The Three Demons of the Way of Devil, the Prelude to the Feast

In fact, in Lu Yuan's plan, he had thought that he could complete the Foundation Establishment through the way of the heavens of a spiritual root before Chen De made a move.

However, he soon realized that things were not that simple.

After the five spiritual roots of metal, wood, water, fire, and wind completed the Foundation Establishment through the way of the heavens...

Lu Yuan realized that there were actually many restrictions if he wanted to complete the remaining four 'Earth, Lightning, Yin, and Yang'.

The first to bear the brunt was the cultivation techniques for the three spiritual roots of lightning, yin, and yang. Lu Yuan did not obtain them for the time being, so he naturally could not condense the corresponding heaven spiritual roots.

Secondly, although he had obtained the cultivation method of the earth's spiritual root, he did not have the conditions to cultivate this cultivation technique.