Chapter 22: A Stop, Grip and a Jump

Disclaimer: Any non canon physical stats or measurements featured in this chapter are not scientifically or mathematically accurate. I made em up for this section and this section alone, they will not effect anyone's performance in the novel's future and I have no idea how accurate on inaccurate they are.

Once everyone is settled inside the gym Aizawa steps up next to a table "Alright! On this table are six Electronic Hand Dynamometers, A.K.A the things you squeeze to measure grip strength..." He looks around at them all "I will group up in groups of three and then you will take one and use it between you" he picks one up "These are industrial models that specialize in measuring those with strong physical quirks so don't worry about breaking them... If you do manage to break them somehow I'm required to inform you the school won't ask you to pay for it... That does not mean you TRY and break them however!" He sighs... "Any pointless questions?"

Kirishima raises a hand! "Yeah! How comes you're assigning the groups?"

"Because I said so... Anyone else?"

Mineta raises a hand "Can I be paired with two cute girlth!?" He lisps on the last word... Or drools...

Aizawa stares at him... As do the rest of class... Before Aizawa continues "So I guess there's no more questions, alright I'll assign groups now..." He consults a clip board "Mineta, Shinso and Shoji"

Mineta starts crying! "Noooo!"

Hitoshi smiles at his three friends "Welp... Looks like I've gotta go for now, see you guys after this" he heads over to the large three webbed armed guy and Mineta sniffles and blubbers as he plods over

Mina grins! "Better him than us! I don't wanna be near that grape kid" she shudders!

"Agreed! I can just imagine his eyes going all over my body!" Toru hugs herself and shivers

"Buuuut he can't see your body Toru, he's not Hitomi" Mina chuckles

"Oh yeah... But he'd still try! Right Hitomi?" She turns to her snakey friend

Hitomi has a serious expression on her face and rests a hand on both Toru and Mina's shoulders "If he ever does anything to you two you HAVE to tell me ok...? Same if you hear about it from any of the other girls... Don't keep it quiet" with her serious tone and hands gripping their shoulders the two girls know there's more to this than just not liking the little creep... Unfortunately before they could even think of asking...

Aizawa calls out "Todoroki, Kaminari and Sekizō, you're a group"

Hitomi sighs and squeezes their shoulders "Good luck in the test..." She smiles and heads away...

"Uh... Go get a grip...!" Mina tries to cut through the heavy atmosphere with humor...

Hitomi chuckles as she reaches her grip-mates "Hi guys"

Kaminari looks like he's gonna wet himself "H-hi!"

Todoroki looks... Bored "Hello"

'Oooook... Not much for conversation... I need an ice breaker... Oo! Ice!' "Todoroki I liked how you handled the 50 meters, surfing on your ice is pretty smart" 'Nailed it!'

He nods "Thank you, you were fast" and that's it

"Thanks...?" 'Lets just get this over with so I can get back to Tor- The others!' "Soooo... Who wants to go first?"

Todoroki is holding the device already so he holds it up "I suppose I shall" he holds it so he can see the screen but before he can squeeze Hitomi stops him

"You shouldn't hold it like that"

He frowns at her "What do you mean?"

"Your arm should held be by your side and should be in a right angle" she demonstrates "Then palm facing, in my case left, not up or down"

Todoroki looks at her arm and hand then at his own "Why?"

"I'm not really sure... It's how my Master measured my grip strength and he said it's how Doctors want you to position too" she shrugs

Kaminari speaks properly for the first time "Master? You have a Master? What kind?"

"Oh uhh... Martial Arts teacher?" She chuckles

"Is that the one you-" her snakes hiss because it's obvious what he's about to say! Causing Kaminari to yelp and shut up!

'Ugh... Seriously guy? Just stop already...'

"Hm... Very well" Todoroki positions his arm how Hitomi showed, causing her to smile!

After both boys test themselves it's Hitomi's turn, she positions her arm and then starts to apply pressure!

