Chapter 6: Aftermath

A loud overweight woman that looks a lot like Bat brat with obvious differences comes charging towards them like an angry bull and grabs Hitomi's arm!!

Hitomi cries out in pain! "Ahh!! Ow it hurts!! Let go!! Ahh!!"

The woman shakes her!! "Undo what you did to my son right now you Monster!!"

"I-I can't! I can't control it yet!!" She cries! "You're hurting me...!! Help...!!"

Provoked by the violent shaking and the distress of their beloved master the snakes that make up Hitomi's hair all lash out at once and sink their fangs deep into the big lady's arm!!

She screeches like she's been set on fire and smacks Hitomi away causing her to fall!! "AHHHHH!!!! It's killed me!! The Monster's killed me!! I feel the poison running through me!!! I'm going to...!! I'm going to...! Die...!" Her body locks up completely, immobilising her leaving her stood there as still as her stone son... Before her improper footing causes her to slowly keel over onto her face!

Hitomi meanwhile slowly crawls away to a nearby tree, gasping in pain, then curls up beneath it sobbing and groaning in pain and fear of what happens next...

All the screaming has drawn the attention of the apartment residents including the visiting Dr Sekizō... Who rushes out to her daughter...

"Hitomi!!" She runs to her child and starts checking her over...! Quickly seeing the singed remains of her bandages... "Keep your eyes closed sweetie... It's ok Mama's here... Nothing will hurt you..." Her eyes turn white as she X-Rays Hitomi's arm with her Quirk... "Dislocated... Don't worry it's not too bad... We'll just wait for the ambulance before we set it just in case..."

Hitomi whimpers "Mama... I-I'm sorry..." She coughs! Her throat sore from the yelling "I'm so sorry...! I didn't mean to...!"

Asa strokes her daughter's snakey hair... The snakes rub affectionately against her hand... "Shhhh shhh... I know you didn't... It's alright... Everything will be fine... You're not in trouble... Let me just make a call..." She keeps an arm around Hitomi and takes out her cellphone with the other, calling the helpline provided to her four years ago for the first time... And hopefully the last...

. . .

An hour later there are a few ambulances, police cars and annoyingly... News vans littered around the area. Police are interviewing the plain looking boy while the green haired boy is being treated in an ambulance for his injuries.

The three stone boys have yet to be moved as the responders didn't want to risk bringing any damage to them... For the time being they're stood in a square if police tape for their protection.

Within another ambulance a half paralyzed woman is laid in a stretcher yelling to anyone that'll listen "That Monster attacked my poor baby and his friends! I saw the whole thing! She beat up that Deku kid too!"

This is the scene the rookie hero Eraser Head AKA Shota Aizawa is greeted with as he arrives in the back of a police car.

"So what's the situation...? Why call for me...?" He peers out the window

The driver shrugs "I dunno Sir, some kid going nuts and turning people to stone or something"

Aizawa thinks "Stone huh... Why does that sound familiar...?" He steps out the car and makes his way to the man in charge "Hey Tsukauchi... What's going on...?"

Tsukauchi, a simple man wearing a big brown trenchcoat with a matching fedora, waves to him "Hey Aizawa... Bit of a situation but I saw in the kid's file you've handled her before so it should all work out fine like last time"

Aizawa tilts his head "Handled her before...? Thaaat was it... The Snakey baby four years ago..."

Tsukauchi sighs... "The very same..."

Aizawa folds his arms "So... The situation the same too...?"

"Bit worse than last time but not too bad... We've got three schoolyard bullies turned to stone and one adult female temporarily paralized via snake venom" he reads from his notebook

Aizawa nods "She start the fight or use her Qurik deliberately...?"

"I don't think so... She said she was just trying to help" he checks his notes "Izuku Midoria, due to him being attacked by the group of three. The ringleader Katsuki Bakugo got enraged somehow over her eyes and blasted the bandages off her face with his Quirk, the testimony of residents about his past behaviour and the remains of the bandages reinforce this chain of events"

"So she still can't control her Quirk huh... Well she is only 4..."

Tsukauchi shrugs "Anyway she's over in that ambulance... I've questioned her and it's pretty clear she's only guilty of assault by cookie bag... She's got a few injuries... Main one being from the adult female..."

"I'll trust the word of the living lie detector..." Aizawa waves bye and makes his way over to the ambulance said to contain the girl...