you're knocking off." Piero stated with an annoyed sigh, the audio clear in my headphones. "Boss, you can't knock off everyone who tries to flirt with your maid."

My ears perked up at this as I thought back to earlier. While on standby for Nicolo during a meeting earlier, the underboss of another family found me cute. The Dons discussed business and I had to fend off the advances of someone who didn't take no for an answer. I barely got away from him when Nicolo stood up, his eyes narrowed in anger. Silence fell over the crowd as he took slow, measured steps towards the underboss.

"Lei ha detto no." His tone was threatening as he glared, and the other guy flinched as Nicolo pulled his gun from his jacket. "Sei sordo? Il Romano non lavora con persone che non trattano bene le donne."

Right after the meeting, Nicolo came back to the Villa annoyed, and started ordering death to those who flirted with me. Now Piero was trying to calm him down and I was eavesdropping in my room. I thought about going to comfort him, but the last thing I wanted to do was give him any ideas. Hope that we eventually had a thing. I wasn't going to let myself get caught up in him.

"Lili represents all women in the Villa Piero. They should be respected regardless of their status." My head tilted at this, and I strained to hear the rest despite it not being necessary. "If we are to welcome other Mafiosi Families, they should uphold themselves to a certain standard of Gentlemanly Conduct within my home towards everyone."

It wasn't just about me. That was something I found respectable about Nicolo. He seemed more human than the other Mafia heads I worked around. It was refreshing. As the future Donna, back at home I always had to watch over my shoulder. Here, I could relax a bit and be myself. Maybe there were some benefits to this job. I listened as some shifting was heard, then a heavy sigh.

"And it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact you want to…"

"Look, I would love to spend a lovely evening with Lili, but you know I cannot stand any woman being disrespected in front of me." Nicolo stated, his voice growing more annoyed as he continued. "But you've noticed, right? There is something different about her."

So much for staying under the radar. I scratched the back of my head with a frustrated sigh and leaned back in my desk chair. Nicolo could always see through me, no matter how hard I tried to play up to being a professional maid. I needed to get the information I came for and leave. Soon. If I had to hang around Mister Perfect much longer, I was going to regret it. I needed to distance myself from him.

"What do you think if I made her Donna?"

"I think everyone would listen to her. Miss Lili has a certain presence when she enters a room, something that simply calls everyone's attention." Piero stated, much to my surprise, and I blinked. "But Boss, you don't think you're causing her enough trouble? The Head Maid filed a complaint today because everyone is mad at her."

"Fire them."

I sighed. Nicolo was intent on causing more trouble, wasn't he? My phone chimed with a new notification and I glanced at the screen. There were still a few rooms needing a bug, so I needed to hurry and finish placing them before Nicolo could convince the truth out of me. My hands wrung together for a second before I slipped into some darker casual clothing. If anyone asked, I could claim insomnia.


Lili. Even when she was in casual clothes, she looked good. But what was she doing up so late? Staring up at him with doe brown eyes, Nicolo could not help but lose himself again. She always left him begging for more. Lili didn't look the least bit tired as they entered the kitchen together, something he often did late in the evenings because it was the only time he could sneak sweets.

"I take it you wanted something sweet?" Her smooth voice washed away all the stress he had. "Had a touch of insomnia, so I'm wandering the halls. I can make you something sweet if you like."

The only sweet thing he wanted was her. Nicolo watched the tail of her skirt sway from side to side as she fiddled around in the kitchen. He could just see the tattoo peaking out on her neck when she shifted, those oak brown pools turning to look at him. He swallowed thickly, barely able to put a lid on his desire for her.

"I was on a walk. You stopped me." He stated, taking a seat on a nearby armchair, gaze focused on her.

"So, I can eat all the sweets?" Lili ventured with a mischievous grin. "Because I could use some sugar."

He huffed as he crossed his arms over his chest and averted his gaze. How did she know about his sweet tooth, anyway? It wasn't a topic that came up in conversation often. Nicolo watched as she turned away again, his eyes following the curves of her hips up to her neck. Maybe it was lust and not love, yet part of him yearned for it. Her touch, her kiss, her love. Lili set a cup in front of him, the clatter drawing his attention across her stunning features.

