Sword Master's Challenge (1)

After the breakthrough, Gu Qiuyue promptly arrived at Lu Yuan's side.

"Congratulations, Daoist, on successfully reaching the Apotheosis Stage," she said with a congratulatory tone.

In response to Gu Qiuyue's well-wishing words, Lu Yuan replied politely, "Your Majesty, you are too kind. I was just lucky."

Gu Qiuyue countered, "It's not just luck, Daoist. I've witnessed your innate talent, and I must say I may have underestimated your potential. Your position as my consort might be insufficient considering your exceptional talents. With your innate gifts, even without my assistance, it's uncertain whether you would have any trouble transcending the Tribulation Crossing Stage and ascending to Immortality."

Lu Yuan humbly remarked, "Transcending the Tribulation Crossing Stage to become an immortal is far from easy."

"Don't tell me you think I'm jesting? Given the circumstances, you must have realized the extent of your potential, Daoist."