Erica couldn't believe what she was hearing; one second, she was hearing a tearful story, and then everything changed abruptly, and the revelation was far too much for her to bear.

Elton, the more reasonable member of the family, couldn't help but ask, "so, you're telling us that this system saved you, gave you a healthy body, and a chance to right your wrongdoings and even get back at the people who did this to you?"

Sarah was saddened to hear that her children couldn't even use the title "mother" when speaking to her, but considering how she treated them back then, she deserved it.

"Yes, and all I need to do is be with younger men, have a big family, and be happy," Sarah thought the system's goal was ridiculous, but what else could she say or think when she was already bound to it for some time?

"Aren't you afraid, darling, that this thing might endanger you in the future?" Erica asked, still perplexed by this system business.