The device beeps and she releases her held breath and looks! "Hmm, Five-twenty-eight... Not bad"

Kaminari yells "Five hundred and twenty eight!?" This causes others to look over at her

"Uhhh... That's what it says" she looks around at the people looking and they're all showing shock apart from Hitoshi and Shoji, Shoji in fact gives her three thumbs up and then his three hands each show different fingers

'Five... Four... Zero... Five hundred and forty? Nice!' she grins and gives him a thumbs up back!

Everybody soon finishes and Aizawa notes down their scores "Ok. Everyone back outside"

Many cries of outrage come from the students!

Kirishima and Kaminari both yell at the same time "We were already outside before man!!" Then look at each other and fist bump!

Aizawa sighs... "I don't make the rules... Oh wait I do. And the rules say anyone not outside by the time I count to five is expelled! One!" Everyone makes a mad dash for the outside world! Aizawa doesn't even bother counting past one

Once everyone is outside Aizawa leads them over to a large sand box "We're not building sand castles and anyone who asks that is getting buried in there."

The students gulp!

"This will be the standing long jump, stand on the line and jump as far as you can into the sand... Simple... We'll go in class order, Aoyama you first"

Hitomi looks at her friends "So How'd you guys do on the grip strength?"

"Ha! Not as good as you Miss Five Twenty Eight!" Mina smacks her on the back!

'Ow!' "Heh... You heard that then?"

Toru nods "Everybody did, that's really impressive Hitomi" she smiles!

Hitomi blushes eeeever so slightly "Th-thanks..."

Hitoshi clears his throat "I got an average score"

"Saaaame... Oh it's my turn" Mina heads over to the sand box, she gets a decent way through the box on her jump and joins back with the others while brushing sand off herself "Stuff gets in places I don't know I have!"

A few students after his it's Hitoshi turn

"You got this Washy!" Hitomi ever the supportive friend

"So why do you call him Washy?" Mina tilts her head "Inside joke?"

"Naaaah, it's a secret though and not mine to tell" she zips her lip

"I wanna knoooow!" She shakes Hitomi's arm!

"Know what?" Hitoshi comes back brushing sand from himself

"Nothing! Good jump?" Mina laughs awkwardly

"Yeah I guess? You guys weren't watching I take it?" They all chuckle awkwardly... "Girls are mean"

It's soon mean girl Hitomi's turn to jump, she steps up on the line and does a few squats to loosen up her legs "Ok here we go" she squats down and once again starts building tension in her leg muscles

The Robot returns "Ready!? [Bang!]*

She jumps! And flies through the air all the way to the other side! Nearly... She falls about a foot short and sinks her feet into the sand "Ah damn it! So close..." She pulls her feet out and makes her way back to to the others

"Woooo! Look at you fly gurl!" Mina cheers! "Big air!"

"That was really impressive Hitomi!" Toru smiles and claps "Big air!"

Hitoshi nods "Hm, that was a good one" Toru and Mina staaaare at him "What...?" They staaaare more and he sighs... "Big air..."

Both girls cheer and Hitomi laughs!

Next up out of their group is Toru who gets a pretty decent score for a normal person

After the final few students complete their jumps Aizawa steps forward once again "You all did well... Next up is the repeated side steps over there" he points over to another baby bot "Get moving..."

"Not sure how this is supposed to measure Heroic stats" Hitomi scratches her chin

"It's for when we battle hopscotch themed Villains of course!" Mina laughs!

Toru giggles "Worried you won't outshine us this time huh Hitomi?"

"Oh thems fightin' words! You wanna go Scruffy!?"

"Scruffy!? At least Messy Hair was endearing! Go back to that!" She stomps her foot!

"No way Scruffbag!" She crosses her arms in front of her!

While the two continue to "argue" and the group continue towards the next exam Mina and Hitoshi share a look and a smirk, both say at the same time "I ship it"