

I witnessed death take shape in every form, from slow torture to quick execution. In the Mafia world, one's death depended on several factors. Usually, it was based off what the target does. The best way to play your cards was carefully, monitoring everyone with the power to end your time in this world. If things didn't line up appropriately, it was better to withdraw from the game than incur any losses. Someone didn't get that memo.

The gunfire hadn't quit. Metallic, acrid and sour scents filled my nose, displaying the spent firing of weapons, destroying windows and embedding in the wooden walls of the Villa as well as the cabinets behind us. There was a certain tenseness to the atmosphere that could only follow the chaos of guns firing. My companion and I remained behind the kitchen island, hoping it would cease soon, and I forced myself to remain calm. 

"How?" My companion ventured, voice screaming over the sound of the splintering wood. "Why are you so cool when we're being shot at?"

Dark brown eyes met mine shakily, his body contorted into a fetal position as he leaned against the counter behind him. What, was he a civilian they gave a position within the family? Dumbfounded didn't even begin to describe the expression I was sure showed on my face, but that would have to be addressed later. He was no better than a civilian to me, so I pulled out my phone again, looking for any update from our allies.

"Damn." I clicked my tongue again, then took a deep breath as the shots fired over my head. "Rookie… do you want to die?"


"Good. Then trust me." We were fresh out of options, and I jerked my favorite sweater down my shoulders knowing I would make Nico replaced it if we survived. "Throw this sweater in that direction. Make sure it flies above the countertop when I signal you."

There was no guarantee this would work as it was quite a childish tactic, but without an update from anyone, I only had my smarts to depend on, once again proving how pointless this entire marriage was. I shook those useless thoughts away for another time as I signaled him, then darted away from the safety of the island towards the nearby open door, only to realize another gunman was stationed just outside of it, pistol in hand. Before he could raise it to fire, I disarmed him, pinning him to the floor with my knee in his spine.

Silence. I held my weapon to the back of his head and took a quick glance around the hallway for any more attackers before refocusing on him. He wore all black clothes, even a ski mask, so I yanked it off his head. I didn't flinch when he whined about his hair being pulled, nor did I hesitate to press my gun to the back of his head again, silencing him. My instincts were rarely wrong in high pressure situations, but the sudden calm of the Villa answered my questions.

"You are resourceful and very difficult to find, Donna Accardi." A slight chill crawled down my spine as my opponent craned his neck to look up at me. "A certain government has need of your capabilities, as I'm sure you know." My knee dug a little deeper into his spine, forcing him to gasp at the pain. "Just a small favor."

"You attacked the Romano Villa looking for a fake family?" I spat, my eyes narrowing on his as my grip tightened on the butt of my weapon. "Assuming that anyone would want to help you with that kind of behavior is quite foolish. Tell me, who do you work for so I can let my husband know."

Any nation we wanted to work with, we did, and only in ways that aligned with our goals. In return, we didn't release their secret information to the public. If there was someone who wished to speak with me, they would have to go through Marcello regardless. It was for my safety, and the safety of those around me, that this was the process of reaching the Boss of the Accardi. Marcello never fails to keep me up–to–date on my schedule.

"I thought your men didn't let their women play with weapons. Are you sure you want to do this, little lady?"

I didn't mind people underestimating me. Quite the opposite, actually; as I love it when they did. It always gave me a head start on getting the upper hand. I didn't have to reveal who I was to make my point here. A small smile lifted the corner of my lips before I leaned closer to him, close enough to feel his disgusting breath on my face. Then I carefully felt the grin stretch into something a little more wicked as my eyes narrowed gleefully.

"I can't wait to see what my husband is going to do to you, but I suppose I can show you what I'm capable of. Since I'm just a 'little woman,' you should be able to take it easily, right?" I ventured, seriously wanting to cause this man pain for his remarks, but paused when I felt a heated glare on the back of my head. "Oh, darn. Looks like I'm too late." A pair of familiar square–toed dress shoes appeared in my vision before a hand pulled at my arm. "Seems my husband has arrived."

There was a jealous fury burning in his eyes, but he never let it distract him from his quarry. Nico's expression changed to cold anger as the man was lifted from the floor, and two soldiers kicked the back of his knees, forcibly dropping the stranger to the floor. When his head lifted to look at his savior, all color drained from his face. Everyone who lived in the nearby town knew the Don of the Romano family, so this was obviously a local. 

"Uccidilo. Velocemente." 'Kill him. Quickly.' Then he turned away, pulling me into step next to him. "Anche i suoi amici. Trova Florencia e uccidi lei." 'Even his friends. Find Florencia and kill her.'

"Don…" I whispered, drawing his glaring, burning gaze, and almost choked at the troubled yet angry expression on his face. "We need to know who he was working for."

"Fallo parlare, poi uccidilo." 'Make him talk, then kill him.' He ordered, then pulled me into the nearest room that was empty of people. "Lili… Damnit!"

