Chapter 38: Minions Assemble

Due to the chaos at the end of lunch all the students are gathered up in their classrooms as an impromptu homeroom instead of going to fifth period.

Aizawa is in full caterpillar mode due to loosing so much energy dealing with annoying reporters... Yet he still has a job to do so he calls Hitomi and Midoriya up front like a responsible caterpillar while the rest of the students chat amongst themselves

"Seeing as we're here... May as well decide on the rest of the class officers..." He yawns "You need a Secretary... Treasurer... And Historian..." He digs around in his sleeping bag then his hand sticks out the face hole with a piece of paper "Here's the role details... Don't hire idiots..." He flops down onto the floor "Don't wake me..."

Hitomi takes the list and reads through it "Hmm... Ok... Yeah, should be easy enough to pick" she smiles as she steps up to the podium "Can I have your attention please!?" Everybody shuts up and turns to face her 'I have the poweeeer!'

"Thank you! Now first of all I hope nobody was hurt during all that chaos earlier, seeing as you're here I'm assuming you're good" she focuses around looking for any injuries but doesn't see anything but a few bumps and bruises "Second I'd like to thank Momo Yaoyorozu, Kyoka Jiro and Tenya Ida for their efforts in controlling the previously mentioned earlier chaos, good jobs guys" she claps and the class join in apart from the ones that obviously won't like Bakugo

Tenya and Momo stand proudly to the applause while Kyoka hides herself in her blazer and wishes to either die on the spot, suddenly get abducted by aliens or fall through a hole into the abyss

"Great job Ida! You were like, totally amazing!" Mina waves back at him "Saved me from being crushed"

Momo raises her voice over the applause "I myself would like to thank the class rep! I was only following her instruction so my praise should be hers"

During this one of Hitomi's snakes looks down at Hitomi's phone resting on the podium on a webpage titled "How to be a good class representative" and a highlighted point "Acknowledge a classmate's positive accomplishments and encourage/reward them"

Once the applause finishes Hitomi continues "And the final point, we have to choose the remaining class officers, there ar-"

"W-wait!" Midoriya near yells behind Hitomi which she, luckily, could see coming otherwise she would have jumped out of her skin

She looks back at him "Midoriya? You ok?"

The poor boy looks terrified... Again... But determined "I-I-I have something to s-say!"

Hitomi shrugs and steps to the side to give him the podium, sweeping up her phone on the way though

Midoriya steps up and trembles while looking at everyone... then he grips the edges of the podium tight and speaks "H-hello! I'm the vice r-rep Izuku Midoriya!"

"Nobody cares Deku!" Bakugo yells from the second row

Hitomi rests a hand on Midoriya's shoulder... "Ignore him... Say what you need to say Midoriya..."

He shakily nods and continues "I... I've thought a lot about this..." He takes a deep breath "And I would like to give Tenya Ida my role as vice representative!"

Tenya gasps as the other students murmur amongst themselves

Midoriya continues with more steam now "He was able to capture everyone's attention and get us in line... So I believe that he would be far better than me at assisting the class rep...!"

"Yeah, you know what?" Kirishima turns to look back at Tenya "If Midoriya vouches for him, I'm good. Plus he was a big help. He totally manned up and took charge, right?

"Yup! Oh!" Kaminari starts chuckling and laughing "Did you notice he looked like the dude on the emergency exit signs when he was on the wall earlier?"

Aizawa sighs and sits up in his sleeping bag, momentarily terrifying Midoriya "This is a waste of time... I don't care who the rep or vice rep is, just hurry up."

Tenya slowly stands for once and faces forward "If Midoriya is nominating me for this job..." He rests an arm behind his back and raises the other high in the air "Then I humbly accept. I pledge to carry out the duties of the vice representative and assist class representative Sekizō to the best of my abilities!"

"Sounds good, Emergency Exit!" Kirishima gives him a thumbs up

Kaminari laughs and also gives a thumbs up "Emergency Exit Iida! Don't let us down, man!"

Hitomi steps back up to the podium "Well, that was brave and mature of you Midoriya, well done" she pats his arm "Head off back to your desk now" she faces the class "Tenya! Get up here Mr Vice Representative"

"Yes Ma'am!" He strides up to the front and stands at attention behind her

"Alright everyone, there will be three more class officers" she holds up her paper "I'll detail them one at a time, raise your hand after I finish one if you want the job and me and Tenya will pick"

Momo raises a hand "Can we volunteer for multiple positions?"

Hitomi considers for a moment "If you're not chosen then yes you can put your name forward for the next one but if you are chosen then please don't raise your hand again"

Momo lowers her hand and gets a determined look on her eye "Very well, thank you"

"No problem, now! The first position is Secretary" Momo raises her hand! "Momo had down please. Wait until the description is given"

Momo blushes and lowers her hand... "Sorry..."

