C-129: Quest Function

[ You have controlled your lust for the first time ]

[ Hidden condition fulfilled by the user ]

[ A new feature of the system has been unlocked ]

[ Quest function of the system has been unlocked ]

" Huh? Quest Function? What the hell is that?" Wang Ming mumbled under his breath and then veins bulged in his forehead 

" Hidden condition your head... What kind of condition is this and what do you mean by I have controlled by lust for the first time?" Wang Ming asked the system in annoyance 

[System Message: Please, user, it's recommended not to get angry with the system. It's just stating facts. If you still deny it, the system would like to remind you of all your encounters with women in your last life. Can you deny that you were controlled by your own lust?]

' Hmph, facts your head' Wang Ming harrumphed in his mind as he proceeded to ask the system about the quest function