His fists slammed into the wall behind me as he pressed me against it, yet I didn't flinch. I held my ground, meeting his gaze and trying to ignore the way his body made me feel. Nico had sweat dripping down his face to his neck, only to catch in the collar of his shirt. His muscular body shook with barely contained emotions, but what made my breath catch was the way his forehead dropped to my shoulder and his arms wrapped firm around my waist, locking me in place.

"Ho pensato che stavo per morire. Quando ho immaginato che ti accadesse qualcosa, ho pensato che avrei cessato di esistere." 'I thought I was going to die. When I imagined something happening to you, I thought I would cease to exist.' He was speaking so fast I could barely understand him, but his shoulders shook a little again as he took another deep breath. "Te lo giuro, Liliana, sei difficile da proteggere quando corri in pericolo come un bambino piccolo che ha bisogno di imparare. Forse è quello di cui abbiamo bisogno…" 'I swear to you, Liliana, you are hard to protect when you run into danger like a little child who lacks knowledge. Maybe that's what we need'

"Absolutely not." I pushed his chest, hoping to make him face me. "Nico, quit mumbling and speak to me."

I could swear I heard him mentioning children and though I doubted he was serious – I was not ready for that right now. I understood his position, but I had a plan in this situation. He didn't have to charge in and save me. Anything I thought to say in response caught in my throat the very second his head lifted to lock eyes with mine. Nicolo was many things, but when it came to someone he cared for, he became an honorable soldier ready to fight.

My heart twisted in pain at the pure anguish in those beautiful pools, and, unable to help myself, my hand lifted to cup his cheek. I couldn't explain it, but I hated that tortured gaze more than anything. Not even my sudden marriage, or my grandfather's disappearance compared. Nico's eyes widened in shock, but he leaned into my touch regardless, making my cheeks flush and my heart pound hard against its cage. Yet I couldn't pull my gaze from his despite telling myself this would hurt later.

"A certain husband often brags about how resourceful his wife is, yet doesn't trust her in the heat of a moment. Whatever will the family think?" I ventured in a whisper, while running my thumb along his cheek gently, making his hands tense where they now gripped my waist, then I cooed. "Nico, please tell me you didn't forget I am not some damsel you need to rescue."

"Damnit, Lili, look at me! I am so far off the deep end of in love with you, I almost handled everyone who got in my way!" His bold statement released a flurry of butterflies in my stomach in a way that no other could, and I swallowed thickly as his finger hooked under my chin. "I know you don't need me. You've made that perfectly clear! But I want you to want me so much it hurts. I LOVE you so much; I worry about your safety, even though I know you do not so much as care for me!"

"Nicolo." I called, demanding his attention with a firm voice, but leaning a little closer to his delicious scent. "Who do you think I called first?" When his eyes widened, I knew he realized it, and I smirked before running my fingers down his chest. "Trust me when I say I'm new to trusting myself with a person, but I know who best I can depend on." Then I pushed up to press an ardent kiss to his lips, pulling back to find him dumbfounded as his hands fell away. "We still have lots of work to do, but I will see you tonight. It's a promise."

I didn't know why I kissed him, or made that promise, but I didn't want to think about it now, so I turned to walk away when his warm hand grabbed mine. The action froze me in place, though not as much as feeling the length of his body against my spine. Then his hands dropped to my lower belly. His actions made me tense, despite wanting to give in to him, and his lips stroked at my exposed nape, right on the edge of my tattoo.

Just as those same fiery fingers tensed, one hand fell away before a gasp parted my lips when I felt his fingers brush the inside of my thigh. An explosion of desire burned a course through my veins, and I gulped as his fingers stroked ever higher. I felt frozen, both knowing we needed to get back, yet unable to stop where I knew this was going. His heat seemed to transfer through his hands into my body, flooding me with the anticipation of his next move.

"Do not think I forgot. Your position over that man was very naughty, Lili." Nico rumbled, then backed away, leaving me panting in desire but refusing to beg. "Dress up in your best dress this evening. We're going out."

When I closed my eyes to take a deep breath, I nodded, but needed a few moments to collect myself. Then I heard his footsteps, and thinking he left, my shoulders relaxed as all the built–up tension fled me. I never expected to open my eyes to a smirking Nico, arms crossed over his chest, before he crushed me against him, lips lapping over mine. My heart beat hard against my ribs, in a way I was sure he could feel through the thin layer of our clothes.

That heat, the one I attempted ridding myself of seconds ago, came back as an inferno this time, and I only felt devoured. I realized now that Nico's love was fiercer than this kiss, and much deeper than I thought. It was all I could do to keep standing, though I knew it was because of his arms that I was still upright. What could I do? Would I be able to withstand this love, or would he do as I expected and abandon me? When he finally pulled away from me, endless love and adoration flooded his gaze before he plucked at my lips once more.

"I'll send you some ideas for your outfit. Try finishing quickly this evening."