Who Cares?

His arms reached out to find the bed empty. Eyes roamed the room to find every touch of her gone. A cold settled in his heart, but he refused to give up hope, so he stood from his bed, pulling the blanket with him. Nicolo dressed and adjusted his tie as he walked into the living room, his eyes looking around for any sign of her.

A few men stared at him in shock, but no one spoke. Silence reigned supreme until a knock at the door startled him and he nodded toward one Soldati. He already tucked his hand into his jacket when the door opened to reveal a familiar face. Lili Orlando with an older man.

"È bello vederti. May we come in?" The older gentleman questioned with a stubborn smile. "I'm known as Lorenzo Accardi."

"Oh! È bello vederti." Nicolo nodded, motioning him towards a seat, and Lili looked away. "Is something wrong?"

"Nonsense. Do you love my Lili?" The older man asked as he took a seat. "Because I do not know her to leave a job early."

A job. His eyes widened as he turned to look at her. His Lili? Then everything clicked into place. She was the Accardi Mafia Princess. Liliana Accardi. He was right. She kept her brown eyes averted, and he really looked at her. Liliana wore her hair pulled back, giving him a full view of her tattoo from her neck down.

Her shirt was like a denim vest worn over a tank top, and he could see the tattoo also wrapped around her left arm. He was so enamored last night, he barely remembered. Matching denim jeans hugged her curves before she finally looked up at him, making his throat run dry. The embers of passion flared to life again, and he almost groaned at the look in her eyes. She took a seat, crossing her leg over the other, and huffed in annoyance.

"Leave us." The young boss ordered before continuing with a nod when the room emptied of everyone but the three of them. "I do."

"What?! We just had one night of…" she started, averting her eyes, cheeks flushing a pretty pink.

"One night that was built up to and I can honestly say I would love to have again." Nicolo countered, his eyes narrowing on her for a moment before looking at the older man. "Why?"

"Marry her."


What? The world turned and I watched my grandfather as he shrugged and took a seat, my mouth open, eyes wide. What was he saying? Why should I have to marry? What was he talking about? When his old, wise eyes turned on me, I swallowed thickly. It was a lonely smile with his forefinger wiping at his familiar, warm brown eyes that froze me in place. Soon, I would have no one, and I glanced at Nicolo before my shoulders sank.

I went to the family villa where my grandfather was to escape Nicolo, only for my grandfather to drag me back. But I always listened to her grandfather. I loved him. But then again, he said this. What was going on? I waited for him to explain as Nicolo took a seat next to me, crossing his arms over his chest as he sank into thought. What would he think? There was no way he was serious about loving me. We only met a couple of months ago.


"I'm dying. People are after her." Grandfather continued, his eyes narrowing sadly. "People who cannot have her. Ever."


My jaw dropped. No, no, no, this was not how it was to go. My eyes flew between the two men as I stood suddenly. I knew. I grew up expecting to one day be married off to benefit my family, but there was something wrong with the way Nicolo made me lose control. That kind of… that kind of thing could not possibly exist. But my grandfather's eyes turning up to me locked me in place. He was serious. It was for my safety. I sat back down, my body slumping forward. I trained my entire life to be Donna, and now it would be taken away.

"I can rest in peace then." He sighed, patting me on the knee with a kind smile. "Oh, but don't take her position from her."

"I need to know more about it first." Nicolo replied, glancing at me with heat in his eyes. "Though there shouldn't be a problem."


"No." she replied, crossing her arms, her expression dismayed. "Purple. Not red."


"I'm not trying to be that one monster bride you had in California, miss. It doesn't have to be any specific purple." Liliana replied again, leaning back against her seat, her legs crossing. "Fill in the rest of the details with my grandfather. The only thing I'm worried about is it being the right color."

Were women not normally excited about marriage? Lili seemed blase about it. Nicolo watched as her hand lifted to her brown locks to shake out tangles. Did she not feel the same thing he felt that night? His obsession with her seemed one-sided despite the rosy color of her cheeks, and he hardened at the thought. She was gorgeous that night. Hell, Nicolo was sure she was flawless every night, but she seemed against the idea. Her grandfather just left with a spring in his step. One had to wonder if the old man was as sick as he said.

