Ch-89: 8 Peak Grade Pills

The room was circular in shape with a large table in the middle of the room, the room was quite spacious and it contained various shelves with different herbs and pills placed along the circumference of the room

There was an Alchemy cauldron on the table which had a slight trace of whitish smoke rising from within which carried heat along it, by the looks, it seemed the cauldron was used just before he came in, a small pill bottle which Wang Ming presumed to contain the recently made pill was on the table beside the cauldron 

Wang Ming's gaze shifted from the table to the two men standing beside the table,  his eyes met with an elderly man who had a few wrinkles over his face and long white hair and beard 

' Soul Eyes' Wang Ming silently cast his technique onto the old man in front of him

[ Name: Zhang Zhi ]

[ Age: 259 ]

[ Cultivation: 1st order of the Core Formation Realm]