The Poor Use Tactics, The Rich Use Firepower, Explosive Flying Sword! (2)

Looking at the vast amount of elementary weapon refinement materials, Lu Yuan waved his hand and began to fuse these materials together according to a certain ratio.

Before long, a total of 300 flying swords appeared in front of Lu Yuan.

The appearance of these flying swords was no different from ordinary standard flying swords. There was nothing special about them.

However, the inside of each flying sword was engraved with the multiple explosive flame array and divine wind array that could trigger the explosive power of the flying sword.

With multiple explosive flame array, each layer could increase the explosion power of the magic item by a level. Lu Yuan had engraved five layers of explosive flame arrays on each flying sword.

Even Lu Yuan himself was a little afraid of the power of the flying swords piled up.

On the other hand, the divine wind array could increase the flying speed of the sword.