Cougar points are the second type of point, and they are earned by completing missions assigned by the system. Sarah can use these points to buy recipe books, art supplies, and anything else that will help her improve her social and economic situation.

The third type of point is health point, which is earned by exercising and maintaining a healthy and positive outlook on life. These points can then be used to buy anything related to a person's well-being, such as pills, elixirs, and potions.

Finally, there are system points, which are awarded at random by the system and can be used to purchase items from the system shop.


She must perform several intimate acts in order to earn these points, which are rewarded as follows.

Holding hands-1P.




Kisses- range from 10 to 50P depending on the type of kiss performed.

Sex- all types of sexual activities involving penetrating bring a lot of rewards ranging from 51 to 1,000P.

The system encourages Sarah to be intimate with her boys, and the more she does this, the better, which is a very good thing because she will not only get to know her boys more intimately but will also have the opportunity to earn points.

She will need to exercise and take care of herself in order to earn health points, such as no drinking or smoking, aerobics, water therapy, skipping, running, sit-ups, and other exercise regimens.

The points will range from 1 to 10 HP. Sarah understands why the points aren't worth much. She will have too much access to pills, elixirs, and potions if she has a lot of health points.

Having too much of this can bring her a lot of good fortune, but also a lot of disasters. So having a little was very beneficial for her, especially since she didn't have an army to defend herself with.

She was still powerless, and attracting too much attention wasn't a good thing, so she planned to launch her beauty cream without mentioning her name at all.

She was able to return to Laswait without her enemies knowing for the past year by using the system as her backer. Purchased a large farm and began a diverse business right under their noses.

Sarah, who had nothing three years ago, became a multi-millionaire in one month after handing over everything she had secretly saved in an online cash wallet before arriving on that island three years ago.

This money became her saving grace because the system used it to trade forex because she wasn't a noob at trading.

Sarah didn't even want to trade herself because the stress of losing money due to a miscalculation was something she didn't want to go through. She'd seen a lot of people go insane as a result of it, and she didn't want to be a part of it.

But that didn't mean she couldn't take advantage of the generous system that was doing everything it could to help her get back on her feet. So, after only one month of trading, Sarah was flush with cash.

The system is an existence that defies normal logic, and with its assistance, she was able to open several bank accounts without alerting her enemies once more.

She almost went undetected, and even if someone tried to investigate her now, they wouldn't be able to find anything because the system was protecting her. She was still weak, and exposing her would have a significant impact on everything.

Sarah was able to register her several companies using the system without even visiting the offices. Not only was she able to do so, but it also gave her permission to sell her beauty cream and other pharmaceutical products that she plans to manufacture in the future.

Sarah's products were not illegal, and there were some unnamed products, such as some cooked beauty creams that most people were selling recently.

There were genuine names out there, big brands that had been around for a long time, some that were just emerging and doing well, and then there were people like Sarah who had recipes for a good cream but lacked the resources to register legally. They will eventually end up cooking and selling these creams.

There were numerous risks associated with purchasing such products, as significant harm could be done to your body. Nobody would know what ingredients were used to make that product.

Sarah, on the other hand, although her brand was new, it was legitimate, and one could see the ingredients made, but they wouldn't be able to replicate it because one of the essential ingredients wasn't listed.

It was a magical binder that only Sarah possessed, so it couldn't be detected even if the cream was tested. And this was enough for her to be confident about her cream's debut.

When people learned more about it, she was going to make headlines. Sarah was forced to use her hard-earned points to purchase the machines for mixing, packaging, sealing, and branding in order to make this cream and package it.

These machines were mostly automated, but they needed someone to operate them and some of the tasks required manual labor, which is why the factory had several employees working on the beauty cream at the time.

And it was all because of the system, which appeared and gave her the hope she had lost.

Sarah returned to the mansion after inspecting the greenhouse, where she discovered O'Neal watching TV in the living room. Sarah left the young man on his own devices and went to the fourth floor, where she went straight to the study.

Despite its location in the middle of nowhere, Honeydew Farm was well-equipped. The farm's multiple water sources, such as the dam, boreholes, and wells, ensured that there was no shortage of water.

Solar energy was also used to power the electricity. The roof was covered with solar panels, and Sarah even set aside a plot of land to install solar panels so that there would be no power outages at the farm.