Then there's the estrangement between parents and siblings as a result of not growing up with them.

Irene forced a smile and drank some water to moisten her throat, trying to calm herself down.

Sarah noticed that Irene was concealing a lot of information, but it wasn't her concern; after all, a person should be willing to share and receive assistance. So, unless someone asks for her assistance, she will stay out of other people's affairs.

"How did you recognize me? I changed so much," Sarah asked as she changed the subject.

"You have that heart birthmark on your left shoulder," Irene cleared her throat and smiled again, "I've seen that mark in my dreams for 40 months and know it by heart. When you were pushed back, your clothes somehow opened, and I noticed it. So, I saw it at the party, and you didn't even bother to hide it."

"What if it was just a copy, and I wasn't the real thing?"