Chapter 10: Hero vs Villain

Hitomi's feels Shidō's control slip away but she stays stuck in place weighing her options through an adrenaline and emotion fuled haze...

She could easily run up behind Shidō and take him down in an instant with well placed paralytic Snake bites... Such a simple solution any even slightly trained individual thinking straight would realise... But Hitomi isn't trained... She's not thinking straight... Maybe she'll handle it better in the future but right now she's just a frightened teenager... Wanting to escape...

She rushes past Shidō accidentally bumping him on the way...! She yanks the bar off the door but before she can throw it open Shidō's arms are around her pulling her back!!

"I [Suggest]!!" She thrashes in his grip! Making him grunt in effort! "You stop! Moving!"

"Noooooo!!" Her body locks up!! A snake bite inches from Shidō's neck!

Continuous slams can be heard from the other side of the door! The lock giving more and more each time.

Shidō drags Hitomi back and points her facing the door then rips off her bandages! "That's your Brainwashing friend right my dear? If I don't reply his Quirk is worthless! Far inferior to my own!" he giggles manically! "You'll turn him to stone for me and who knows. Maybe he'll end up accidentally falling from the roof and smashing into a million pieces! Then gathered up and ground into gravel for the school gardens!"

Hitomi can't believe how crazy this man sounds... She can't do anything but voice what she truly feels in that moment. "You're insane!!"

The door crashes open revealing Hitoshi welding a fire extinguisher as a makeshift battering ram! "Hitomi!!"

Shidō grins manically and waits for him to be petrified!! Yet that doesn't happen and Hitoshi charges forward taking advantage of Shidō's inaction! "Let my friend go!!"

Shidō looks at Hitomi's face, seeing her eyes tightly shut!! "Gah!! Useless Bitch!!" He throws her aside and turns on Hitoshi! At that same moment Hitoshi spins as he runs and uses the momentum generated to launch the fire extinguisher straight at Shidō!

Shidō yelps and dives to the side to avoid it but he takes the hit solidly in the shoulder resulting in an unpleasant crack! "Gah!! You fucking brat!! How dare you!!"

Hitoshi hasn't stopped his charge so by the time Shidō looks back at him he's upon him with a sprint charged haymaker to the face!! Sending him rolling a few feet with blood flying. "You're a Bad Guy. Why wouldn't I dare?"

Shidō takes a breath to answer but cuts himself off! Remembering at the last moment Hitoshi's Quirk. With a grin he gets to his feet and with his good arm mimes zipping his lips, locking it and tossing the imaginary key.

"Tsh... Damn it. Fine" he raises his fists and takes an amateur boxing stance "Let's do this. Villain."

Hitomi is still on the floor... Stuck... Because she was ordered not to move "Be careful Hitoshi...!"

Shidō rolls his eyes and raises his good arm. He beckons with a manic grin, licking blood from his busted lip!

"You're insane" he dashes forward! Ready to defeat his first villain! "I'll take you down!"

His opponent however has longer legs and sends a kick straight for his chest! Hitoshi grunts and crosses his arms to try and shield the blow! Succeeding but being knocked back a few feet "Basterd. A kick won't beat me!" He runs forward once again! Sending a punch towards Shidō's bad shoulder!

The hit lands and Shidō grunts in pain!! Causing Hitoshi to grin. That grin quickly disappears when Shidō grabs his outstretched arm with his uninjured limb in an iron grip!! "I [Suggest] you stop talking!" Hitoshi yanks his arm away but it's too late! His voice is locked...

Shidō cracks his neck "Much better! You really are an annoying brat" he rotates his arm "Calling me a Villain!? Me! I'm a beloved educator! You're just a stupid kid! Who are you to judge m-!!" Hitoshi attacks again! Landing a solid hit to the "Beloved educator's" busy mouth!

"Mmmm...!? I am talking you-" his spits out blood! "Little shit!!" He feels inside his mouth and takes out a large tooth fragment! "You!!!" Hitoshi smirks and beckons just like Shidō did.

His pride wounded, the man lets himself be provoked and charges the boy! Taking advantage of the charge Hitoshi steps into it and slugs him with an uppercut! Rattling his opponent's brain! Leaving him open to a full assault on his torso that the boy gladly provides!

Unfortunately he gets tunnel vision on where his blows are landing... This inexperienced mistake makes him miss the arm coming from the side and slamming the side of his head!

Staggering to the side a bit, Shidō takes the chance to grab Hitoshi's wild hair! Yanking him closer and slamming his knee hard into his gut! "I [Suggest]... You stop... Fucking moving." He throws him to the ground! Panting heavily himself and wiping blood from his mouth.

"You children... Shouldn't pick fights... With adults!" He kicks him!! Then presses a foot on his head while he's down "Now then... You've pissed me off so I think I'm going to get rid of you. Not like anyone will stop me! I beat you!" he grins! Proud of himself for beating up a kid, despite getting his ass handed to him for most of it "I [Suggest] you follow me. Oh and I also [Suggest] no more using your Quirk on me buuuut you can talk! Just for fun"

Hitoshi gets shakily to his feet "You'll never get away... With this." He starts slowly walking with Shidō to the railing along the edge of the roof.

Hitomi tries SO hard to move... Even a finger... "Don't you dare!! You can't!! Hitoshi!!"

The spiteful Teacher peers over the side "Oh I can my dear..." He chuckles "Quite the long way down... Still. It's what you deserve for getting in my way young man" He rattles the old railing "Alas the School maintenance budget isn't what it used to be... Oh well! Any last words?"

"Yeah... Hitomi!?" He's met with silence for a moment...

"Y-yeah...?" Her voice is soft from her spot on the floor... As her body stiffens more than it was

"You can move!"

Shidō scoffs! "Ha! No she can-" he gasps and turns to find her sprinting madly towards him! "She replied!!"

His eyes are drawn to her own that he himself uncovered and as her Qurik takes effect and begins to turn him to stone she slams into him! Sending him stumbling backwards and over the railing!

He falls in silence... His head already turned to stone. The only sound heard by the rooftop is the solid smash as he hits the ground!!

That and... A scream! Followed by frantic cries "Shidō Sensei!! H-he's stone!! Medusa!! Medusa killed Shidō Sensei...!!"