Chapter 12: Idiot Husband

[One week later]

Chiwa had indeed splashed the story all over her social media... And the news sites lapped it up like thirsty animals in an oasis... She'd even taken, and posted, a picture of the rubble that used to be Shidō statue. And they technically weren't "human" remains so the image was able to be shown.

Hitomi was named in many unofficial reports by amature self publishing idiots as well as social media posts by her fellow Nabu students... So while the official news stations left her as an "Unnamed female student suspected to be involved with death of a local teacher" for now, most everyone knew it was "Hitomi Sekizō" that "killed" the poor beloved Shidō Sensei...

After the arrival of her parents at the scene Hitomi was soon taken to the police station where she gave an official statement... Including Shidō's claims of assaulting multiple women over his years as an educator... Confirmed as true by attending Detective Tsukauchi...

Unfortunately... By the time the police had released an official statement about their findings and ordering a retraction of all slanderous reports and articles the court of public opinion had already reached a verdict on Hitomi's guilt and sentenced her to a constant stream of abuse, suspicion and hatred... Sent mostly anonymously to her phone, until it grew too much and the poor girl pulled the battery out...

Without an alive and intact Shidō Sensei the police had no way to confirm or deny anything to the public apart from the word of their lie detector Detective and the words of the two students involved... Which while good enough for them was not good enough for the many outraged people...

Shidō Sensei over the years had subtly used his Quirk to make himself very popular in both professional and personal social circles... He truly made himself a "Beloved Educator"... This made the outrage from the public even harsher than is should naturally be as everybody who knew him loved him and spread the word of how great he was...

As for Shidō, his pieces were collected and all brought in. There was confusion on weather to have him in the morgue or tag him as evidence but eventually the morgue "won" the debate. Individuals with [Repair] or [Mending] Quirks were brought in but they had no effect on the pieces, leading examiners to believe he was in fact still alive somehow and classed as a living being. Therefore people with [Healing] Quirks were brought but they too failed to fix the man due to him currently being a Non living entity... And their efforts combined did nothing either... Shidō Sensei was stuck in a not alive not quite dead limbo state it seems... For now.

Hitoshi's name was luckily absent from the many reports on the situation... While there was speculation that he was the second unnamed student involved there was no evidence of his presence on the rooftop that the reporters could sink thier talons into...

Hitomi's parents had not been spared from the drama either... Asa had been approached at her work by both reporters and haters alike... The Central Hospital security team had sure earned their pay through the past week...

Hajime on the other hand had many potential sales of his sculptures called off or their price largely renegotiated... Not that he cared... It's lucky he doesn't make human sculptures otherwise he would likely be accused of selling his Daughter's non existent victims...

The school shut down for a little while while the investigation was ongoing and the place was infested by reporters... This left the students with more free time to hang out, goof off, or hurl abuse at the silent Hitomi... And for Hitomi to stay in silence at home hidden in her room...

That's where she remained for the entire week... Only leaving for hygienic reasons... It's not the fact she's "killed" a person that's taken such an impact... She doesn't regret her actions of saving her friend...

It's the hatred she's receiving... Her future is looking worse and worse by the moment... She's been called a Monster in the past by either ignorant people or racists against mutant types... But never by so many people... Not to mention the new names like "Murderer" and "Sl*t"... Why Sl*t...? Because some were even saying SHE was the one that brought Shidō up to the rooftop... And "killed" him when he refused her advances and threatend to report her!

Nobody wanted to believe they'd let a predator teach their children... And his reputation was so amazing... So so many people clung to the easier to stomach falsehoods surrounding poor Hitomi...

. . .

Asa and Hajime are sat in the living room in silence with the TV turned off... Sat trying to think of something to do to help their daughter... Many things that are being said about Hitomi fall under freedom of speech laws... There's little that can legally be done... Especially because the official news stations are being very careful with their exact wording...

Hajime sighs... "What if we release a statement...?"

Asa shakes her head "They're already calling the Police Force and that Detective liars behind their hands... As her parents we wouldn't stand a chance..."

"What about a Hero...? Wouldn't a statement from them help...?"

"There are no Heros involved in the case..."

He runs a hand through his hair... "What about the Hero that helped her before...? Eraser... Something"

She sighs "You mean Eraser-" there's a knock at the door and seeing as Hajime is stuck in his head trying to remember something Asa goes and answers only to gasp! "Mr Ai-! I mean Eraser Head!"

"That was it! Eraser Head! Kinda a dumb name honestly" He comes to the door "Who's this honey?"

Asa facepalms! And Aizawa has to restrain himself from doing the same.

As Asa is dying on the inside Aizawa introduces himself "I'm Eraser Head..."

Hajime smiles "I see! A pleasure to meet youuu-" the color slowly drains from his face"-uuuuuuuuuu-" Asa and Aizawa stare at him then glance at each other, then back at him "-uuuuuuuuu-" Asa elbows him in the stomach! "Oof! U-um... About what I said before... Uh... Y'see... What I really meant was uh... I am so sorry!" He bows!

Aizawa sighs... "It's fine... I didn't come up with it..."

"But wouldn't you need to agr-" Asa elbows him again! "Thank you for forgiving me Mr Head Sir" he bows again

Asa internally questions her life choices for a moment before glancing at her husband and smiling "Please forgive my Idiot Mr Aizawa, would you like to come in?"

"Thank you..." He removes his boots and comes inside. Asa leads them to the living room then gets everyone some tea

She sits and sips from her cup "So how can we help you Mr Aizawa...? Is this about Hitomi's situation...?"

"In a way yes... You see I don't know if you remember but when I met your daughter ten years ago I made her a promise..."

Hajime tilts his head "What kinda promise?"

"Uhh... A pinky promise I guess...?"

"Ah... I meant what was the subject of the promise, though a pinky promise is important" he chuckles

Now it's Aizawa's turn to feel awkward "A-a promise that if we met again, she was old enough and did not have a career choice in mind... I would help her become a Hero."

Hajime blinks! "A-a Hero? Our little girl? You think she could...?"

Aizawa nods "I do, I saw potential in her back then and I believe her potential could have only grown since..."

Asa nods... "I remember you were interested... But with what everyone's saying about her what Hero School would take her...?"

Aizawa chuckles "The one I-"

From elsewhere in the house "MOOOOOOM!!!! DAAAAAAD!!!!"