"I am so sorry my grandfather got you caught up in this." Liliana stated again, finishing her phone conversation. "I really don't know what he is thinking."

"Did you not hear me say I love you, Amore Mio?" Nicolo wondered, pulling her by the arm, making her collapse against his chest. "Or did I not make it clear last night?"

"What?" She squirmed a little, her body lifting as those chocolate-brown eyes stared into his. "… We've known each other for less than a year and you suddenly agree when you don't even know me? What is wrong with you?!"

"Lili." Her mouth clicked shut at her undercover name, her cheeks flooding with pink. "Italian Men. Diventano tutti a appasionato! Trust me. You will be happy if you do."


I didn't understand. Why was my grandfather being so secretive about this? Someone was after me? Someone who couldn't have me? What did that have to do with my marriage to Nicolo? And why was I alone with him right now? I chewed on my cheek as I glanced at him to find his gaze on me. His green orbs were glowing with desire, something I recalled from the night we spent together, and I sighed.

It had only been two days, yet it felt like a lifetime passed. I could still feel his hands on me, the heated members rubbing up and down my sides as we spent what I thought would be our last night together. My gaze fell as heat filled my cheeks. I let go that night. I was far more passionate that night than I ever was before, and I wondered if that was because of him.

"Liliana. No, I still want to call you Lili." He said, making a shiver crawl down my spine. "I must say, I am quite excited to take you as my wife. I knew there was something different about you."

I felt exposed under his gaze. What was he thinking? Why was he so adamant about being with me? When the squeak of his chair reached my ears, I froze as his footsteps came closer. He was the one who made me lose control, who made me forget who I was and the responsibilities I had. Was this a good idea? The sofa next to me sank as he took a seat, and I finally turned to look at him, then swallowed thickly.

"My Wife." Nicolo stated, hooking his finger under my chin, a devilish smile on his handsome face. "I love the sound of that. The Queen of the Romano, the Donna. I can be persuaded to let you keep your status as the Boss of the Accardi family if that is what you desire."

Persuaded, huh? I could imagine what this horny demon wanted from me, and it didn't take much to. It was why I glanced away when he stood up earlier. Nicolo made a point of making sure I knew he wanted me. Despite my earlier insecurities. But for better or worse, we were getting married. His free hand lifted to tug at brown locks on my shoulder, and my eyes fell closed.

"I have been upfront from the start. I want you. Every night. In my bed." His words were like sugar in my ears, and my knees felt weak. "If you can do that, I will pay no attention to what your family is doing."

It was hard to believe he believed me about the Accardi. His lips ghosted over my cheek, then the corner of my lips, and I held my breath in anticipation. The arm he rested behind me slipped around my waist, drawing me in to a fiery embrace. His touch was electric, sending shivers of gooseflesh across my skin, and I pressed against him wanting more. No, not wanting, I needed more. My arms wrapped around his neck, drawing him closer as his fingers cupped my nape.

Addiction. I never understood how one person could only be with one other person until now. If his touch always remained so delicious, I would never want him to stop. His free hand slid down my neck, passed my shoulder to my waist then stopped at the tail of my shirt. My toes curled as his lips slipped lower too, caressing at my earlobe before blazing a trail of fire across my neck with his tongue.

"Deliziosa." Nicolo's voice was deep, husky, and full of desire as he panted, and I opened my eyes. "Ti voglio bene."

My heart pounded hard in my chest at the adoration and love in his emerald pools. But I still couldn't believe him. Maybe it was because I couldn't imagine anyone wanting me for me, since for so long they only wanted the title they could get from me. Becoming the Don of the Accardi family was a high honor for anyone, yet all he wanted me to do in return was warm his bed? Maybe he didn't understand it.

Or maybe he didn't care because that's how much he wanted to be with me. Could I really let myself trust him? His hand slid into my shirt, making my back pull tight like a bow. Electric shivers of pleasure crawled up my skin as we fell back against the sofa, his larger body coming to rest between my thighs. He was so sexy like this, all business with a frenzied look in his eyes. Nicolo pressed harder against me, his eyes narrowing when a small gasp parted my lips.

"Perhaps I should wait until the wedding night, this time." He pulled away, leaving me struggling to catch my breath. "Unless you ask for it."