"I can't condone eating sweets this late, but a small cup of chocolate milk should sate your sweet tooth." She smiled, then took a seat in the armchair next to him. "You may think you're not obvious, but you are. You only ever drink sweet wine at dinner, and your eyes light up when dessert is served."

"And you are observant." Nicolo smiled when she turned to him, her nose crinkled in fake disgust. "Few have noticed such an insignificant detail. Or is it the cold Lili is actually paying more attention than she cares to admit? Especially since you seem to worry over my health."

"It is my job to ensure the needs of my Don are met." Lili returned, the mask she usually wore slipping back into place. "As your personal maid, I have to make sure you stay fit to run the family and…"

"Where do your true loyalties lie?" He interrupted, watching as her eyes widened. "How can I be sure you are not a threat to me?"

"My loyalties lie in service to the family I work for." She countered with a confident nod. "And if I were a threat, would you not already be at risk just by being alone with me?"

There it was. Lili could play dumb all day, but her intelligence always flared to life when someone challenged it. It was the only time he could see the woman hiding underneath and made him seem like a glutton for punishment. She was right, too. If she were a danger, he would already be dead. That was how things worked in this world. Nicolo watched her lift her glass to her lips, his gaze focused on those soft, bowed lips.

"Tell me, Lili. Who are you?"

"A maid in the service of a very selfish and prideful Don." Lili glared before drinking her milk, expression turning thoughtful. "Though I suppose he is handsome, so maybe his confidence is well founded."

Nicolo smirked at her, counting it as a win. Lili just complimented him, so there was no point in taking offense. Before she could stand, he caught her hand, drawing those doe brown pools up to him, an innocent smile on her face. What he wouldn't give to taste her. To devour those lips and drive her wild, and see her. Really see her. Her free hand lifted to her lips before tucking some hair behind her ear.

"So you at least find me attractive." He continued, lifting the back of her hand to his lips and watching as her focus moved to them. "You will make me into a very greedy man if you keep showing me glimpses of the real you, Lili."

A flush of cheeks she hid away, her teeth sinking into her lower lip. Everything this woman did set his temperature too high, and he could feel his pants growing tighter. And she noticed. The sharp intake of her breath sent a shiver down his spine, one he found enjoyable. Her body drew closer until just a thread of space could exist between the two. Then she leaned forward, the ghost of her breath against the nape of his neck making him shutter.

"Il vero me." She purred into his ear, making his toes curl in his black dress shoes. "Mai."

It was the first he recalled hearing her speak Italian, so he did not expect it to sound so alluring. Lili was Italian American, so no one expected her to understand them, but the knowing glow in her eyes told him all he needed to know. She knew Italian and could speak it well. If he wasn't deafened by just how much he wanted her. His hand reached out to brush along her cheek, making her flinch and pull back.

"And again, you leave us in a questionable state while people are nearby." Lili countered while crossing her arms over her chest. "I am a maid, Don Romano. Nothing more, nothing less."

"I am a Don. I have seen many maids pass through this residence, but none like you. None even notable." Nicolo caught her hand again, drawing her closer with narrowed eyes. "If I find you are a threat to my family…"

Her mouth clicked closed and he looked down his nose at her, a wicked smile growing on his lips. He had her where he wanted her. Keep her guessing his motives because he had a working theory, but no proof. Anyone could ask questions and if they knew enough people, they'd likely get answers. No such family exists in the mafia world, so who was she kidding? But he could tell the truth. Lili was there for a reason, and he was glad for it.

"You don't have to worry, Nico." She whispered as she walked away, leaving him frozen where he stood. "Everything will work out."

Would it? Nicolo wasn't too sure, but he knew he wanted to be with her. Lili. His ever-mysterious personal maid who was more professional than anyone he knew. Who was she, really? He was desperate to find out. He needed to know who she was. Lili was someone he both wanted and felt threatened by, and nothing set him on fire like the mere thought of her touch. Nicolo just needed to figure out what she was doing here.