"No worries" she clears her throat and continues "The Secretary will take the minutes during meetings, will keep track and manage officer correspondence and the class attendance, keep track of the class calendar and will be responsible for all sign-up sheets" she faces the room "Who wants the job?"

A few hands raise up, Momo, Toru, Ojiro, Tsu and... Bakugo...

'Yyyyyeah fat chance Bakugo!' she and Tenya turn their backs to the room "What do you think?"

"Hm. Bakugo is definitely out" he rubs his chin "The other four seem to be viable candidates, Ojiro is a straightforward individual, what is your opinion of the three others as you seem closer to them?"

"Toru is passionate... But can get distracted" 'And it's so cute!' "Tsu and Momo are both intelligent... Momo seems quite eager to prove herself... I think between Tsu and Momo it would be Momo more suited to the paperwork side of things"

"I will follow your lead Class Rep" he points his arm at her "I will trust your judgement"

They face the classroom again and Hitomi steps up to the podium "We have chosen Momo Yaoyorozu to be appointed Secretary" the class politely applauds

Momo stands with a big smile on her face and eyes glittering with excitement "Thank you very much! I won't let you down!"

"I'm glad to hear it Madam Secretary" Hitomi ticks the Secretary off the list "Next up will be... Treasurer, responsible for class budget, recording our transactions, giving financial status reports during meetings, authorising expenses, organising fundraising products and collecting and depositing fundraising money" she looks around at the class "Who wants that bundle of fun?"

Nobody raises a hand...

"I know it seems daunting..." 'Hmm... How to encourage someone to take the job... Someone interested in making money?' "Think of it as a low risk opportunity to learn ways to make and manage money?"

A few murmurs go through the class... Before Ochaco raises her hand

"Oh? Ochaco you want the job?" Hitomi smiles 'Got ooooone! Thanks Ochaco'

She nods "Yes! I wanna learn how to handle and make more money" she looks around awkwardly "J-just out of curiosity of course..."

"Well then, with no opposition Ochaco Uraraka is appointed Class treasurer!" The class once again politely applauds causing Ochaco to blush

"And the final job is... Historian! They will keep a class diary of activities and events, will be in charge of scrapbooking those activities and events and finally publicity, if needed, for events will be your job too"

A few people raise their hands Toru, Mina and Midoriya being the best candidates among them

Hitomi and Tenya turn away once again and whisper "Tenya I know you're a fan of Midoriya but please keep in mind how socially awkward he currently is..."

"I-" he sighs... "Yes... I do see your point... His analytical mind is brilliant yet his social skills are lacking..." He glances at the raised hands of the class "Who do you suggest?"

'Well... Mina has the confidence to get right up in there to get pictures... Her advertising for events would be loud and eye catching... She's fun and easy to talk to... But...' she focuses her attention on Toru who is currently tapping away on her phone 'I wanna work with Toru... And I think she would be good at the job too... I can just... Pick Toru right? I'm the Boss...'

"Hitomi? What are your thoughts?" Tenya draws her out of her thoughts

'No...! I'll do the right thing... I can spend plenty of time with Toru at other times. What kind of example will I be setting for myself if I take advantage of the first bit of authority I get?' she faces him and says with conviction "I think Mina would be best for the job."

He gasps 'Such a forceful decision!' he rubs his chin "I concur, she seems quite enthusiastic to meet people and find out gossip"

"Plus she took a picture of you when you were on that exit sign despite being crushed at the time" she grins! "Shows promise"

"She what!? But that wasn't a flattering position at all!!" He starts roboticly flailing his arms!

Hitomi steps up to the podium while chuckling, leaving poor Tenya to his malfunction "Ok we've made our choice, the Historian will be Mina Ashido!" Mina looks up from her phone with a grin

The polite applause starts but Mina stands and raises her hands "Shhh!! Quiet everyone!" Everyone stops and looks on in confusion "Ahem! I humbly accept this position Madam rep! However. I'm not that good at writing and so I'd like to appoint Toru Hagakure as my partner Historian!"

Hitomi focuses on Toru and she has a knowing grin on her invisible face 'Did they plan that? Well... It's not like I mind but...'

"Excuse me but I'm not sure you're allowed to do that" Tenya points his arm at Mina

She smirks and folds her arms "Well we ain't getting paid for it right? So adding an extra won't put anyone out" she raises a finger "And if you need permission..." She points to Hitomi "Like, ask your Boss!"

Tenya turns to Hitomi "I leave it to you class rep" he bows

"Well..." She smiles at Toru "I have no problems with it, welcome to the team Miss Assistant Historian"

Toru jumps to her feet with her hands in the air! "Wahoo!!"

Mina pushes Momo and Toru to the front "Ojiro! Take our picture" she tosses her phone to the startled boy

He takes the picture of them, the proud officers of Class 1-A. After the picture everybody applauds

"I'm trying to sleep...!" Aizawa sits up! And Ojiro takes another picture of the proud officers scrambling away from the very angry caterpillar