There was a deafening silence inside the house, and Sarah looked at Quinton, stunned.

'Who would have guessed Quinton's shamelessness was so sophisticated?'

Stephanie had a happy expression on her face as she looked openly at the confident stepdad her mother had brought for him.

Michael and Erica were busy organizing their thoughts, but they both agreed on one thing about Quinton: 'he was pretty good.'

"Ummm, Mom, may we enter? I don't want neighbors to use us as their next topic of conversation when gossiping later," Sarah reminded her mother.

Erica chuckled embarrassingly and flung open the door to let the two in.

Erica could only light a candle for her daughter, "please, come inside," as she looked at this shameless son-in-law who was already calling them so intimately.

Quinton was still nervous, but his actions quickly put everyone at ease. He could tell by the way Sarah's family members looked at him. This was a good start because it wasn't hostile at all.